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Player ID: 192704
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Regeneration : 16
Luck : 4
Energetic immunity : 20
Trade sense : 7
Briskness : 28
Initiative : 9
Defence : 53
Attack : 97
Power : 11
Royal Guard
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Light = 100
Darkness Principle = 110
Principle of Balance = 159
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Battle stats
Won: 208 | Lost: 248
Honor: 3868
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
I am not sure where i came from nor where the powers that be are leading me.

 That was the first thought I had when i woke up in this strange land. I have a feeling i have been called here for some reason yet it has not been revieled to me yet. I woke up with nothing but the clothes and cloak on my back and my reed pipe ( it appiers to be homemade ) stuffed into a fur lined pocket in my cloak. I found out i can play it rather well if i dont think about it and let the music simply flow from my feelings and not my mind.

 I am now traveling the world i find myself in watching the people here and hopefully spreading a smile or two with my music. If anyone who i come across can help maybe  help with my memories or the reason i am in this strange world they would recive my eternal gratitude for at the moment i have nothing else to give.
Some of my creatures
Elemental V Elemental IV Grasan II Angien

Page 291 - A Freezing Firestarter END
Phrog's spirit immediately escapes the log and deftly seeps into the Drachorn's Lair. In the lair, it binds its personality to two of the drachorns tied down by many little people. The drachorns' powers grow immensely, and they break their bonds. Phrog's spirit is so completely filled by the drachorns' presences, that it takes a physical form once more. Phrog is the master of flames, a true firestarter that has the ability to motivate drachorns to escape the little people with new masters sent by phrog's influence. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
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