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Rue II




Player ID: 83252
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Regeneration : 5
Energetic immunity : 2
Trade sense : -1
Briskness : 2
Initiative : 0
Defence : 6
Attack : 3
Power : 4
Luck : 0
Element Principle = 19
Time Principle = 21
Principle of Light = 21
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Battle stats
Won: 69 | Lost: 69
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Golemus Historian
Born in the lands of Marind Bell to a farmer, I became a hard-worker with a less than interesting future awaiting me, until that faithful day... Returning from a trip to the water well, I discovered my parents dead, my home ransacked, and the farm in ruins. Clutching my dying brother in my arms, with his final breath, he whispered \"The shades, they, they came..\" With no home or family left, I fled to No Mans Land, vowing vengence against the shades and their homeland of Necrovion. I trained hard how to fight, and recruited creatures to serve under my cause, and fighting shades in the process. Learning of Golemus Golemicarum fight against Necrovion, I have seeked a way to aid them in their great battle. After sneaking into Necrovion, I discovered a bonfire being fed by books and tomes by the followers of shades. Quickly grabbing a tome from a pile unwatched, I left the area and found a place to look upon my newly acquired treasure. Discovering it in a strange language, I have discovered enough to know that this tome contains rituals and spells used by shades and their followers. My search for translations and further information is both vast and dark, but I am driven by vengeance. I also search for others with a common cause or who seek to bring down Necrovion. Any who decide to join me and to give me their loyalty shall receive mine.
Some of my creatures
Higure, the Vigilant Glau, the Demolisher Alazar, the Healer

Shades and their Pitiful Followers
Khalazdad, for he is the leader of the ones I have come to hate, the one who leads them to destroy peaceful lands and ravage homes. If ever I can be the one to bring an axe to his neck, I would consider myself at peace.

Page 433 - Tales of The Cube
"But, I heard the book is in Golemus, in the burning top of mount Kelle'tha; several people tried to get it.." "And failed! So, we must investigate other ways." The old man stands up, maybe a bit too fast for his apparently old age. "I am sure the book is on the mountain somewhere; the shades have no need of the book. Their magic is strong enough. I will go now. I am tired, and this starts to sound like a child's story." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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