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RootsBorn the Green
Player ID: 154520
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 3
Energetic immunity : 7
Trade sense : 3
Briskness : 7
Initiative : 10
Defence : 6
Attack : 14
Power : 7
Luck : 0
Element Principle = 24
Principle of Enthropy = 21
Darkness Principle = 40
Principle of Light = 24
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Battle stats
Won: 165 | Lost: 89
Honor: 996
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
  RootsBorn: Master Weaver, and self professed Alchemist (Bartender).  Born from the cinders of his own roots to take this ethereal form.  Wavers between drunkiness and clairvoyant thought.  Protector of life, however impure. 
  Lover of beautiful poetry and of all women of the same mark.  A nomad for now, with no true resting place... but do not test his patience, for he should find a home in your skin.  Adept of ArchAngelBlue, of whom he attempts to breath new life into, and restore his unknown lost honor. 
  Welcome to the Limelight...

Some of my creatures
Grasan II Aramor Assassin

I hate that I have no creature icon.
I hate MP3s that should be MP5s at least, coming and banging on my little creatures.
I hate being punished by Dreamcatchers.
I hate characters that have none.
I hate elevator music.
I hate that I can't yet get into Loreroot.
I hate anyone that destoys something living for no reason.
I hate, hate lists they make things seem so negative.

Page 250 - The Shade Ballance - Kh. END, Sa.
The battle harmed Khalazdad greatly. He was nearly collapsed, when the SageWoman came by the sight of the battle and offered a blood sacrifice for the Dark One. Seeing the bright light before him, and hearing its call, he yields to that temptation and is made whole as Khalazdad the Grey once again. Being half shade, he still sees past and future as a fluid motion, and retains the ability to become either the Black or the White in times of imbalance. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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