In the deepest desert, where the wind sings over the deep thrumming of the sand, and the sun hangs like a coal in a sapphire sky, when the wind is just right, and the dunes have shifted just so, you might find the tip of a doorway. Carved from the bedrock of the desert, it stands alone, unsupported, with no foundation around it. Is it the remains of an ancient palace? No. If you could open the perfectly preserved teak door, you would find yourself in the palace of the Djinn, and here is where our story begins.
The Djinn are a proud people, tall as a house, their veins running with sand, eyes burning like the desert sun, and they are long-lived, each surviving more than an age of mankind. But once in every thousand generations, a child is born to them… different.
The girl you see before you was a Djinn, born small, more human that her sires, and instead of the dry heat of the desert, her power lies in the sudden tempests that rip through the sands, blasting the sky with lightening and draining away the grains with torrents of water. This is a child of the storm.

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She stands no more than 5 feet tall, wearing silken viels, even over her hair and face and chains of bells and coins at her wrists, waist, and ankles. Dark, almost black ringlets peak out of her hood, and violet eyes, as quick to smile as to frown, peak over the near transparent viel.
Though many strange adventures unfolded through the magic scroll she found herself in possession of, the strangest adventure yet were the denizens of this place, this MagicDuel. Here, she met wind spirits and immortals, fey and fruit and elves and vampires. Werewolves and undead guided her way, and even a simple slave girl became a friend. Puzzles opened at her touch, and music guided her feet in dance upon paper floors under parchment roofs. Yet still, she was nameless...
Until a kind soldier took her into his mind, his arms, and his heart, and named her, opening her to new things, giving her the ability to grow and change and become MORE. |