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Player ID: 96693
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Regeneration : 11
Energetic immunity : 8
Trade sense : 5
Briskness : 12
Initiative : 5
Defence : 9
Attack : 13
Power : 6
Luck : 1
Principle of Imagination = 43
Time Principle = 32
Principle of Syntropy = 55
Element Principle = 23
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Battle stats
Won: 358 | Lost: 234
Honor: 32
MindPower: 4
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A caucasian man of a slim, almost wistful build stares back.

Chapter 1: New beginnings

This is now a journal:

Day 0: I\'m a first timer to MD, and this was written so far on my first day. I\'m not exactly new to roleplaying, nor am I to English, but I\'ve found this place works best if you simply adapt to the situation: other roleplayers should roleplay with you, but a quick conversation about something as say, where the archives are doesn\'t really warrant OOC () if nobody\'s said much else in the last hour. On day one I found an exploit, got all equipment up to the vest from the Bell shop, and currently own 4 aramorys, 2 barren souls, a grasan, and a total of 9 elemental eggs I have made a RP point to raise with care for a few days. I raised some eyebrows phasing them in and out of existence since I can\'t explain how they fit into our stories otherwise and it\'s fun. I\'ll only use this account, and will update pages like this as I can.

Day 2: Having attempted Jonn the Evil Inquisitor\'s quest on day one and missing the mark by a nautical mile yet somehow making it look like a valid solution, I attempted it again and felt somewhat stupid when I did figure it out. Not much happened this day, I hung around the Wind Sanctuary and took care of my eggs. I snaggled a few more RPC quest riddles: look out Metal Mabbit and Tremir. I also developed some more intricate plans for my creatures, and discovered Grasan are mentally challenged. They\'re good later apparently, they\'re just dumb. I get the same sorts of looks when I tell them I plan on sacrificing mine as when I tell them about my 9 elemental eggs. No word from Jonn yet. Maybe he gets Mondays off. Tremir\'s riddle was solved before the end of my day here- no I won\'t tell you it, no I won\'t help you with it. Or Jonn\'s. Don\'t ask.

Day 3: Confirmation from Jonn. Nice. Other than that, since I was bone tired, I just hung out a little. I did get a message from a friend telling me to meet up with them, but I had fallen asleep at the keyboard for about 15 minutes before and just went to bed after, so that\'s tomorrow.

Day 4: The day is upon me! 9 eggs shall hatch tonight, a destiny is about to unfold. The first has hatched! They need names now! Oh, what do I name them? It is a Glorious day! That\'s it. The first shall be known as \"Glorine\' of the brood of 9.\" The brood of 9 is upon me now. The second hatches. Excelight of the brood of nine is born. Sevyan soon follows, and then Sizo shortly after. Firth takes longer to hatch as Cryxus\' elemental babys join my own and begin some sort of hatching ritual. They depart with him after a bit, and Lady A\'s matured elemental joins. Soon, Fouerar and Thissa are born as twins, and there is only King Bull present for Seletrazad and Fryall- the second pair of twins, and the final of the brood of nine. Oh what a glorious day indeed. Not only are my elementals powerful, my aramors have begun to evolve. The new models are destructive and fun, they can target!

Day 5: This day will be uneventful. The brood of nine are a bloodthirsty lot, my creatures form many teams and I am aiming to time some battles and heat together to gain the money to by some more equipment. I managed to scrape together enough for a sickle on my first run, but I had forgotten the Gates of Marind Bell are a 20 AP crossing, draining most of what I had. Hunting, and hanging out to recover, those are the day\'s main tasks. What an interesting turn it seems. I have discovered a document for some sort of... technology. I may use it later. Uneventful. Ha! The ritual of the 4 by 2 was successful: I have defeated both of the Willow\'s shop guards. *The next entry has blood flecks scattered about it* I can\'t believe what I\'ve just done. Something happened to me, and my heat just rose. It rose and rose, until I could not take it anymore. I went into what I can only describe now as a \"Heat crusade\", a berserk rage whereupon I not only engaged every soul I met in the fields, I destroyed them all. The Willow guards were only the beginning. I was finally put down in two separate battles by the same man after a bout of overconfidence led me to a ritual order change on the attack without the vitality to support it, and my ~18 combo assault/defense ritual to wither under the subsequent counter attack from him, as the creatures within were injured or dead. Foolishly, the new ritual I had written used many of the same as the other one, instead of keeping emergency defense rituals as I should have. I have learned my lesson well today. Now, my creatures and I rest. I discovered another puzzle to work on after all. Even now my fingers tremble with the aftershocks of that terrible rage. Glorine and Excelight murmur happily beside me, at least one good thing has come of this bloodlust. They are satisfied, I feel it is only a matter of time now before they evolve before my eyes once more. Even the enchanted aramors I fight beside feel as if they will soon become stronger than ever before. At the end of today I was given a vial of the blood of Prometheus by the Holy Paladin Deba. (HOLYPALADIN DEBA) Apparently, whoever drinks this will turn invisible. Forever. I\'ll have to get creative with it if I want it to be useful in any way.

Day 6: One of my Barren is close to evolution. I\'ll have to devise a winning ritual with him. Today was more of a hangout of a day. On top of devising a winning ritual for my Grasan and Barren, I have to begin farming losses since I\'m way behind the curve. If the game wants losses, I\'ll give it losses. Working on a few puzzles/riddles as well, nothing new yet.

Day 7: Loss farming! Yay! Still can\'t find Jonn. Apparently now, there is a conflict arising in the world. Two men, Renavoid and Dst, are going to engage in combat. But instead of ritual battles, Dst will attempt to murder Renavoid with some kind of virus. Sides are being chosen, and I do not even know the combatants. What friends I\'ve gathered are on Renavoid\'s side, but I should take my own in this matter- if I even learn of it before it resolves itself. Most likely I will miss the entire thing. Business as usual then. Loss rituals, healing rituals. The game punishes me for going into heat crusades with negative honor. Alright. You want to play that way, I\'ll turn losing into an ART FORM. ** I need losses, Mp3, my rituals (I have many) are not only set but I will recover them quickly. Fire away. If you wanna get creative, hit me with a healing ritual. I use single creatures only, and they are on weaken defense. Do what you will. ** I am going to spam this at the Marble Dale Park and at Willow\'s. Let\'s see how many losses I can rack up. Note: Today I learned that NPCs assign random values to their own VE when battling. This also determines their VP worth- so it must do the same for players as well. Also, an altar should provide principle points for a high enough level of sacrifice. And I finally met up with Jonn. Yay! *Flops onto bed*

Day 8: Evolution is abound! More creatures evolve! One of my aramor traded his shield for a second battle axe, grew a head, and politely requested I name them. So Wesley was named. One of my barren quite literally pulled an armor set out of thin air, and requested I name them as well. I named her Mareth. Glorine and Excelight\'s flame grew in intensity, and they became stronger as well. It will not be long before the rest of the brood of nine follows. *crossed out* I\'ll have them all done so-*/cross* Something is amiss. I am unable to give my creatures the energy they require to learn, my mind is at capacity. I must get a way around this. *crossed out* IElemental. Hollow. */cross*

Day 9: Berserker\'s way will be mine tonight. I must pass into Loreroot tonight, before my mind changes!

