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Player ID: 83165
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Regeneration : 90
Energetic immunity : 40
Trade sense : 29
Briskness : 75
Initiative : 41
Defence : 238
Attack : 291
Power : 76
Luck : 23
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Syntropy = 277
Principle of Enthropy = 195
Principle of Imagination = 343
Transposition Principle = 559
Time Principle = 147
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Battle stats
Won: 371 | Lost: 884
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance


A humanoid man in his early thirties, but the similarities between him and a normal human end after seeing his features.  His shock white hair is kept short and ends abruptly in a slight 'V' with the point coming off his forehead an inch or so.  His pupils are grey, and completely devoid of other color.  His features are handsome, but his demeanor is usually a little aloof or passive unless around friends, when he is full of smiles and charm. 

He stands shy of six feet tall and his clothing only helps him to stand out.  His skin is incredibly pale, like all the color has been leeched out of him.  His clothing consists of a full-body robe made out of interwrapping sashes.  Each sash is a vibrant color, one from each color of the rainbow, some that aren't in that spectrum, and likely some that have never been seen before.  They are arranged to catch the eye and entrance, and one could swear that they change.  He has various pouches tucked in at his belt to hold his possessions.

Wants and Desires

For the festival or for general interest I like advice. I very much enjoy the strategy and mystery of this game, but even if I were to be promoted to RPC there's a lot I don't understand. Advice isn't necessarily the same as answers, though. Riddles and puzzles can be fun as well. My role so far has been to wander to the furthest reaches that I can access and help those along the way. I don't give out answers, but if I receive any good ones, like how I finally overcame Loreroot, I pass it on. I enforce the Dojo's rules strictly, and always inform people of wrong-doings.  I currently follow lady .Peace. and forsee doing so for the near future. She is wise, gifted, and knowledgeable.  And for her compassion and mercy, I will be her servant.

My Story

Once in another multiverse I was a powerful mage. Having ascended to the heavens, I discovered a world of dreams. Some people believe in the Realms forgotten, that one can become a God. I will tell you that there is truth in their words, but to become heavenly is to limit one's interactions with the mortal planes. In order to obtain true power, to understand the light of all creation... I had to give up everything. Making a deal with the Titan Mnemesyne I sealed away all memories that I ever existed and only then could I become something more than human. Now I wander the multiverses as shards-fragments of my former self. I cannot ever be a true mortal again, but I can explore and see what I like from these planes... For eventually in my dreamscape I will become the Creator and I will need to know what I want my own Multiverse to be. Come, wander with me as I explore. Ask for a tale if you wish, I have more than a few. Just know that no one will ever be able to confirm it as I'm now a figment of imagination in the lands I came from.

 I must... consider more views and not constrain myself.  I do wish for friends, however.  If anyone has one of these 'guilds' and would like to recruit me then they may try.

Some of my creatures
Elemental V Water Daimon III Death Rain Majestic Winderwild Biggest Wood Imperial Aramor Assassin Master Lorerootian Archer Big Ole Fatty Super Santa Knator War Master

Back in my former life, there was little I could not solve. I was a man of great intellect but what you interact with here is but a shard of me. A fragment of my essence and will. I lack the insight and wisdom I once obtained so long ago and now I can be easily frustrated by things that may seem simple to others. Please bare with my confusion or anger.

Page 348 - The Inner Sun - Iam.
Time passes as I am Bored studies the pages within the book. The library is surprisingly silent as he looks everything over at least twice, sometimes more. Looking through the book, he finds what looks like a simple wax seal. When I am Bores tries to open the sealed section, however, the wax holds fast. “Hey!! What is this?!” ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
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