(Picture by Zleiphneir)
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Role: Shapeshifting Trickster Possible tags: Kitsune Fox, Shapeshifting Trickster, Illusionary Trickster, Trickster Fox
Silver Renard is a kitsune fox - a shapeshifter that uses illusions and fire to his advantage. Playing tricks on others is his speciality, and he enjoys it thoroughly. He will tie your shoe laces together just to see your reaction when you fall. However, doing a favor for him bestows great fortune on you as until his debt is repaid, he will find ways to help you in the same or greater manner. Don't cross him while he is repaying you however, as it will void any deal he\'s made with you, and his wrath will be swift.
Silver's original home is unknown, even to him..... Silver's most distinguishing feature is that he has 5 and half tails. For a kitsune, each tail represents 1000 yrs of life, so why he has only half a tail is unknown, though he will tell you he had to have lost it in a battle even he forgot about. Silver has no memory of how he came to be in this strange land.... he just remembers falling asleep under a tree, and waking up in a cabin w/ lots of scrolls. It took him a bit to dischiper them and find his way around, but once he did, it was business as usual. He made his home beneah Bob the tree, a small fox-hole that won't disturb poor Bob, but gives Silver a place to rest as well as do his best to protect the poor tree.
You can ask Silver about anything, or anyone... but beware... unless he owes you a favor, the info you get may or may not be reliable..... he is a trickster after all. :D He also seems to have a few bags that seem foreign to these lands (you'll have to ask him about them, maybe he'll tell you) that only he seems to know anything about. He's left one or two w/ ppl he knows, but not even they know much about those bags beyond what is in them......
Silver recently aquired a new necklace of sorts.... he likes parading it around, proudly displaying the bead design of it. Little does he realize that they are subjagation prayer beads. It was a punishment handed down to him for trying to impersonate a local "kami" of Meru Chi's land..... Whenever she is around, if she is angered, annoyed or just feels like it, she can forcefully knock him to the ground w/ a single word "Otsuware," meaning "sit."
After a few exchanges of feelings, Silver and Lady Isolda created a new set of clothes and armor for Silver. When he takes his hybrid form, he now wears a set of golden chain mail and boots as well as a silver colored set of pants and a shirt that matches. Silver was very happy w/ these as thanks to Lady Isolda's special item, these things would change w/ him as well, meaning they would vanish if he became a fox, and come back in his hybrid form. Sadly, Silver managed to screw up this wonderful arrangement by lashing out at Lady Isolda during a heads competition, accusing her of consorting with another to try and keep him from placing. Silver still looks after her, but their relationship is gone.
(Picture by Zleiphneir)
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The Mock Crowning of "King" Silver: EliasMVernieri: worms are the true kings EliasMVernieri*: them will ate all of us.. in time .Khalazdad.: The final tax collector, no exemptions. Lady Ailith: lol Silver Renard: true, but the fish eat the worms *EliasMVernieri*: Lol.. i like that Khal.. tax collector.. Silver Renard: and i occasionally eat the fish .Khalazdad.: Hm. If you eat fish, may I have the bones? Lady Ailith: Then Silver is the true king! .Khalazdad.: *EliasMVernieri*: all hail the true king Silver.. Lady Ailith: Lol Silver Renard: lol .Khalazdad.: Tickly. EliasMVernieri*: comand me true king... .Khalazdad.: Silver Renard: *creates and illusion of the area being a throne room and sits upon the throne* :P Lady Ailith: lol *EliasMVernieri*: lol .Khalazdad.: Lady Ailith: Long live King Silver!! Silver Renard: ty my loyal..... and disloyal subjects :P Lady Isolda: *Lady Isolda puts a ring on his finger* Lady Isolda: *It is the Ring of Transformation, Power and Miracles* Lady Ailith: Sorry Silver, I answer to my one true King *winks* Kragel: lol king silver better not get too close i might melt him down to make some enchanted jewelry or armour from Silver Renard: *looks at the ring* ooh... enhacements to my own abilities :D Lady Isolda: *Worthy to be worn by those who have conquered all... worms and the like* Lady Isolda: *One of Lady Isolda's most precious family heirlooms* Lady Isolda: The ring has bestwed some of its power to you Lady Isolda: This was my gift to you. Lady Isolda: would you give it back to me now please? Lady Isolda: it was my mother's Lady Isolda: You now fear less, know more... Lady Isolda: and you're a step closer to meet your destiny Lady Isolda: dear Silver Silver Renard: *returns the ring to Lady Isolda* Silver Renard: ty Lady Isolda: *bows*
Kitsune powers: Shape shift- ability to become anyone he's encountered.... and use what they have against them..... Fox-fire- Can be used simply as a ward, or offensively toward another Illusions- Kitsune have the wonderful gift of making others believe things are there that really aren't... If there seems to be something unusual about your surroundings..... chances are someone, or something, with illusionary magic is present. Immune to fire- As beings who specialize in fire, they are immune to damage from flame based sources: flame, fire spells, etc.... Immune to unwilling transformation: as a shapeshifter, i choose my form, not someone else... :D Healing Saliva- A kitsunes saliva has healing properties, albiet they aren't incredible as a healing spell, but they could serve as first aid till someone else could do the job right..... Dopplegangers: Clones of me :D. Have all my ablities, but use up some of my vitality to create.....
( image by blackthorn ) (Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).