Day 10: Finally, someone helps me. And they give the greatest hint of all, a hint that many glaze over. You want to know the hint? Here\'s the hint- IT\'S A FIVE NOT A THREE. Thank you, sir killemoff. I will be your adept, until such time as I find someone better. You\'ll all excuse me if I spend the night getting sozzled.

Day 11: I have reviewed a document I\'ve obtained. It was disturbing. Last night talk fell to a dangerous vial of \"dark water.\" I inquired, and it was of course named \"Dark water.\" Without recourse to ruin what I know in public pages, I have spoken to some about this. And now, I must speak with others. A man is in danger. He came into contact with it, and I hear he nearly tore himself apart. I think I know why as well- The Shades? It would all fall together.

Day 12: Be wary, avid readers. Apart from RP storyline, I am not going to do much in the way of interesting combat. I\'m just going for Loreroot. At Mp3. I have failed twice- those guards don\'t mess around! I am reminded of the good company to be found at the Sozzled Salamander. Perhaps I should at least attempt to solve a riddle once a day. I only have like 14 of them in stock from my recordings. Envy has tempted everyone in hearing range with a quest that is going to be both hard and full of awesome- supposedly the hardest in the game. I just hope it doesn\'t require allied territory access.

Day 13: An unlucky day indeed. I am slaughtered once more by Loreroot\'s guards. 3 days until Glorine transforms again, I can only hope she will make the difference. Do not mistake me, followers. I am getting in there. Another man has made contact with this Dark Water. This is a bad omen. The first... the story of the first I may write someday, but I would not wish the fate upon any other. I must seek help. But whom? I have retreated to the Cabin. Perhaps I will find answers here. But there is a second reason I am here. A man named Wodin appears from time to time. I must talk with him if possible. *The next page is torn from the journal* Perhaps I will get an answer, perhaps I will not. The talk with Wodin was disturbing. The man has lost much of his memory, and did not know of the tainted Fountain. I briefed him, and now deign to speak with Khalazdad and Envy. Khalazdad, not so much. My only hope is to set events into motion myself. I just hope I will not drown in this Black Water.

Day 14: In three days, The tales of Marquis shall be told. I cannot wait. My strategy for winning the battle of Loreroot is becoming quite complicated. I am steadfast in my resolve that I will defeat them. A happy day! The guardians of Bob known as Zlephneir and Sagewoman are married! What a wonderful event to take place. With a slightly more unimpressive display, Glorine advanced again in her development. She still cannot pronounce her name but has become stronger. The others shall follow soon. I think I\'ll drop this in any Dojos I\'m in if it\'s not visible. ***** THIS LOCATION IS PART OF THE DOJO. ABSOLUTELY NO ATTACKS WITHOUT RECEIVING PERMISSION. REPEAT OFFENDERS WILL BE PUNISHED. Do not attack idle players unless their public log says you may. ***** Ya know. Just for fun.

Day 15: Lazy day. No, really. Honest. Not even attempting Loreroot today. Just hanging out in the park, getting losses, etc.

Day 16: Today is the day of the Tales of Marquis. I will write them here as told by the man Logan Marquis, excluding all non-story related text and fixing all errors as best I can.

The Tales of Marquis: Akinarpay, pt. 1-

Soltis: Should I record the tales, or just paraphrase for my journal? *opens journal, scribbling some notes in* Logan Marquis: soltis, you may do either :-)

Logan Marquis: soltis, if you wish you may post your version on the MD forums as well

Logan Marquis: i encourage it.

Logan Marquis: ok...

Soltis: Very well. And I haunt enough forums ><

Logan Marquis: it is now storytime

Logan Marquis: tonight\'s story is about a witch and a warlock...

Logan Marquis: their names will be changed to protect the innocent.

Logan Marquis: and perhaps the guilty...

Logan Marquis: And so...*snaps fingers and the lights dim a little except for the light that is focused on him* we begin...

Logan Marquis: It was long ago, but not too long really. Perhaps merely a few decades and a few years more...

Logan Marquis: Akinarpay was a young witch in training, going to school for witches.

Logan Marquis: She was a fine student who excelled in all of her classes, except one.

Logan Marquis: She was a disaster when it came to potions.

Logan Marquis: In fact, she was so bad at potions, she ended up having to re-take the potions class.

Logan Marquis: And that is where the real story begins.

Logan Marquis: The first day of the new semester came as Akinarpay began to prepare her belongings and prepare herself.

Logan Marquis: She was a cute teenage witch who contrary to the popular persona of witches had no warts nor any green skin anywhere to be found.

Logan Marquis: Most of her friends considered her to be an absolute delight, and perhaps one of the cutest girls in the school.

Logan Marquis: Of course, the boys in school thought so too.

Logan Marquis: She was regularly asked out by this warlock or that.

Logan Marquis: But every time she tended to refuse the offer. She liked boys, really she did. She just didn\'t see the point in the trivial dating scene of her school.

Logan Marquis: Most of the time the end result of the date would be the boy telling his friends he scored and the girl crying about how bad the date really was...and about how nothing ever happened.

Logan Marquis: Akinarpay found her friends typically had no joy after a date, and usually said the dates were no fun and worthless wastes anyways.

Logan Marquis: Yet she found it very odd they all continued to go on them.

Logan Marquis: She was headed to her potions class this particular morning, which was a rainy day and caused her clothes to get VERY soaked...

Logan Marquis: She was running late which NEVER happened to Akinarpay, when she bumped into a very pleasant looking warlock who was running the other direction.

Logan Marquis: Her books and papers went flying, her scrunchee even managed to dislodge itself from her ponytail...

Logan Marquis: She was a sad, sad mess that morning. He had fallen down literally sprawling across the front of four lockers.

Logan Marquis: She was about to cry when she spotted just how bad he had gotten it from the collision.

Logan Marquis: It was amazing, she went from near tears to practically uncontrollable laughter in a matter of moments.

Logan Marquis: She laughed and she laughed, so hard in fact that she had tears of sheer joy streaming down her face...which sadly messed up her mascara more and more.

Logan Marquis: She propped herself up and managed to force herself up to a standing position when she felt something poke her side. The boy who\'d been sprawled on the lawn had picked up all her now soaked papers and books and was handing them to her.

Logan Marquis: She grabbed them with a slight bit of a blush and thanked the boy very much.

