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Darius Shadowstorm




Player ID: 41014
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Regeneration : 27
Luck : 8
Energetic immunity : 21
Trade sense : 12
Briskness : 31
Initiative : 19
Defence : 34
Attack : 45
Power : 21
Transposition Principle = 81
Principle of Imagination = 56
Darkness Principle = 55
Time Principle = 62
Principle of Syntropy = 58
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Battle stats
Won: 226 | Lost: 227
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Bob gets the spa treatment


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because everyone loves to help Bob...poor thing.


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I absolutely long for a Drakhorn. For now it is a far off dream, for my opportunity is fleeting; SmartAlekRJ\'s quest has come at the wrong time in my life. But in my minds eye that is me, with that magnificent creature from the legendary land of Golemus...
Some of my creatures
Elemental V Chaos Archer Dark Archer III Grasan Huvourer Master Lorerootian Archer Animated Tree III Water Daimon I Knator War Master Elemental IV

Grammatical errors on official documents drive me insane...I am a very orderly writer who attempts to record her thoughts with the utmost precision; spelling errors especially vex me to no end. But I also acknowledge that some people here lead hectic lives and have no time for such details...

Page 393 - The Inner Sun - Ren., Am.
Taking a deep breath, Renavoid sits on the bed in the room. "I have to say: I believe it is a very important thing to understand. Though, many in the realm will not understand it." Amoran watches the Archivist intently, not sure if she should be comforting him or if he was trying to tell her something deeper with this dream of his. Perhaps I am one of those in the realm who does not understand? ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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