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Rue Silverwind
Player ID: 91142
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Regeneration : 3
Energetic immunity : 2
Trade sense : 5
Briskness : 2
Initiative : -3
Defence : 0
Attack : 2
Power : 1
Luck : 0
Principle of Light = 17
Principle of Imagination = 9
Time Principle = 13
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Battle stats
Won: 41 | Lost: 41
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance
~Threads Of Fate~
Rue is a powerful, organic doll created by Valen, the most powerful of aeons, in order to serve him. He has a gentle, honest, hard-working, brave and humble personality (a foil to Mint\'s character). Rue was cast into hibernation for years until he woke up alone in a temple, confused and weak. He limped out into the snow and collapsed. Here, he was found by Claire, who took him in and cared for him. Rue grew close to Claire in the years that passed. However, he was shattered when Claire was killed in a confrontation with Doll Master, another doll created by Valen that had come to recruit Rue in an attempt to resurrect Valen. Infuriated, Rue cast Doll Master away and pined over Claire. He managed to meld her soul with his, and he then grabbed his Arc Edge (his main weapon) and began his adventure to bring her back. He heard of the relic and its powers, and went to Carona in search of it. This threw him into Mint\'s path Everywhere you look, you see only the grassy alleyway and the trees. The Carnival has entirely disappeared and no mark of its presence remains. Your entire body is overwhelmed with a sensation of calmness. You see a pair of beautiful Iron Gates in front of you. \'You are safe now. The Carnival is gone, at least for now. This place, this park, is my home. Although, it looks peaceful, it has its secrets. You have the heart of an adventurer and you shall find true adventure after you cross those Gates.\' she speaks. \'Marind, you asked for my help, after you helped me. I shall not leave until my debt is fulfilled!\' you tell her and smile. \'Thank you so much!\' a moment later she hugs you and starts to cry.
Some of my creatures

Its Just so Like Me
Likes:Nice People Dislikes: Rude and Vulgar people

Page 93 - Golemus Wizard quest - Ak.
Akasha rethinks her entire purpose..she started this jurney in order to convince the Golemus Wizard that she is loyal and usefull so that he will accept her as his apprentice and in this way she could get close enough to him to find a way to stop him, either by killing him or sabotaging his actions, maybe there is no need to actualy return with the book of principles, maybe she can return with a fake just to distract the wizard for a few moments. (Akasha has no way of knowing the wizard is allready dead so her quest continues as planned) ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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