Logan Marquis: \"I am SO sorry,\" the boy exclaimed nearly out of breath, \"but I\'ve got to go!\"

Logan Marquis: Akinarpay nodded and smiled, \"It\'s ok. It happens.\"

Logan Marquis: The boy spun around on his heels and took off away from the school and down the road.

Logan Marquis: She breathed a bit of a sigh of almost relief and turned around only to hear the sound of the ancient doors slamming behind her.

Logan Marquis: Which as any good witch in training knows is the sound of being late to class.

Logan Marquis: She sighed, this time more in a manner of annoyance than relief, and headed off to potions class.

Logan Marquis: She opened the door to the class and quietly crept in as Mr. Haggins was writing something on the board before them.

Logan Marquis: She slipped in her seat, but as luck would have it Mr. Haggins turned around and pointed her out, \"Ahh...Little Ms. Wellington, so nice of you to join class today. What? Did you think that just because this is your SECOND time taking this cla

Logan Marquis: class that you could just show up late and not attend lectures?\"

Logan Marquis: Akinarpay shook her head slowly, not wanting to upset Mr. Haggins anymore, \"No sir, Mr. Haggins. The rain...and there was this boy...and...--\"

Logan Marquis: Before she could go on Mr. Haggins slammed closed the book on his podeum and nodded, \"Class, today, you have Ms. Wellington to thank for your homework assignment. I want you all to bring me three Plethenum plants tomorrow.\"

Logan Marquis: The whole class began to make groans and moans, they all knew how difficult it was to find Plethenum plants these days. They were mostly wiped out now.

Logan Marquis: \"And for your groaning about it, I want everyone to bring 2 elephant ear leaves.\"

Logan Marquis: The class silenced itself immediately.

Logan Marquis: Those weren\'t any easier to find, unfortunately.

Logan Marquis: The sound of the phoenix\'s caw signaled the end of the class period and Akinarpay left the classroom as fast as she could.

Logan Marquis: She made her way to the rest of her classes without any problems.

Logan Marquis: She left her final class and headed to the local magic market to see what plants they had there and how much the Plethenum and Elephant Ear Leaves would cost so she could ask her parents for the money.

Logan Marquis: As she made her way there, the sun came out and they day became much nicer.

Logan Marquis: Birds chirped all around.

Logan Marquis: Flowers seemed to bloom as she walked. It all made Akinarpay feel a little bit better.

Logan Marquis: When she arrived at the market she wandered through passing by shouts of \"Eye of newt, dragon\'s tail, and more!\" and \"We have the finest brooms and booms!\"

Logan Marquis: She looked around and finally spotted the shop she wanted, \"The Grande Belle\". A shop devoted to hard to find plants.

Logan Marquis: She entered and the sound of bell on the door was like a whisper in the wind.

Logan Marquis: She gently let the door shut behind her and she called out, \"Hello? I need some help...\"

Logan Marquis: She heard some grumblings from the back and then the sound of a large crash and bang.

Logan Marquis: \"Is anyone back there?\" she questioned just as the boy from earlier appeared from the back covered in black soot and white ash.

Logan Marquis: He coughed and smoke bellowed from his mouth. \"Oh, excuse me...wait...you are that little witch from earlier, aren\'t you?\"

Logan Marquis: Akinarpay giggled a little and nodded, \"Yes, and you would be that little boy.\"

Logan Marquis: She made the poor boy blush a little and shake his head, \"I\'m not little. I\'m in my final year of warlock training! And...I really am sorry about earlier.\"

Logan Marquis: Akinarpay shook her head, \"Don\'t worry about it, really. Mr. Haggins made a fuss, but nothing I can\'t handle.\"

Logan Marquis: The warlock shook his head, \"Oh man...you have Mr. Haggins? That dude is a complete waste of time. He knows NOTHING about potions. Heck, the guy reads straight from the book!\"

Logan Marquis: Akinarpay nods, \"But, unfortunately, I\'m no good with potions myself, so I have to take his class...for the second time.\"

Logan Marquis: The warlock smiled, \"Well, if you ever need help, you can come find me here. I\'m almost always here after class, trying to make some cash on the side to cover my expenses.\"

Logan Marquis: Akinarpay nodded. \"I\'ll keep that in mind, thanks. Oh, I almost forgot, Mr. Haggins wants us to bring him some Plethenum plants and Elephant Ear Leaves. Would you by any chance have any in stock?\"

Logan Marquis: The warlock hmmed aloud for a second before turning around, \"Let me check in the back, we might just have some left.\"

Logan Marquis: As he made his way to the backroom, Akinarpay shouted, \"By the way, my name is Akinarpay, I didn\'t catch yours...\"

Logan Marquis: The warlock appeared holding two small boxes. \"Here you go Akinarpay. Oh, and the name is Nathaniel.\"

Logan Marquis: Akinarpay shook her head, \"I have no money on me right now...I\'ve got to get some from my parents.\"

Logan Marquis: Nathaniel raised his hand, \"Nonsense. This one is on the house. Besides...after the mess I made in the back...Mr. Ewendorf won\'t mind none at all.\"

Logan Marquis: The two laughed a little before she thanked Nathaniel and set off back home.

Logan Marquis: She couldn\'t believe it. She\'d found someone to help her with potions so she could finally get the class completed and graduate, and she found the homework items all in one place!

Logan Marquis: She must\'ve been the luckiest witch around.

Logan Marquis: In indeed...she was...

Logan Marquis: :-)

Day 17: Lost to dreams. No, really. My user gets tired. *is thumped by invisible hand* We\'ll pick up on the next logged in day. Apparently, Logan told part while on a whim yesterday. Sorry readers! Through a mix of pre-win training and research, a solid combo ritual, and a little boost from a potion, I made it past the first Loreroot guard. The second riddled me with arrows, but the end is in sight. It will be tough, but it will be worth it. Now, I recover at the Sozzled Salamander. My absence has left me somewhat out of the loop. A good friend, Cryxus, is organizing an exploratory sailing trip. I have heard more rumors than ever at my favorite haunt. The archivists are stirring, and rumors of the adventures of others reach my ears, they are a party involved. I must speak now with someone else. I fear for many, as always. And now, I fear for them more.

Day 18: I should really vanish earlier, though my instincts of tonight were correct. We know what full moons do to the lupine. Watashi wa bakayaro! Werewolves in our midst and I did not have a plan for this event. Memory and I have contained the incident for now, but damage has been done to the Captain\'s crew. They will most likely need time to themselves before they will be a crew again. I should have planned this event with Aqune the storm maiden. I\'ll have to speak with them at some point. Right now it is all I have to maintain the flaring.

Day 19?: It appears my stays in this world are inconsistent. I know for fact I have skipped much time between vanishes now. I write on the next available day as always.

