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Caster maSC




Player ID: 182140
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 54
Energetic immunity : 69
Trade sense : 31
Briskness : 90
Initiative : 55
Defence : 778
Attack : 876
Power : 143
Luck : 96
Experimentalism : 78
*excavation : 73
Volition : 151
Cartography : 79
Waterhandling : 6
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Silver Set
Principle of Light = 1489
Darkness Principle = 13
Principle of Syntropy = 237
Element Principle = 2197
Principle of Enthropy = 2203
Previously dispatched awards named for official events and competitions and managed the TK team. Guarded the Tribunals treasure.
Trust Points 1/2
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Battle stats
Won: 1340 | Lost: 2137
Honor: 4924
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance


I'd like to have my Elemental Amulet to be empowered. It contains the essence of five elements.
Fossil Medal
Some of my creatures
Madhorn Majestic Winderwild Rustgold Combat Drachorn Elemental V Angien Reanimated Roots BloodPact Dark Archer III Pimped Grasan Hollow Warrior Water Daimon III BloodPact Dark Archer II Knator War Master

Depths of MD Quest:


What is at the bottom of the Gazebo of Chaos? 

Gaze into its depths and show me what you see.

Using any medium, draw, model, paint, etc what you imagine the scene to look like at the bottom of the Gazebo of Chaos. Must be your original creation.

Winners will be judge on skill, effort, and medium. 

Winner's Sanctuary
Day of Fear; Stage 2

 You're in a small dingy room, similiar to the one you awoke in at the beginning of your journey to MD, but this room has four distinct differences.

There is some light coming from an undefined source. You can't seem to find it, no matter where you look.

As your eyes spin around trying to find the source, your eyes fall upon a door. A heavy blackened door, scarred and worn, stands ominously in front of you. The door knob is a heavily tarnished disfigured head. The key is in the door.

The door seems interesting enough, but the mirror on the wall holds your reflection, not as you would see with your eyes. There is a minute script above the mirror. It reads ,"Ne speculum sui imaginem difficulter Veritatis et audi."

You're about to examine the mirror when something catches your eye; there is something else in here with you! But no matter how fast you turn, you can't seem to look at it directly.

I have described a situation that you are to imagine you are in. I want you to draw conclusions from this room. As many and detailed as you want, but bring evidence. Don't just state the conclusion, but show the line of thinking.

Page 534 - A Debt Repaid
"We, the Triumvirate of Golemus call this Kings' Council to order. We are here today to discuss the proposed treaty." Nimrodel sits and observes the proceedings. The various land representatives discuss, and reject, the proposals which she hopes will stop the bloodshed happening throughout the realm. She hears "We will have no part of this," from one representative. A second chimes in with, "I don't believe such actions will lead to anything productive." "I believe there may be something to this treaty," states one in an upbeat tone. This is quickly countered. "I don't. We must discuss its merits more." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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