I am a patient person. most of the time. I am not very motivated with most issues of real importance in my life. But, if i find a new game online, or a something interesting online or a new fetish that I have. I throw myself 200% into it. For MagicDuel, if you have a partner link, just send it my way, I'll set it up as soon as I can.
I found myself wandering as an errant thought came in about a land I used to roam.
Thus, I made my way to this old land, to find that it was now new.
As with all things, this land was made of possibilities, just like the self, capable of so much change,
though the cost is not always one that is considered worth paying.
Though the worth is in effort. For thought of effort is in and of itself the first step for change.
I used to help manage MD's partner links, as evidenced by my old Comments on self section at the top. My role was more of a chronicler than that of a stenographer. Nowadays I journey through MD, trying to connect the sporadic sources of information that are so abundant, yet so infrequent in this realm.
My goal is to create a living lore of where this realm has been, to better know where it will go next.
Wishlist (in descending order of desire)
-To be part of an A25 quest team
-To have some artworks done for some quest ideas I have
-For some of the living lore of MD (the things from adventure log, seedwalks, etc) to be turned into stories and added to MDA as a living text of MD's history.
-To meet Wodin and the Traveler
-To learn the mirror spell doc
-For it to rain more often in MD (like once a day for 10 minutes would be great)--> or to learn how to make it rain.