Day 20?: My time on this world is inconsistent it seems. Last I vanished I thought it would be my last! I did not come back the next day, nor the day after. It has been more than a few days. My tether is not secure here, it seems I\'ll have to secure this at some point. I\'m beginning to wonder exactly what I am. I am no werewolf, no pirate, no high magus. Perhaps I am just a spirit. It would explain much, particularly my knowledge of past lives and seemingly world irrelevant information and habits. Mid conversation today, I experienced another set of inexplicable vanishings. I was saying hi to someone, and before I knew it, it was suddenly an hour or so later. More of the Fountain today. I saw much I did not want to see. I must meet with Cryxus again soon.

Day 21: A quiet night, even as that blasted heads contest begins. Readers, I\'m afraid I won\'t be trying in this one either. I am still Mp3, still struggling with the Loreroot guards, and will ultimately not participate actively. I will instead bash it continually at sanctuaries. ^.^ *laughs* In exactly 47 days, a man named \"Nomercy\" is supposed to rule this land. I suppose the countdown has begun. I spoke with Granos today about Taicho Cryxus. I didn\'t learn too much about that subject, and less than I wanted about another. I spoke about the fountain, and received some rather mixed messages. It had been... violated the other night. It was an interesting conversation, I\'ll admit I hadn\'t seen it coming. I can\'t give too much away, only that knowing what I know now, and knew before the talk, that a gut feeling is saying I would have been better off without. I had an interesting conversation today. If VP is gold, that means we get temp gold for defeating people in combat. Essentially, we\'re mugging them. Not only that, but that temp money vanishes on each regen cycle. So anything we buy with that extra we\'re scamming the shopkeepers with, because it\'s gone within 10 minutes. That\'s why all the prices are so jacked up. People keep scamming them.

Day 22: I have grown roughly 20 heads overnight. Dammit. Day 23: Deba has once again played role in my life, this time I ended up accidentally teaching him why you don\'t throw magic at things you don\'t fully understand. Apparently, his turning me into a dragon caused me to blink again.

Screaming madness (Substory)

This is a special chapter I will now write. An ancient tradition has been followed, and the ways to both Necrovion and Loreroot opened. Let me first say that this adventure would have ended, and it would have ended abruptly had I not been in the company of good friends during the intrusion. I know now why that land is blocked to mortals. I know now why only gods may pass. I must get this information out of the way first. There is a well in that land also. It\'s insides are black, and they remind me of a fountain. There is also a destruction press nearby. I must vent these feelings now, somehow. If I am to be accosted with noise, I will strike back with words. If I am stricken with death, I will bring life, and I am supported by life. I know it is the company of the captain and his lady that I am here tonight. For those following my tale, I am sure now that I am a spirit. I am a ghost of lives past, stuck in this world as transit. My connection is wavery at the best, unstable. It is only in the presence of friends that I can hold on. Tonight, I visited Necrovion. Necro. It is not a misguided land, as you might think. Frankly, it\'s got a pretty good handle on what it\'s about. Most people don\'t understand. I\'ll do my best. It\'s a land of madness, and death. Nothing more, nothing less. Those which bring death, and insanity. It\'s not evil. It\'s death. It\'s not violence. It\'s insanity. For me to walk into the lands bordering death is a calling and a screaming. It is my soul itself tearing from my shell to rejoin the void. It is my thoughts becoming cohesive madness. It is myself continuing the journey except that the journey is insanity, and I am void. It is to be slowly taken apart piece by piece. It is to be called by nature to continue dying, though my destiny for now lay here. The trail of agony awaited me and like a moth to the flames I was drawn to myself and the horrors within. Shrieking, hollow voices are heard at first. They are the beginning. They are closest to mortality. They scream in pain and agony with long and continued breaths torn from their throats from over milennia past. They beckon with their screaming like siren and to freeze in fear is to join them, clutching the ears and screaming yourself. Next are the clear sounds. They are your friends, and acquaintances, and enemies. You hear their callings and feel warmth, anger, joy- emotion. The shrieking voices fade and they are removed, until the silence brings upon you the realization that time will turn all to dust and all the friendships and rivalries and loves you know now are a speck of black dust in the universe and the the shrieking voices are naught but deafened in the ocean of the void. After that all, there are but the whispers. They nag and pull at the corners of your mind. \"You will join us.\", they speak. \"We are but one in the universe.\", they speak. And in whispers they tell you that they will be there forever. As long as there is life, they are there. As long as you live, they speak. And as long as you die, you will join them. The inevitable realization is the madness. I keep my sanity somehow, knowing I will push on through death, knowing I will pull free from their grasping arms once more when the time comes. I can only hope those reading this have the courage and friendship to do the same.


Day 24: I am taking this day to rest. Sending a single message to another person is all I feel I could manage. The events of last night still ring throughout my body and mind and I am exhausted.

Day 25: *The date for this entry has written itself, but the entry is clean. The next page seems wavery and of a different make than the rest of the journal.*

Day 26: Shimata. Did I oversleep again? It\'s the day after once more. I wasn\'t supposed to have done this again, not for a while. Counting the first day, it was about 25 days since I had fluctuated. Now it\'s becoming frequent. My tie here is weak. I\'ll soon have to raise my own power to keep up. It appears a new church of some sort has arisen. I\'m never present for the big things, eh? I guess that trip to Loreroot is going to have to come sooner than I thought.

Day 27: As I traveled there, I was again overtaken by darkness. It seems it\'s the next day. My fluctuations have become uncontrollable. Is it the influence of the other night? Has more serious damage been done than I thought? There is no time to waste. The attempt was... unsuccessful. I am afraid I will not be getting into Loreroot at MP3. It seems you do indeed have to have an army of Grasan to march on the second guard. Attacking with 4 aramor assassins, a level III elemental, and a level 2 grasan on weaken did not even come close, even with a maxed combo ritual and a powerup. I don\'t know what to tell you. It\'s not possible to do it honestly, you have to plan to raise an army of grasan from the start. You simply cannot fight with 400+ damage on 2-4 of your creatures every single turn, not at this level. Whatever. I took down one guard and it was enough. Tonight, I rest at Wind\'s, and I will perform the needed ritual. It may have been disappointing, but I\'ll forge on. Understand that I am not a fighter at heart and though this was not a battle victory, it means now I move on. No longer now do I stain my honor on the rituals of the innocent, I shall now pass my imbalance to those of the next highest tier. Another document- two in fact, have been found. My life shall move on.

