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Player ID: 53119
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Regeneration : 60
Energetic immunity : 44
Trade sense : 21
Briskness : 75
Initiative : 59
Defence : 246
Attack : 270
Power : 80
Luck : 29
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Time Principle = 1041
Principle of Light = 525
Principle of Imagination = 256
Principle of Cyclicity = 267
Principle of Enthropy = 132
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Battle stats
Won: 454 | Lost: 666
Honor: -25
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance

Some of my creatures

No Man’s Land: 1. what is under the gazzebo of equilibrium? Path of Loneliness 2. who is the Guard of Bob the Tree? Zleiphneir 3. what opens the Berserkers puzzle when you solve it? the statue in marble dale park Marind Bell: 1. where is the dojo in marind bell located? Marble dale park 2. what is the capitol of Marind Bell? Wind sanctuary, capitol 3. where is the pub, “Sozzled Salamander”? wind sanctuary MDA Lands: 1. who is the Leader of the archivists? it was renavoid but i dont know now who is the leader 2. how many (public) puzzles are there in MDA Lands? i think it only have 1 the broken puzzle 3. how many book’s are lying in the study room on the tables? there are only 3 papers Loreroot: 1. who is the Leader of the Loreroot Guards? .NelyaSetesh. 2. who guards the hidden entrance? .Knator Commander. 3. what armor set do you get in Loreroot? Medusa armor set Necrovion: 1. who is the Leader of the Shade Sentinels? Khalzdad 2. who was the person who experimented with Drachorns and made a mutated Drachorn? Braiton 3. tell me what you think of the shades? (this question shows me what you think about the shades, it doesn’t counts as a question. it is free you can answer me on that question or not) Shades are said to be the bad guys, but i think shades,loretians and people from golemus,i mean every1 are the same. i think that all parties have their good and bad side, shades are bad guys but deep inside they still have good i think if only we can change them. Golemus Golemicarum: 1. who was the person that got summoned by the great golemus wizards to hunt down the shades? .Wodin Ullr. 2. how is the biggest Mountain in Golemus called? Golemus Golemicarum 3. who is the Leader of MR’s? MRD these are my questions, you can talk to people and ask them what they know, you have got for every Land 5 guesses, if you have got the answers then send them to me, but I wont respond you on one answer, I want them all together. I wish you good luck by solving these questions.

Page 106 - Golemus Wizard quest - Ak.
The place looks somehow different, everything is darker , plants are burnt here an there, a window is broken, the place almost seems deserted .."what happend here?" thinks Akasha as she approaches the wizards place. She enters and sees the wizards cloak lieing on the floor. She starts to search the place to find out where the wizard is or what is going on. ...
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