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Shai Hulud
Player ID: 144170
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 11
Luck : 5
Energetic immunity : 10
Trade sense : 11
Briskness : 14
Initiative : 5
Defence : 31
Attack : 49
Power : 12
Principle of Imagination = 69
Time Principle = 24
Transposition Principle = 35
Darkness Principle = 12
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Battle stats
Won: 855 | Lost: 981
Honor: 3915
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance

And so it begins......


Born from darkness, parents unknown

A life of poverty and suffering

Harsh upbringing, survival of the fittest

Through Shai's eyes, the world was never kind. He could scarcely remember his childhood, or if he had one to begin with. He remembers hunger, thirst, poverty, brutality but of no chronological value attached to it. Always remembering them as if he was a witness to it rather than a victim of it. Which was it?? ....It doesn't matter.

The first real memory was in fact that of kindness. A warm embrace, a look of compassion, a glimmer of hope. Shai never knew her name. So beautiful she could put an angel to shame. Came in the light and into the darkness to lead Shai from the ever pevailing darkness. She took to looking after Shai for sometime. Teaching, instructing, guiding.

Why? why is what you would ask that Shai so loath the world. Why and how did he become the assasin that he is today. Why his obsession for magic and power. Exploiting everything he finds possible.

This you will know should you ever gain his trust...........if ever ......  

Some of my creatures

Page 413 - The Inner Sun - Am. END
Amoran awakens and wipes tears from her eyes as they adjust to the brightness. She sits in the shade of the Oak Fort, her dream having left her uneasy and sad. Did she fail? Did she succeed? Uncertainty assails her; she knows she has lost a part of herself forever. Amoran has changed, now walking a path steeped in twilight. The Twilight Bound has finished her quest for now. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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