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Player ID: 45077
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Regeneration : 21
Energetic immunity : 27
Trade sense : 27
Briskness : 23
Initiative : 5
Defence : 46
Attack : 90
Power : 26
Luck : 10
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Darkness Principle = 77
Principle of Syntropy = 25
Time Principle = 45
Principle of Enthropy = 166
Principle of Imagination = 26
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Battle stats
Won: 289 | Lost: 607
Honor: 2201
MindPower: 5
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The Scarred One

Background: Lived underground in the Marind Bell area my whole life. Skin is sensitive to the light, so i require sun god armor to go above ground (during the day of course). Very anti-social, so i guess spending most of my life underground is good for me, but it doesnt let me get better at talking to people. Accidentally killed a rat when i was 13, and after that killing rats became my profession. When i was 18, I disappeared for one and a half years and the last thing i remembered was being taken behind a door down in the tunnels i hadn't seen before. After the long departure, i woke up at the bottom of some stairs in the tunnels. When i went to go check on my family and house, i noticed that the door to it was broken and there was no way in. I also noticed that mysterious door i disappeared behind years ago nearby.

What I am: Family used to be normal humans, until they were cursed with skin sensitive to the sun. At first you just feel a burning sensation, then start you feel weak, and eventually you will die (sort of like how vampires work).

Most of the time when you see me, I will mainly just be wearing sun god armor, which gets it power from the sun by absorbing its light, so it doesnt affect me very much. If i wasnt wearing anything, my skin will look like a burn victims skin, but very pale. The only time i will take the armor off is if im inside of a building above ground, but only the helmet, and when im underground i can pretty much wear anything i want.

My Role: Keeping the underground tunnels in marind bell safe for any travels, as well as my family who lives down there. When i go above ground, i have to wear sun god armor. For some reason, i collected all the heads of rats that ive killed. When someone on the surface heard of this, they decided to start a contest among everyone to battle each other for them and see who can hold the most after a certain period of time.

I also change the candle in the underground so it never goes out completely.


  • Figure out why i disappeared behind that door years ago.
  • Find my family.
  • Kill rats.
Some of my creatures
Elemental V Chaos Archer Grasan Huvourer Elite Knator Elite Lorerootian Archer

Whoever or whatever kidnapped me years ago, as well as whoever destroyed my house and possibly family.

Rats of course, especially the big ones.

Page 137 - The Shade Ballance - Ome.
In the bright light of day, the Master Assassin cuts a deal right before everyone’s eyes. With so many people passing by, who could possibly notice such a nonchalant agreement taking place? Grinning masochistically at the leather pouch of coins in his hand, the Master Assassin vanishes to await the call of his Contractor. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
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