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Sliane the High King
Player ID: 122970
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Regeneration : 12
Energetic immunity : 15
Trade sense : 13
Briskness : 15
Initiative : 6
Defence : 47
Attack : 78
Power : 19
Luck : 8
Royal Guard
Sun God Armour
Principle of Light = 151
Element Principle = 32
Principle of Imagination = 123
Darkness Principle = 10
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Battle stats
Won: 241 | Lost: 347
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 4
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The Ghost of Sliane the High King

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
  1. Sliane was once called Slaine but a bookworm named Crooked of all accounts set Slaines' name in the High throne as Sliane, the ritual was for the 20 year anniversary of the King of Slieve Bloom Mountains beyond the vast Loreroot forest. Once the name of the High King was engraved, a powerful spell was cast and the lands of Slieve Bloom would be given a further 20 years of glory, however the engraved throne contradicted the name uttered during the spell casting and a curse was put on the land, the ancient pact with Mother Nature was broken and Slieve Bloom was swallowed beneath the ground. A few survived including the once High King...........but a new world he has come and Sliane will be the name until one day a wish may be granted to bring his true name back from the dusts of time.
  2. Long days passed and Sliane was getting used to the lands around him. One place attracted him the most was Necrovion a land of torment and evil to some but also a land of opportunity and spirituality to others. It is a land that is protected by powerful men and women a band of heroes and scholars. It once was a land of power the magic's were spun a place of mages and sages alike. Now it is protected from the outside world but also to stop anything getting out.........Sliane ponders the Shades and there existence.
    His interest was great so he seeked out poeple with knowledge of the lands of Necrovion. He met many great people and became a follower of the Sentinels of Necrovion, hoping one day to prove worthy of its ranks. He met a mysterious lady who goes by Peace. Her knowledge great her patience greater. Through her he learnt and obeyed. She introduced him to her family and alliance members. Sliane hopes that one day she will judge him worthy of the Sentinels.
    Months past, year flew by. Sliane was still haunted by his past. He remembers little of his ancestry but remembers his once glorious lands and knew the people there worshipped Mother Nature. One day he heard of an Inn in the vast forest of Loreroot. He ventured there and came across a woman by the name of Sagewoman. Something in the back of his mind told him to stay close to her, bond with her, but he wasn't ready, he feared her as well.  His fears were answered when on day he was left alone in the inn with her. She attacked him not for violence but for life itself. She drank from him. Slaine healed quickly but felt odd afterwards. She also felt odd. Sagewoman told her story and how Sliane blood felt different, she felt revitalized like never before.  Was there a connection?....they were cousins....family....blood relatives....but how?
  3. Now Sliane wants to know more....feels he needs her close by....but the headackes he suffers stops him from doing so. Her presence sparks distant memories, memories he would prefer not to remember.
  4. He met her one day and gave her a brooch, an ancient symbol of Mother Nature or EarthMother as they call her here. Its shape is that of a bueatiful naked woman barring a child. She touches her toes to form a circle. It connects those who carry it to Earthmother in times of need.
New beginnings

  1. The dreams persisted and he knew his destiny awaited but to move on he had to flee the land of MD and enter the spirit world.
  2. It came to pass that Sliane had to part the land and be meet the gods. His spirit fled the land of MD. He sacrificed himself with help of Peace and Dark Mystic by hurling his body into the angry sea below. His Signet ring he gave to Peace to pass on to a young man only 17, his mighty axe Aongus power would enter the young lads pocket knife.
  3. He wandered the world above for many a moon. He spoke to Earthmother and did deeds that would repay her for his anger towards her and she pardoned him. Sliane knew now that it wasn't the fault of Earthmother that destroyed his lands but that of the people and the evil Crooked who had perished when Slieve Bloom fell beneath the earth. She left him one more task. Return and help protect the lands of Loreroot from any who wish it harm it. Find Sagewoman and beg for pardon and embrace her warmth. She warned him not to cross paths with the young man who carries the essence of his soul. The young man will die a horrble death if they were to meet.
  4. One day he was brought back to the land of MD on top ot the great cliffs. His body was yet whole he would have to seek help, until then he would remain hazy to those who see him, like a mist.
  5. He met Pamplemouse and Keith Moon by the cliffs where he jumped. He told Pample of his dilemma and asked her to find his Signet ring that would reunite his sould and body once more.
  6. There quest was futile an Sliane had to wait much longer, trapped on the cliffs.
  7. He eventualy found a way out and seeked a boy called Macnia....he found bhim one day by the Oak Fort fishing and he took what was rightfully his. It hurt him to make the boy feel bad but actually the boy would suffer less of a burden without the ring.
  8. Slaine now can come and go when he like but never in full form. He doesn't need to eat but can still savour the tastes of food and wine. He is eternal.....and only the strongest can send him to his resting place forever.
  9. Now he has work to do...he obeys Earthmother and will do her bidding, that is all.
  10. http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=nRIPAsbhZpM
  11. Three days a year he becomes solid to do as he wishes. The time is around Lughnasadh
Some of my creatures

Items(role-playing page and others)
to be determined.....

Page 453 - The Traveler
The Sentinel turns towards east looing at the dark smoke raising up from inner necro. "Burn an other document! they ased for it". A translucent shape moves fast from behind a gravestone and hides behind a dead tree. The Sentinel departs leaving behind it small drops of a black liquid. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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