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Player ID: 164015
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Regeneration : 37
Energetic immunity : 46
Trade sense : 28
Briskness : 50
Initiative : 29
Defence : 207
Attack : 252
Power : 57
Luck : 13
Volition : 0
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Light = 1451
Principle of Imagination = 1194
Time Principle = 1250
Darkness Principle = 246
Principle of Syntropy = 1683
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Battle stats
Won: 592 | Lost: 787
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 5
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ROCKISTAH: His Life and Journeys



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So who am I? I am Rockistah, a musician searching for somewhere to show the talent that I have. Driven by the passion for music and showmanship, I began to travel away from home towards the land they called Marind Bell, where I’ve heard that a carnival is going to take place. I am a man of music. Even though dark forces tore me apart, this mighty musician lives on against all odds. Events drew this man called Rockistah here, in the deep forests outside the place they called realm. Just recently, he encountered different creatures – the Grasans, Aramors, Archers, and others. He was then left for dead along with his Ibanez Guitar. He has healed in time, and returns now as a lost soul – not knowing where he was.

  By all rights, he should be exhausted. He has not slept or eaten in days. He managed not to get lost, rather found his way to the realm.

He stares into the cabin’s dark, hollow belly, nothing moves inside. He has learned about the realm slowly over during the past.

He heads to the way deep inside the realm. But in his panicked flight, he followed a different pathway. Within hours he should be at the Gates to fulfill his passion – his music passion – and his mission to share music at the carnival at Marind’s Bell.

The sun was way up. He is no longer thinking clearly. His head throbs with every step. He’s been trained to endure hardships and so he continuous telling himself he might find the right way over the very next sunrise.
But it continues to grow hotter… and the pain from the heat has now flooded his entire body – when he realizes that his vision is failing, that he is half blind, it hardly disturbs him.
And when his legs finally collapse under his weight, he barely notices it.
With the last of his strength, he crawls under a lengthening shadow, ‘it feels good to lie down,’ He thinks… and the world around him turned black.

The sun sets and then rises again. Oblivious to the dramas enacted across her rough – hewn face. Under the story outcropping, Rockistah twists in a fevered sleep.
And only after another day have passed does he rise, stirred to life by the cool, morning air. The pain is gone, but not the dull sensation that accompanied it. Instinctively, he understands his metabolism is still fighting the effects of heat in his body.

But his legs once again obey his commands. He seeks out high ground from which to survey his surroundings. In a few moments, his efforts are rewarded by a heartening sight.

A small town is coming to life in the orange light of the rising sun. On its perimeter, he sees a high gate with a flashing sign that reads “Marind Bell Gates”

He was already at the place that he wanted to go. One mission accomplished but several more to come…

Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.

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 The Guitar Connection

I was staring at the gates for a long time. It seems that something around me is telling me not to enter the gate first. A wind of change is telling me to change course and that my destination is just two steps behind me and not in front of me.

I meditated for some time - thinking.

I suddenly opened my eyes. I turn my head to the left and started to walk. On my journey, I felt the warmth of nature around me. There was that amazing feeling which let me sit down beside the well. I pulled up my guitar and started playing music. Not long after, a gust of wind suddenly carried me from where I was sitting and flew me in a moderate speed to Maple Road.

I opened my eyes and saw in front of me tall Oak trees; there were many of them around. The sound of silence is playing from where I stood. It was so quiet. Then, in an instant, I lost control of myself. Something entered my inner self which controlled me at that moment. I whistled a tune I have never heard before, and my fingers started strumming at the strings of the guitar and played the most solemn music I have heard in my entire life.

I was shocked when sounds like cracking bones and broken glass shattered that moment of quietness. What was most shocking is that in front of me, two tree guards now stood, holding a piece of shield, and blocking the entrance to the forest.

“Be one with the trees! Be one with the trees!”

A voice is speaking those words inside my mind over and over and over again. I could not get the meaning. It was driving me insane at that moment. I had no idea what would happen to me because I was stuck from where I was standing. But, meditation came to my mind in an instant, like what happened during that time I was standing in front of the gates earlier.

After meditating for quite sometime, I found the meaning of those words on my head. But I spent hours, days, weeks, and months in order to really be one with those trees. The solemn music I have played before awoke them from sleep. Now, with the more solemn music that I am going to play, I will now be a part of them.

I played the music over and over, from deep inside my heart and soul, until suddenly a flash of light blinded my eyes which eventually stopped me from playing the music. I opened my eyes slowly and saw that the guards are gone and a pathway inside the forest is now open. While walking deep inside the forest, voices from nature spoke to me, “You are now one with the trees! Welcome to Loreroot!”

Loreroot? So this is the name of this place.

Before I reached the end of the pathway, there were questions bugging inside me. What called me to come into this place? Why did I stay outside for months creating that music that would let me enter Loreroot? Did nature call me for some purpose? Or it was just connection between me and the place that brought me here?

My journey doesn’t stop here. Questions are to be answered; now I must find the answers.

Raven’s Peace



 When she looks at me, I smile at her

When I turned around, I catch a glimpse

Of her silent eyes in the blue, pale moon

Shining alone, and yet so soon.


Did she wink? Did she smile at me?

Isn’t she a beauty? Answer honestly

My heart jumps whenever she’s there

Though my love scatters everywhere.


She flows so smooth and gracefully

She runs so swift over rocks of ivory

When she passes me by with a wink of an eye

I always feel serene for a while.


There’s a look on her face, I can’t seem to forget

When I try to paint her, she’s lifeless and dead.

And I frown with disappointment, it makes me feel upset

I couldn’t get her picture though my eyes are set


She showed me the sunset of bloody gore

And the blue sky where clouds grow

She showed me the love I can’t seem to find.

The love that seeks and is not blind

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My Gift from Lady Dawn

Some of my creatures
AxL Rose Guitar Elemental Grasan D Rocker Guitar Angien Layne Staley Agila Imperial Aramor Assassin Knator War Master Ozzy Osbourne Dimebag Darrel

No Hate... Just Love...


...Freebies for the Newbies...


Page 253 - A Freezing Firestarter
Phrog's spirit listens in horror to some of the ideas the people come up with and decides to try and tell them more about what he seeks. "A fire that pulls on my spirit. Powerless to move to what attracts me. HE controls access to what should be my legacy. Nearly saved me, but left me cold." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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