Regeneration : |
12 |
Energetic immunity : |
16 |
Trade sense : |
8 |
Briskness : |
27 |
Initiative : |
8 |
Defence : |
14 |
Attack : |
34 |
Power : |
7 |
Luck : |
2 |
Principle of Cyclicity |
= 29 |
Principle of Enthropy |
= 28 |
Principle of Light |
= 28 |
Element Principle |
= 28 |
Loading human character...
You are not yet a member of any alliance |
About Me |
Comments on Self I like cats. And funny pictures. I also like computers, books, and, of
course, computer games like this one. Not much else I have to say. I'm
really not a vindictive person, so I don't go after those who hit me. In
fact, I *want* losses. I've even got rituals set up; read below for
more info.
Current Status: MP4 Story line. Also training monsters to destroy the Loreroot Guards. I would also like a flamethrower to burn them with. Killing stuff with fire FTW.
I can help for healing rituals. PM me to set up a location, or if you're wondering what I'm talking about.
If you attack me and find you're up against a Dark Archer III (freaky lookin thing with 2500 max health) then you have found my last loss ritual. Kthxbai.
Things I Hate:
- Cowards
- People who abuse animals (if you don't like them, that's fine though)
- People who talk in a way that I can't understand them
- Liars
- People who are jerks when it comes to help in this game (trust me, I've seen plenty; they spout some cryptic clue and nothing else, the info-misers)
Page 288 - A Freezing Firestarter |
Phrog's spirit is carefully carried across the Bridge to Golemus Golemicarum encased in the log he once carried. Energy is slowly returning to his body, now that his goal is so near. Bravo brave adventures that helped Phrog! He's nearly home! ... |
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the could become part of it |