Day 27 1/2: Void. It is what I see, and what I feel. I am aware of what is happening around me, but it is nothing. Is this time to reflect? A story is unfolding before my eyes- it is my life, but again. I guess I must review the memories I have. It\'s just that this may take a while, now I know why when I spoke to my friend I said it would be some time before we met again. I have more than a single live\'s worth of memories to consider and learn from. Already my mind bursts. My creatures lay broken, defeated, nearby. I can sense the Brood and her guardians. I can sense now what I may have done differently to win against that guard. But victory... is subjective. Had I won, what future did I hold in my hand? I held the future of a mighty fighter, commanding respect and enemies alike. I held strength. But my time has shown me that not all strength is strength. There were those much stronger than I.There were those much weaker than I. As I considered winning, I considered what I would become. A ritual master? A celebrity of sorts? That is not the life I want. That is not a life I would enjoy. The purpose of such a powerful opponent was to force me to move on, that I may affect the world on a greater scale than being \"the best.\" With this realization, I win with my loss. With this realization, the guard wins and continues their sacred duty. With this, not only I, but we win, together. The guard\'s job has been fulfilled as thoroughly as possible. It has taught me strength, given me new insight, knowledge, power. It has given me more, much more, than a few new creatures ever could. Now, I am no longer restricted. Now, I make more informed decisions. Now, I am both stronger and wiser. Now, I have advanced.

Day 28: Still I float and still I wonder. Still I recollect. I realize I have options before me now. I can take this knowledge and be reborn. I can become more powerful than ever before. But what cost carries this? My friends would of course support any decisions I make, does that make it final? The man of twenty-six days in this void has a name and the beginnings of a story. If I killed him, birthed again, would it be him I see in the mirror or would it be someone else? Does a desire to protect precede a dangerous desire for power so easily? It\'s such a simple matter to be reborn, so quickly it can be done, so quickly can a person be lost and never seen again. How then, does one create change to become stronger? Day 28 1/2: In another life, a man, Mahatma Gandhi, once spoke: \"We must be the change we wish to see in the world.\" I must change without losing myself into void, or I will see the world lost. That is what this world I am in now represents. I must change in the world of MD. To do so without my own death, I look to my brood and her guardians.

Wesley, Arkhan, Haschar, Lauren, the four protectors as aramor.

Mareth, Luneth, the two nurturers as hollow and barren.

Mathios, the destroyer as the huvourer.

The brood itself: Glorine the eldest, Excelight the eighth, and Sevyan the seventh form the three flames. Sizo the sixth and toughest begins the flamewrought buffer- Firth watches the twin twins- Fouerar and Thissa, and Seletrazad and Fryall. (Glor-Een) (Eck-sell-ight) (Sev-yan) (See-zo) (Fur-th) (Fou-re-ar) (Tsis-sa) (Sell-eh-straz-ad) (Free-all) Of them, the four protectors are just as I. They are as powerful as their current forms allow. Mareth is as I am. However, even Glorine is not as I. I must allow for growth. As they are a part of me, they will change forms themselves. Now I see. I will not be alone when I return. I will have my friends, my Brood, and her guardians. As I gave them life of myself, my own vitality, I now give them the advancement they seek. To advance them further I must take the lives of those at their peak back to myself- the guardians are up for this. Of course, I must be careful with this ritual. It may be my last if I relinquish all defenses.

Chapter 2: What I am

Day 29: Forgive me, followers. I was beset by powerful spirits after the last entry. I was... unable to access my journal in the normal fashion. I will explain what happened as best I can. In my attempts to manipulate it again, I lost control of it. It begin displaying strange symbols and words of which I can attach no visible meaning to. I felt them affecting me for what felt like a moment, but it seems much time has passed in the void now. I walk among the ground once more. For consistency, this day begins as the twenty ninth, but there is no way to know how much time has really passed. What has become of this world in my absence? What has become of me?

Day 29 1/2: The ones known as King Bull and Queen Ailith are wed this night. The announcements were made when I was occupied, and it seems I have missed the ceremony by mere hours. I wish them the best. If the remnants of the ceremony were any indication, it\'s as chaotic as ever. They have made children by now? It is true. The eldest Glorine seems the least confused about this, she pointed at them and conveyed feelings of familiarity to me. If her theory is true... Well. On darker subjects, I am trusting Cryxy taicho with his own matters. As I haven\'t spoken in a while, I should. The brood could use some rest. It wouldn\'t be a small matter to disable their flames and see what reactions the younger brood give.

Day 29 3/4: ...Taicho Cryxy is getting married? I was only gone a week and a few days hence, according to the others. Events are flying by! I have been asked to be a man of honor for this ceremony, and have accepted graciously. I suppose it gives me something to focus on. What else have I missed..? I spoke with him about a lot of things. We talked about his lupine blood and the concerns I\'ve had about it and how it could now affect his life. Getting the ball rolling on that took the energy I had left, so I\'m getting some rest for now.

Day 30: Why the hell did I appear inside the fireplace ow ow ow ow? One of them gave me an idea as she examined a fire mage\'s workings tonight. I haven\'t really explained my observations of my brood\'s behaviors yet. I guess I could spare a page to outline their qualities, as some are distinct.

The brood of nine: observations
Glorine: She is the eldest. Her flames burn brightest, and she is the largest. She is first to lead the others despite all other traits, almost seeming like a mother to them. She often displays protectiveness and fear. Excelight: Excel is quiet. He\'ll appear when I call the elder ones out, but doesn\'t display many emotional qualities, good or bad. It makes him strong, possibly, on par with Sevyan, but he was the second born and if memory serves, was key in the birthing ritual for the younger ones. Sevyan: He is reclusive, only appearing when called, though he has as much freedom as the others. Perhaps that is what makes him just under Glorine in strength, as he\'s never reluctant when called upon to be a part of a training ritual and has learned most from it. Sizo: It\'s not seen to others often, but Sizo is the one that takes care of the others when he can. He is very resilient. Firthe: Fifth born is somewhat of a sub leader, a \"big brother\" to the last four. He keeps himself occupied with keeping the children in line, and leads when Glorine or Sizo is not there. The last four are the youngest and display much more avid, child-like qualities. Fouerar: Often displays irrational fear, but is most attached to the others in the brood. Thissa: Very curious and mischievous, but also very sad sometimes. Selestrazad: Very quiet, but vindictive, easily angered it seems. Fryall: Seems happiest to the point of complete obliviousness to most.


Day 31: One event happened this day. The taicho, it seems, had not received his Golemus hazing yet. Out of nowhere, while many of us were at the pub, the fraternity leader MRD killed Cryxus before anybody could react. I ran quickly at that moment, as did Pamplemousse- currently engaged to the captain- with Granos, and I got help*author note* She says it was not under support or protection, but I doubt that would have been the case** - Laz answered the call. MRD returned to the scene shortly after, with a healthy looking Cryxus in tow, claiming something about deity design and the captain\'s ship. I sent the brood to surround the man, as another- Sage, arrived, and kept him as such until the Taicho\'s mate came back and told me to stand down, at which point is when I did, despite the captain\'s own objections beforehand. I could not take that chance, after all, but Pamplemousse supporting the story made it then believable because she was away for most of the action there, having run, and MRD could not have bewitched her as well. The story now is that this was part of a sort of Golemus divine hazing ritual for the captain, MRD saying he did what he had to. I no longer have information to pursue any accusations, nor the power. Master Khalazdad, the captain\'s protector however, was notified I hope by others. He will pass fair judgment on this, I believe. My job of this event is now retired. I am glad my friends are ok. The excited brood I took for training with Logan to calm them, and myself, down. More darkspeaking. I talked with someone else, and learned there was a treaty between the Angien and Shades averting a war of some kind. I have also passed on concerns, and have learned much this night.

