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Soldier of Wasteland
Player ID: 186791
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Regeneration : 0
Energetic immunity : 6
Trade sense : 3
Briskness : 2
Initiative : -1
Defence : 1
Attack : 3
Power : 0
Luck : 0
Principle of Enthropy = 41
Principle of Cyclicity = 42
Principle of Balance = 46
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 82 | Lost: 13
Honor: 553
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance
My Past

As my name implies, I am a Soldier from the Wastelands, i have traveled far to get to this world and I am here to stay. I am the strongest of the Wastelanders, sent here to learn so that our people might better thrive in the harsh deserts of the wasteland. I am 6 Ft' 7" with Jet black hair and death black eyes. I am human, and yet I am NOT human.......

This is what i Look like

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This is my Sword, ShatterFlash

Brittleflash is the weapon I looked more then a quarter of my life for. After countless adventures, I found him laying within a cave, waiting for me to come. He often speaks to me in one way or another. Brittleflash is a sword designed to kill beings from higher planes, and steals their abilites for me to use.

I have recently Infused Brittleflash with the elements and several gemstones, creating Shaterflash.

He's 4 Ft long, not including the hilt

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Image may be subject to copyright
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
Some of my creatures
Elite Knator Water Daimon I

The Things I Have

 I posses a full length trenchcoat, a pair of Fingerless mail-backed Gloves, A Buckler (shield), a pair of armored boots, and slightly worn Jeans.

I also have Shatterflash, and a few extra provisions, and not much else.

I now have a new set of armor the appears when I draw Shatterflash.

Page 170 - The Shade Ballance - Alc.
Excitedly reaching out to touch the flames, Alche’s body is immediately extinguished. Without any waning, a brave man’s very being is reduced to a pile of dust. A sudden gust of wind blows through the opening, and sends the dust up into the air, and outwards onto the breeze. The ashes spread into different air pockets, and a small amount comes to rest in each of the pyramids. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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