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Player ID: 190177
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 335
Energetic immunity : 379
Trade sense : 238
Briskness : 328
Initiative : 281
Defence : 1180
Attack : 1282
Power : 183
Luck : 98
Experimentalism : 0
*excavation : 0
Finesse : 0
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Silver Set
Darkness Principle = 4000
Transposition Principle = 4000
Principle of Imagination = 4000
Principle of Balance = 4000
Time Principle = 4000
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 1965 | Lost: 2199
Honor: 4959
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance

 Wish list
1. all active days with land loyalty to match
3.Tainted Angein
5. Permenant Access to The Hall of Tainted Times and the Stone of Twisted Souls
Some of my creatures
Angien Sentinel III Elemental V Unholy Pope Revolted Skill Vampire Master Sharptear BloodPact Dark Archer III Skill Vampire Master of Puppets Hesicasiel Bashrun

Come child, throw away your emotions for now they are not needed,

     Walk with me the path of darkness, of death, of decay, the path that many tell themselves that it does not exist,   
     I will not comfort you and make you feel safe, because you are not safe, not here not now, 

        Even in light you are vulnerable, it grants you the illusion of protection, but you aren't no matter what mask you wear,
     Close your eyes, for you will not be able to see with them, let all physical needs and desires fade.

          Take your first step into the shade, feel the sweet, cold embrace of the darkness around you. 

        Let the shadows whisper to you, take in the dead, cold air into your warm,living lungs.  

       Cry naught in the Well of Tears, for they will dry and turn to dust. 

        Forget all you know, forget everything you have been taught at the Way of Cleansing, 

         On this path ,you will not understand anything if you cling desperately to the light, to sanity,
  Stand at the Trial of Agony and to know how it truly feels.  
 Live and Die.

Kill all my demons and my angels might die too.

Page 56 - Golemus Wizard quest - Ak.
Its clear that such a great artefact such as the Book of Principles should be placed somewhere in an important location, but where? The floating burning building does not seem to have any way of access, maybe its not a building afterall. Akasha starts inspecting the place searching for a clue. The piramids on the ground seem to have an entrance, she starts with the first one, maybe she will find something in on of them. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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