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Riow Hatake




Shawn P
Player ID: 136136
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 91
Energetic immunity : 86
Trade sense : 52
Briskness : 67
Initiative : 48
Defence : 331
Attack : 619
Power : 155
Luck : 36
Volition : 18
Cartography : 6
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Principle of Balance = 41
Element Principle = 1943
Principle of Light = 1311
Principle of Imagination = 47
Darkness Principle = 44
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Battle stats
Won: 535 | Lost: 954
Honor: 4882
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance

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(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
My name is Shawn P. I am son of Drizzt Do'Urden, Catti-brie is my mother. My father is a dark elf and my mother is human. I was born in the Dark ages from another realm. We where in a war with all that is evil. My father is a spirit I call on for help when I need him. He was killed in a great battle.I came to this world to help fight the evil that has tryed to take over the land. I am half human and half dark elf. When I first came to this world I meet White Reaper, he has become a good friend and has helped my in fighting the evil that has tryed to over run the land. The shades from Necrovian will fill my wrath. I call Loreroot my home now and I will defend it with my life. Im gitting stronger everyday.White Reaper is helping me learn magic that will help me in my quest to destroy all the evil before it is to late. Until then I will train every day to become the warror my father was. I will help all that is good in this land. My weapons are ancent, and have magical powers given to me by a great wizard. My sword is bound to me and will never be broken. I can sense evil so beware, you may fall in battle if our paths cross!
Some of my creatures
Bonnie SHADOW Bill BloodPact Dark Archer III Day Dreamer Walking Tree Terri Bill 3 Jada Water Daimon II Lee

Page 265 - The Shade Ballance - Others
In a secret location, master spies gather for a very important matter. "We all seek to server our lands the best we can, but this time is in our common interest to work together...". "- Ah shut up, a shade speaking about collaboration"."- I am not a shade, i am still human afterall" "-Enough arguing, we have here also two skilled game mechanics to aid in OUR mission, we might all be skilled spies but they know better the secrets of the world than we do". The discussions continue.. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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