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Spirit Weaver
Player ID: 200873
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 4
Energetic immunity : 7
Trade sense : 5
Briskness : 4
Initiative : -3
Defence : 6
Attack : 8
Power : 6
Luck : 5
Transposition Principle = 13
Principle of Cyclicity = 19
Principle of Balance = 14
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Battle stats
Won: 53 | Lost: 58
Honor: 1132
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance
The Story of the Spirit

*slowly takes the paper and and pen and begins to write his story amongst the pages*

"My name is unknown to me, I'm recognized only as Spirit Weaver, so I suppose for now that will be my name. Upon entering this strange world, I have lost my ability to speak and must find other forms of communication. It saddens me that my voice has left me and I am unaware of how to find it and once more have it flow from my lips to the ears and souls of those around me. I have come to find a small source of my own magic from some past that I don't remember. I am able to breifly breath life into inanimate objects and do as I command but only for a few brief minutes before they return to their original dormant state. I wish to find my way in this new and strange world and to imprint a legacy of some sort upon the minds of those souls that surround me. "


"Slip into the unkown and discover thy spirit resting peacefully among your greatest dreams and hope that it remains that way, for if the nightmares come thy spirit will not rest until the demons are vanquished from wence they came."

Some of my creatures

Spirit Weaving

A list of things I've accomplished in changing with my small ability


-turned a snickers wrapper into a small brown spider that crawled back into it's owners pocket

-turned a firefly pendant into an actual firefly and watched as it flew around the room

-turned an onyx shard into a black butterfly and watched as it landed on the nose of a dragon

-turned a heavy book dripping of ink into a dragon that spit ink from its nostrils

-fixed the broken wing of a phoenix.

-turned a silver rapier into a silver snake and watched as it slithered back to its owner.

Page 419 - Tales of The Cube
"Stay still old man, i will need your shape". The Traveler takes the old mans cane and walks away leaving a pile of dust behind him. "Now lets see, where to start.." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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