I desire that Necrovian be my Homeland

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… Life in the traveling Menagerie was hard at times, but I had it better than most, for I was the only son of Famed “Madam Zorilyn The Seeress.” Now I had my share of chores to do, everyone in the Menagerie does, but I was afforded a lot of time to wander the grounds and explore the many experiences to be had. I had no true home, as the Menagerie would move from city to city. Once the animals were fed each day, and the grounds cleaned, I was left to my own devices. I spent much of my time romping through the back streets of whatever town we were in, or helping the other members train for their acts. I learned a wealth of useful things from the diverse crew that traveled with us. I learned the simple pleasures of juggling and balance from the Renaldo Family acrobats, I learned how to handle animals from old Thom Waltors, I managed to learn to defend myself from LeMann, The Strongman, and then there was Lady Blue… but things I learned from her are best kept to myself.
As time progressed and came of age, I was well on my way to joining the team of acrobats, as everyone in the Menagerie must earn their keep. But that all changed when we arrived in the small hamlet of Knothole Glade. The first night after camp was set, I made my normal rounds through the back street drinking establishments, and it was there that I saw the girl that would change my life forever. We shared a few dances, and a few more drinks, and by the end of the night, I knew I would not be leaving Knothole Glade with the Menagerie the following week. Little did I know then, how true this would be.
News travels fast in a small town, and word quickly spread of the “Gypsy Boy” who had been too friendly with the Chancellor’s Daughter. I was awakened from early morning sleep by the rough hands of city guards. I was dragged to the street, bound and thrown into the back of wagon, destined for a cell beneath the Town Hall. There were no charges given, and despite the demands of my mother, and Master Wodsworth (the owner of the Menagerie) I was not to be released. The next day it was announced that Helen, the Chancellor’s Daughter, had been slain in a seedy tavern that night, and I was to be put to death for the crime. I had one day before the hangman’s noose…
… The pain of the hemp rope around my neck as I reached the end of the short drop is still vivid in my mind. I am alive… I think. I have awakened in this strange wooden room…I can still remember every detail of my prior life, yet it slips from my grasp as a dream at dawn. Was it real? Was it just an illusion? If it was, then where am I now? I still hold the knowledge of that past life, I know nothing of this one… what do I do? What Happened to Helen?! Was she even real…could my feelings for her, so strong as they were, be anything BUT real? Is this just another illusion, or is this my real life? I must find out the answers, but in the back of my mind, I know that answers will only lead me to more questions… No matter, I must begin this journey from the start, and travel whatever path is before me… I might as well begin now! |