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Sinister Minister
Player ID: 168265
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Regeneration : 89
Energetic immunity : 68
Trade sense : 34
Briskness : 94
Initiative : 71
Defence : 337
Attack : 480
Power : 122
Luck : 53
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Principle of Enthropy = 361
Darkness Principle = 792
Principle of Syntropy = 69
Element Principle = 773
Transposition Principle = 57
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Battle stats
Won: 336 | Lost: 340
Honor: 1458
MindPower: 5
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Keeper of the Word of Strength, called by the Divine to test the strength of all Life

In his youth, the Sinister Minister was full of life and vitality.  He looked on life as an adventure and saw good in all around him.  His beliefs pushed him to give back to those around him and he followed his heart into service of the Divine.  He spent many years ministering to the followers of the Divine, encouraging them when life's battles seemed overwhelming, releasing souls to the Void, welcoming new arrivals to the Fight of Life were tasks he took on willingly.

Through the years, a cloud grew over his spirit.  He began to see those he ministered to as taking and not giving in return; stealing his very life from him.  He struggled with his feelings, trying to regain the joy in serving that he had in his youth to no avail.

One day he woke from his bed, opened his Book of the Divine for his morning devotions but instead of reading of Joy and Light, he turned to a place that spoke of War and Death.  He studied that section for three days and three nights, forgoing food and water and sleep until at last exhaustion overwhelmed him.

While he slept he dreamt the Divine came to him, surrounded him and infused his spirit with strength.  Before his eyes Holy Rituals floated, but they were not the Rituals he knew from his years in service to the Divine though they bore a resembelance to the Rituals used when he released souls to the Void.  The Rituals he saw were designed to send souls to the Void, not just release them there.  A Voice spoke then, a Voice that been silent since the creation of the world from the Void.  As It Spoke, his body and mind were racked with pain, muscles growing where they had atrophied through years of easy service, his mind being stretched to touch the spirits of creatures dark and fearsome.  The Voice spoke of a time when the world was new and Life was strong.  It spoke of a Weakening of Life that has happened over millenia and how Life would slowly fade away if Balance was not restored.  Balance that could only be achieved through Strength; Strenth of Body, Strength of Mind, and Strength of Will. The Voice was silent for a moment that lasted an eternity and when It Spoke again, It Spoke a single Word. This Word burned into his mind, body and soul. 

He awoke hours later, still exhausted, pain filling every inch of his body.  He looked around the room, at the shambles that he found.  It looked like a great battle had been fought in the room as he slept, furniture destroyed, holes in the walls, blood splashed on all surfaces leaving only his Book of the Divine untouched.  Fearfully, he looked down at his body and was amazed at the inumerable scars criss-crossing his body that weren't there before but all seemed to have healed years ago.  Underneath the scars were muscles he never knew he had, seemingly built from years of hard labour.  As he wondered about the changes to his body he noticed that his Book of the Divine was changed as well.  He picked it up and examined closely.  At first glance it appeared that every page had been bleached clean but as he stared at one of the blank pages he realized that it was not blank but contained a portion of the Word.  Unconsiously, he began to silently sound out the Word, letting the vowels roll off his tongue as it's meaning rolled through his mind.  As he finished the first syllable of the Word a loud crack issued from the door as it sagged on it's hinges before exploding outwards.  He stilled his tongue as he realized that the Word had great strength in all It's forms.

He picked up his Book of the Divine, a hunk of wood to act as his first weapon in a world he barely knew and walked away from the small chapel that had been his home for many years.  Every day he meditates on the Word and strives to achieve It's perfection through battle.  Some days he displays Strength to his enemies and on other days he learns Strength from them. 

It is as the Divine wills.
Some of my creatures
Font of Scars Fallen Angien Unholy Pope Full-grown Winderwild Grasan II

Page 421 - Tales of The Cube
"You know that your beloved island was not an island before?" More people gather to listen to the man. "3 brothers, 3 fellow wizards, tried to create a cube long ago. Their powers were enormous, yet they controlled only 3 elements..." The crowd starts to murmur, "Create a cube? You are insane, old man. Yell your tales elsewhere" ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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