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Sadron NaiThar
Player ID: 198417
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 65
Energetic immunity : 52
Trade sense : 30
Briskness : 138
Initiative : 176
Defence : 794
Attack : 604
Power : 92
Luck : 57
Sun God Armour
Time Principle = 26
Principle of Light = 90
Transposition Principle = 146
Element Principle = 87
Darkness Principle = 3
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Battle stats
Won: 691 | Lost: 716
Honor: 1722
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance

I will study the sun-scorched lands.  

And then study then lands not beaten eternally by the sun's rays.

Latest news for Sadron:  Now a citizen of loreroot.  22nd active day

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~Sadron NaiThar~

Sadron NaiThar literally means Loyal Tree Friend in an elven tongue.  Sadron is a forest elf, and therefore finds a home among trees and nature wherever it may be.  He is a carefree and calm being as his general belief is that there is a lot of time in life.  Thus, he uses his time to lie around and enjoy his surroundings.  Though  the words "curiosity" and "exploration" are not unfamiliar to him.   He does have a playful side.

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The embodiment of all my health and luck.  I only appear as healthy as she.  

This is Aditi my best friend.  Her name literally means "free".  The thing that binds us together is our friendship as i've known her all my life even though i've only been in a small part of hers.  She is a mystical bird.  Whoever she flies over may be blessed with good luck and good health.  Her feathers are light and soft to touch.   They too are symbols of good luck and good health.  They can be used in regenerative medicine to heal wounds.  ^_^  Is there any reason why anyone wouldn't love her?  



Sadron NaiThar-Aditi takes off from her branch and flies high, casting a shadow over Alex's head-
Sadron NaiThar*looks up and speaks* Fly Aditi and with luck you'll never fall
Sadron NaiTharGrand winds shall keep you aloft
Sadron NaiTharAs long as you fly high and tall~

This realm appears to be a humdrum place..  Though the friends i am making seem to be good incentive to keep my head up.  

 Shining Beacon


In a dream - i dream of Aditi.
Steadfast current, everlasting radiance
Inhibitor of darkness, the shining beacon
Of those who lost all hope, all pertinence.
White lights, riddle in thine eyes
Righteous glory, warming sun.  
An extravagant battle, they shout they cry..
Where none but one - soar high in the skies.
Aditi, Advocate of chivalry, 
Who dares to mirror - such efficacy.

Winter's broom - she melts the ice
Lights of white,  meddle with the snow.
A hunt of honor - the people of vice
Flow of air - spring's harbinger,
of life and warmth - rattles the icicles.
Aditi, embodiment of clarity.  Graceful lure,
Of those who lost all hope, the despaired fools.
A glorious star - the infallible cry
Of a hopeless who's eyes - seen, darkness null.
Who dares to mirror with themselves - she,
who soars the sky.  


Some of my creatures
Elemental V Majestic Winderwild Grasan Huvourer Chaos Archer Angien Elite Knator Animated Tree III

Page 59 - Golemus Wizard quest - Ak.
The piramid is empty on the inside. One single huge hall with openings to let light in. The overall feeling is majestic. Akasha steps carefully towards what seems to be sort of an altar in the center of the room. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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