Day 32: I took place in what I think was the second half of a lesson from Logan. I think it was the second half, because after a while he simply shot me down. You\'d have to ask him about that. Afterwards, I took part in a training ritual involving a lot of people- MRD for one, the taicho for another, and really an assortment of the people I do and don\'t know, like Shady Jester, and new guys that know MRD personally.

Day 33: I sense a change in the air of some kind. My mind continues now to recall the night before, where my journal felt strange. I\'m not sure what omen this is, but I\'ll be patient. I think this night will be calmer than most. I cannot help but feel that there are... well, missing people. It\'s strange, I know. I caught glimpse of the captain and well, all of my friends, but I can\'t shake the feeling itself. Perhaps it\'ll pass. As for the brood and her guardians, they are content to actually be learning from each other. A particularly good training session last night taught Mathios and Glorine much, and they are content to convey it to the others. Mathios surprises me in this, he had almost no intellect before. He\'s growing. *sighs* It\'s always something. Jonn and Inno were making me a bit twitchy before I realized their conversations about wishpoints were all in good fun, and then we got a screamer. I almost choked on the wine listening to that, and when I projected a particularly painful mental message outwards that everyone else seemed to be getting as well, Jonn obliterated him in what looked like a rather hurtful column of fire. I don\'t even think there are ashes left. Yes, same Jonn from the first entries. As balance is, balance does. The captain is telling a story! Or rather, a part II. I dreamed about the first part, but wondered if it was even real or not. Here, for those interested: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=2725 It\'s not often I practice that kind of internal magic on my journal. Heh. Did my eyes deceive me just now? I thought I saw someone... but they were different, very different. Some kind of magic was around them... Before the captain\'s story, another friend has revealed her troubles to the pub. SageWoman, a friend, requires blood. That\'s a sign of vampirism on it\'s own, but she also showed us that she is apparently, wed to Zlephneir- the same from my earlier entries. She now carries twins. Her symptoms are not of the standard vampiristic variety, perhaps not at all. She requires iron and salt to be more precise. She also recalls she accidentally bit the captain a long time ago while extracting venom from his arm from an accidental snake bite, so I don\'t think it\'s a normal curse since adding lycanthropy and vampirism usually results in death. A thought occurs to me. She is carrying babies. Yet, in the last marriage- King Bull and Ailith, it went quite differently, I heard there was a ceremony, and their kids were born from that. Perhaps just individual differences are coming into play here but... it\'s something for me to think about.

Day 33 1/2: As told by Cryxus, Cryxus taicho, Cryxy, captain, or whatever I feel like calling him at the moment.

Marvin, the mechanical man, part II

Cryxus: ok *the lights dim* lets get this show on the road

Cryxus: and now i present Marvin, the mechanical man

Cryxus: *clears his throat*

Cryxus: When we last left off Marvin has just been brought into existence

Cryxus: Marvin had a hard time adjusting, although Tinnius tried to give him what he could...a house, nourishment, and a place to sleep, but Tinnius had been a miserly old man, and knew little of love.

Cryxus: It was not long before death was at Tinnius\' door...Marvin had been created hastily because Tinnius had the foresight to know his time was at hand.

Cryxus: Marvin spent much of his time trying to understand his surroundings, and was often left alone.

Cryxus: Tinnius passed a quiet death, in his sleep, certainly not the death he deserved, but the world is cruel, and many things are not as they should be.

Cryxus: Marvin was left alone to cope with feelings he didn\'t understand...he was frightened constantly...and fear does horrible things to an impressionable mind.

Cryxus: Marvin began to become a spiteful being...but as long as there were tomes and nourishment, he remained in Tinnius\' abode.

Cryxus: It was several months before anyone even suspected Tinnius\' death for he always been a hermit, they occasionally saw Marvin stirring about the place, and they mistook him for Tinnius.

Cryxus: Marvin longed for company, but didn\'t even know of the outside world aside from what he read in tomes which often painted the world in a despicable light, but Marvin was soon forced out into it, in search of food.

Cryxus: He donned Tinnius\' jacket and stepped out into the world.

Cryxus: As he passed people in the street he scowled at his own lack of knowledge, and cursed himself for the abomination he was.

Cryxus: He did not fully understand what he was, or what his purpose in this life was, he was very young still, but wondered why he had never experienced a infancy, or a child stage in his life.

Cryxus: He watched the world as he walked, trying to take in what he saw.

Cryxus: He would see children running and playing, and this only made him jealous. He did not know this though. He wished to end their fun and playing because the jealousy only grasped him harder... but he was hungry and knew that doing so would be useless.

Cryxus: He smelt something sweet on the air, and he knew there was food nearby. He followed his nose to an old lady\'s house, and barged in, rather abruptly, and unannounced.

Cryxus: The woman was very scared at Marvin\'s unexpected arrival.

Cryxus: \"I am here for food!\" Marvin explained, lacking social graces.

Cryxus: The woman gasped, then asked \"why would you do this to a poor old woman?!\"

Cryxus: Marvin didn\'t realize that the question was rhetorical...or even what rhetorical meant, so he answered after several seconds of thought.

Cryxus: \"I am hungry...usually my father feeds me, but he died a while ago...and I smelt food here.\"

Cryxus: The old woman believed Marvin because she could sense the desperation and sincerity in his voice.

Cryxus: \"Would you be willing to share this dinner with me, son?\" she asked. \"It has been a while since I have had company, and it sounds like you have had hard times yourself.\"

Cryxus: Marvin tried to process what she asked...\"son?\" he thought \"Tinnius never told me I had a mother, maybe I should have dinner here.\"

Cryxus: \"That sounds reasonable I suppose...mother\" he replied.

Cryxus: \"Oh dear, no\" replied the woman \"I am not your mother...I can\'t be...I didn\'t mean that when I called you son, that is merely an expression...but will you share dinner with me anyhow?\"

Cryxus: \"What an odd thing to call me.\" Marvin thought...but he had already gotten accustomed to the thought of sharing dinner, something about sharing dinner appealed to him.

Cryxus: \"Yes, that is fine.\" he said, still standing at the door.

Cryxus: \"Ok, please have a seat.\" the old lady pulled out a seat, feeling more comfortable once Marvin sat, and relaxed a bit.

Cryxus: The woman prepared dinner, which was done shortly, occasionally eying Marvin to make sure he didn\'t tried to steal what little she had.

Cryxus: \"So, can you tell me about yourself...son?\" The woman asked.

Cryxus: Marvin was a little relieved to hear someone call him this, and sighed contently before explaining \"My name is Marvin, my father was Tinnius, and my only goal is to live, and learn.

Cryxus: I have only been around for a few months I can remember, and my father died a few months ago, and I don\'t know much about...\" he thought for a second \"...this world.\"

Cryxus: The woman was a bit confused because she had known Tinnius when they were both younger, and she had never heard of Tinnius having a child, but she decided it was not outside the realm of possibility.

Cryxus: \"Well, that is very sad to hear...Marvin was it?\"

Cryxus: Marvin nodded.

Cryxus: \"And what do you mean by you have only been around for a few months? You look like a healthy young lad to me\" she asked.

Cryxus: \"I mean I don\'t remember more than 7 months ago...I think how long I\'ve been around...I\'m pretty sure\" Marvin tried to explain.

Cryxus: The woman was very confused. \"Well you must have lost your memory son, I guess that explains why you called me mother...anyhow, do you have a place to stay? It would be a shame for you to live such a lonely existence.\"

Cryxus: Marvin shrugged, not knowing what to say to this for he enjoyed someone being concerned for him, it was a new, exciting feeling...a good one, as opposed to the rest he had experienced in his short life.

Cryxus: \"Well you can stay with me, and...\" The woman looked hopeful for a second. \"...you can call me \'mother\' if you want. She smiled warmly at Marvin \"But if you don\'t want to, the name is Minerva, but most around here call me \'Minny\'.\"

Cryxus: Marvin smiled, unable to contain it \"I think that sounds good...\'mother\'.\"


After the story, and much applauding, I noticed SageWoman now has an aversion to standard drink, and she left shortly after.

Day 33 end: I took the brood for training as last night, and I was shocked. Shocked. Excluding a man who never saw me again who did so on pure random, I... have an adept for the first time. It\'s strange. What\'s even weirder is that it\'s Logan Marquis, Observer of Wills, Dean of the MD University. I\'m honored. I really am. The brood is giving the others I\'ve started to train with much honor- we are atoning for the hundreds we steamrolled together before I progressed. Balance, I suppose. For a few minutes MRQ was an adept as well, but then of course returned to MRD, the leader. Thank you. Someday... ...I feel tired tonight, odd somehow.

Day 34:

Substory- An illusory dream

I left last night feeling odd, as if something would happen on the next day. It appears I was not wrong. I came in this day on the shores of a strange land. There was a lighthouse nearby, and the sound of the waves was calming. ...I hear others. For a moment I thought I heard the voice of Logan. A man stands before me now but it\'s not Logan, though his voice carries the same. He knew me however, and it\'s somewhat discomforting. Not-Logan tells me we are at the site of a wraith wreckage: As I look now, there is indeed a broken ship nearby. He also says that once, Wodin hid a dagger here. The man knows both Wodin and I and it feels odd to look at him, not just to be here. He also says we are at Golemus: this sounds somewhat absurd to me though, I was never given access to such a place. Is this a dream? I\'ve inquired about Wodin and the dagger. He seems to know a lot, and friendly enough to boot. He says that Wodin, though he still exists in a few forms, was killed by that very dagger. I can see three exits from this place, but one leads to a rather desolate looking lighthouse and I\'d really rather not. That leaves the wreckage to explore, or south. Let me just get a map out... ah ha! Well. It seems I\'ve been transported, according to this, to the other corner of the planet. That would... explain much. I\'ve decided to investigate the wreck first. It\'s a risky endeavor, but I\'ll give it a go. Or well, it\'s what I wanted to try, anyway. I was blocked at the entrance, a hole in the broken ship, by some kind of invisible wall of force. I will leave this location alone the- AH! A sharp pain ripped through my mind just now. It\'s an urge of some sort, similar to what I performed with the Brood, but it\'s far more... me. I should walk this off. Ahead seems to be a... am I seeing this right? I must not be, I\'ll head the other way now. I have happened upon a strange location. There is a ritualistic set of...6 pillars here, arranged in a semi circle, the other pillars looking to be broken. It sits upon a cave of some sort. Being curious, I examined a pillar, and got what I was expecting- nothing. Whatever lay here must be broken, now. The cave leads to a strange area. It would resemble Wind\'s capital, would the place be devoid of all life and care. A not-well-hidden trap door leads to a study area of some sort. There are levers nearby, many, next to a large scroll and an oddly shaped button. I will not touch levers I do not understand, not for now anyway. Another room leads to some sort of office, but again, the cave is devoid of life. There are markings on this table, but again I leave to explore. I\'ve ended up on a cliff s- Ah! Again with the urge, stronger this time. I\'ll proceed quickly then. I can see a familiar place from here, this land intrigues me. I\'m back at the pillars I don\'t understand, so I guess I\'m off now past the wreckage to what looks like a dangerous lair. I hurried past it. More ancient structures, there was even a fort of some kind here- I kid you not! Perhaps I am delusional. It\'s raining as well... damn. I happened across ancient catapults and in the sky I thought I saw for a moment a man, but... it could not be. After much walking, I see now what could only be a mountain of some sort. Legends float through my he- Ah! Again! An urge continues to rise within me! I feel as if I am changing somehow... I\'m fighting it off for now. Perhaps the summit will help clear my mind. I stand now, after an arduous climb indeed, at the summit of the grand mountain. Peering down makes me feel dizzy, not to mention the floating thing above my head convincing me I have gone mad. The urge grows again... again...! I have fought it off for what I believe to be the final time. Again I hear the voice of someone I know, and again who I saw does not match them. This time it\'s the captain\'s beloved, pamplemousse. The taicho is nowhere in sight. She led me, quite gently, down the mountain again where I met Silver Renard- the man this time! Perhaps I will now get answers. And of course, after some talking, I am left with nothing but questions. I heard that Logan sleeps by the lighthouse- it\'s what the unchanged Renard has said, so it must be true. The man has no reason to lie to those he called friends. I do not understand this. How is someone not, yet is? Talk came to the captain again- Cryxus has set on his own to find another of his kind, the same man from the incident weeks ago. They say he is seeking out his friend- it\'s the captain\'s decision after all. If the taicho wishes to go alone, than I wish him luck. I suppo-. . . . Ahh! Where am I? What\'s going on? Why am I thinking in this thing? Why am I holding this thing? What... where... oh... oh my goddess... What\'s going on why can\'t I see any of my friends oh my goddess what am I doing who are these people oh my goddess please let me know what\'s going on oh my god who is this what the hells is a golemus goemicariu whatever the hell oh my god where am I oh god help please help I don. . . . Oh lords! What the hell was that? I was ejected out of myself for a moment, and felt the presence of a young man instead, a healer of some sort. The lad was paranoid to the max, probably traumatized. The other man, Renard, was joined by two others. They\'ve gotten to talking about... well, interesting things. I\'m taking notes. Yrthillian is mentioned... MRD having the only key to this land has been mentioned... there is talk of soldiers and the like. They, those here and the MRs, don\'t seem to be friends. The MRs, or what is left of them, are those the Brood trains with though. Huh. I smell some kind of... well, something soon. So much is happening this night. Isis is mentioned- Isis herself. It\'s the name, it seems, of a divine being. Calyx is mentioned as a trusted friend here. A woman named Penelope, under unknown effect, seems to sleep and not awaken. It is sad news to Renard. Another urge almost overtook me, but I fought it back. I also learned something very dark from it. There are soldiers. Soldiers, of Necrovion. And what they do, is they fight for the shades. I will gather the proof required now- and that is done. All that remains is for me to shake these illusions before they consume me, and help my friends to so the same. I have escorted pamplemousse to a resting spot, perhaps unknown to her- she moves fast when bothered and I lost her several times along the way- and will at least watch over her for now. It\'s the least I can do to make sure she\'s alright while the taicho isn\'t around- they pulled me out of uh, well... Necro, back then.


Day 35: I awoke at the cabin. A few others were nearby, with matters of their own. Helping others, younger ones, that are close or talking themselves. I\'ve decided to rest here for now. It felt like a dream before, but I\'m glad my journey involves this- my journal, my loyal journal. Be it in dream or reality, I remember now all that transpired there. I wonder if anyone else does.... or was there to begin with. I set off after clearing my mind some, and who do I encounter along the way... but Master Wodin? The master it seems is... not there however. I saw his visage, but garnered no response at all. This is disturbing, but I\'ll press on. At the other pub- not my SS, the new Wind and Rain- I saw a man from my dream- Tarquinus. I\'m hurrying a bit more. At the SS, I seem to have found another powerful man. This one is Renavoid, and the pub is devoid of others except himself, Granos who soon left, and another frequent visitor- DarkPriestess22. Why am I seeing so many... Nnnh. I\'ve offered to help the man with something, but it gnaws at my mind now that I must speak with someone. Inno. Where is Inno? Perhaps at the archives. Logan is absent here. Well, slim chance I\'d find /anybody/ here. Nobody is here. Nobody I know is around. I\'ve heard Inno takes solace at Loreroot sometimes, and I know Pamplemousse has a bed there as well. It might be time I strengthened my resolve and convinced the landguards to let me by. That, or I am overreacting a little. The events just seem... strange tonight. Perhaps tomorrow will have answers. I should calm and rest. ... I wonder who that young man was the other night.

Day 36: All is quiet, all is well? No news is good news I suppose. I\'ve met again with pamplemousse, finally. The hell are the others? Cryxus taicho is off looking for his friends, Innocence is nowhere, Logan is nowhere, Shady, Awiiya, maybe I\'m just restless now. Jittery, from what I discovered there. That must be it.

Day 36 1/2: Calm before the storm I suppose. News has reached me that the MR fraternity has dissolved. This leaves a power vacuum and a large hole in my previous machinations. Cryxus is filling the void by making his crew official and I have decided... to join him in this. If there is no longer a reason to be subtle, the powers that may be may do something drastic. This alliance must happen, and I will take a seat while I can in it. Better I hold this influence than an unknown as I lay low. It\'s a chance I cannot take, and I am surrounded by friends in this. Back at the SS, we met a man that decided Innocence wasn\'t a person. I... flipped out a little. Moon and I talked afterwards and I think I\'ve learned from that. I\'ve learned quite a few things indeed...

Day 37: I need to organize some stuff, files, theories. Perhaps the brood can continue to train as I do this.

Day 38: *The date is written, but no entry stands. In fact, the date is all that\'s visible, because this page has been torn out.*

Day 39: *This date is also ready to be recorded, but also blank, and also in fact torn out.*

Day 40: I apologize, any following. The strain of maintaining this form must have surprised me again. It does that sometimes. I am going to look for the others now to hopefully ease my... ... As I passed the fountain just now... I thought I heard things. Whispers, but... bad ones. Voices of people I know were here and... oh my. I have recorded what I heard. I must hurry. And of course, after I hurry, am I surprised to not find anybody? Not exactly. More than once now I\'ve taken to just doing laps of these lands looking for people. It might be best to organize now, before I vanish again. And now that I\'ve seen some things worse than what I thought, it may be best if I am ready for the worst now. ... After some time recording what I have done, I put them together in a small box.

Day 41: *This date is ready to be recorded but blank, and torn out.*

Day 42: Well, that was fun. The heads contest has begun again, oh joy. Eh... this may be a blessing in disguise. There should now, after all, be an opening for the brood to train well. The guardians... well, the guardians are as I. They must be reborn to become more powerful. But even before that, the Brood continues to atone for it\'s actions long ago. I stand now at Willow\'s, and they stand beside me.

Chapter 3: Pride, love, courage

I can't even put a day here. The days have flown by. Would it be right to say Day 43? This is long past the 43rd day of my acquaintance here. I only- oh my god this pie is delicious- wish I could have told my friends here more before I disappeared from the face of the planet.

It looks like I'm right back into the chaos now. One of my good friends, Innocence, has been afflicted by something that does not let them touch anybody else without repercussion. She says it was recent, but on my first night back- the other night- there might have been side mention of this. I think I need to speak to the captain again. We all need to catch up a bit more than we did the other night.

I think I should call the captain over here for now either way. Wonder if he's awake at this hour? Well, we're just listening to Inno and Windy talk about a newspaper for now. Apparently, t-

-the bloody hell blazes?! What am I doing in this field? And what is this dome nearby? Well, the dome seems solid and made of an unknown material. It is also apparently locked, because there is no way in. I will not disturb this thing for now. Let's see if I can't get back to the pub, where I leave with Cryxus and another member of the pirate crew- Adiallinda. She is a cute one, and according to the list Cryxus seems to be keeping, the topsail person.

We talked a little bit about our friend, but soon arrived at the conclusion that there wasn't much we could do- for now anyway. I developed some plans myself. But the important part is that it involves a group known as the Intangibles- and if I'm intangible sometimes, I might qualify. It's a long shot, but I won't disregard it. And my elementals today seemed to sing for ms Adia and accidentally afflict her somehow as well. All this.

Substory: A helping hand

Something has come over me. I didn't come back for a long time and now that I have, I feel... I feel similar to what happened some time ago! Something - no- someone, is taking over me, and I must see them through to the end. I feel it... I feel I must. A few know who I think is coming.

Some of my creatures
Mathios Wesley Mareth

Page 295 - The Inner Sun - Pen. Bo.
"There is a small group of people that know about this, when we first discovered them we tried to ask the archivists about them but their reaction was at least strange. I also know none of these documents were here, it all started to happen recently when the sun started to move",Bootes listens fascinated, "Are you sure? you are actualy saying the documents appeared?..but they look ancient". Pen whispers "The documents are not the only thing that appeared after the sun started to move..." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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