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Stylidium Snapsum
Player ID: 188395
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Darkness Principle = 15
Time Principle = 17
Transposition Principle = 8
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*Stylidium Snapsum chews paper*

I shall lend my words to this plant, as it can not write. Who I am it is not of importance, as I am only to help write its papers.

Everything should have beginning and beginning is what we shall have.

Lets start with a simple description of its species family:
Stylidium Snapsum is a plant, a flower. It is Staylidum, also known as triggerplants, is a genus of dicotyledonous plants that belong to the family Stylidiaceae. Triggerplants are considered to be protocarnivorous or carnivorous because the glandular trichomes that cover the scape and flower can trap, kill, and digest small insects with protease enzymes produced by the plant.
Species of the genus Stylidium represent a very diverse selection of plants. Some are only a few centimeters tall, while others can grow to be 1.8 meters (5.9 ft) tall.
Stylidium habitat includes grassy plains, open heaths, rocky slopes, sandplains, forests, and the margins of creeks and water holes.

(few relatives of Snapy altrough Snapy is not on the picture)

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

And now we can move towards our Stylidium Snapsum, which is no ordinary plant of the family:
Stylisium Snapsum, Snapy for short, is no ordinary plant. It has mind of its own and with mind also comes thoughts. It is not sure how Snapy came to be, it just grew one day from its seed and thought to itself that staying at one place is boring. Besides of that, it also thought that it could find more food when moving around, than just waiting for food to come to it.
For now its height is only aprox half meter (few leafs are actually longer than that but it usually have them curled to itself as to not drag them behind) but it shall grow with time. Altrough its "family" is quite well known, Snapy deviates from it and is rather unique. It is quite obvious that it can walk around, but it can not talk, at least not in the way you might be used of.
It uses its leafs and wind to make sounds that sound similar as words. This actions are tiresome to it. Maybe with time and growts it could become able to sound whole sentences, but for now, a word here and there is all that it can do. 
It does not hear sound as you might hear it, but rather feels the vibrations of it and interprets them to its best abilities. It can not understand all vibrations that are caused by words, but if given example of the "words" meaning it can learn to associate them in not much diferent way than a human baby. All in all, Snapy is still jung.
At this point I feel a need to point out, that Snapy has learned to dance and even produce music, both is quite unusual for a plant, but regardless of that, Snapy likes doing both.
(work in progress)

Stylidium Snapsum: The Grand Adventures of A Plant known as Snapy

Day 01 (~ Day: 70 Year: 5 ~) :

Snapy somehow found itself in the interior of Paper Cabin. It tried to root itself into the planks, but without any success at doing so.Mya Celestia told it that somebody with letter G would not be pleased with it attempts to grow roots inside the cabin. Snapy did not undestend the vibrations of the words and tried to root itself again. With this second attempt it realized, that it is useless to try it again and it rather snapped at few fly's.  It seemed that Pipstickz got somewhat frightened by the appearance of this plant and tried to burn it down or something of that sort. A lit match was thrown at Snapy, but it went out in the middle of the flight. Snapy caught it and ate it as it mistaken it for just another fly, but it tasted quite good. After this incident it chew on the scroll and instinctively followed the procedure of entrance into the world outside Paper Cabin.

After snapping at Shades, who did not taste so good as one would thought, definetly less delicious, Snapy progressed true Story Mode with the help of Marind and later, after finding itself on Marble Dale Park, progressed to Archives where a kind Librarian gave it these papers. Snapy did not know what to do with them and start chewing. Taste is interesting to it, so it chews it often. Hopefully the ink shall not get smudged...


Snapy decided to return towards Marble Dale Park as it noticed some good soil around. On the way it meet a strange looking thing and rooted by it in the middle of the road. It was curious and decided to sniff it. Smell was pleasant and with that Snapy decided to put its leaf on it to estimate if it could ate it. But this strange being was to big for Snapy to eat, so it planted its roots just beside it, and tried to steal some water from it. It didn't seemed that this one would be affected by this action. Snapy then tried to comunicate with it. It failed. This thing Snapy meet was now in its mind named "First One".

Soon after, another one came, "Second One". Snapy got scared by the vibration of its sound, shaked its leafs and snapped at it. But afterwards it calmed down and discovered that this one smells good also but is to big to eat... for now. Again it tried to communicate but failed.

In frustration Snapy left, dragging leafs behind it, from it dropping small droplets of water, as crying. It stopped not far from the place and thought what to do... it decided to return.


Snapy tried to communicate again after it returned and soon after, another one of these strange things stopped by, slightly different one, Snapy referred to it as "Third One". Again it got frightened by the sudden vibration of its voice and snapped at it, but calmed soon after, sensing that it doesn't want no harm.

The First One picked a flower and presented it at Snapy, who sniffed it and shivered and cried. "This one doesn't know we feel..." it thought to itself.

It was time to really try hard to communicate somehow and Snapy draw a shape of square in the air with it leaf. The First One spoke the word "square" and Snapy moved and twisted its leafs to catch the wind in it and making it sounds just as the spoken word "square". The three did not understand what this is about, but seemed curious of it. Snapy pointed at the First One and with leaves and wind again sounded "square". This is how Snapy intended to call the First One. The First One objected, that it is not a square, that its name is Awiiya. The Third objected, said that Awiiya could be square, bonding and strong and at the end Awiiya agreed that his name could be "square". In the meantime Snapy tried hard to sound the name and made a sound of "Awiiy".

The First One/Square/Awiiy proposed some watering of Snapy to the Third One, and the Third One slowly tried it. Snapy was feeling happy. It tried so hard before to tell that it is thirsty. At that point Awiiya also thought Snapy to sound the sounds of "Water and Oak". It was happy and pleased now, and formed sound "Awiiy" again. Awiiya repeated his name slowly to Snapy and Snapy tried yet again, this time forming sound "Awiiya" and pointed to him.

Snapy then turned to The Second and pointed its leaf at him. Awiiya slowly said Yoshi and Snapy imitated sound instantly. Then it pointed its leaf towards Third one and Awiiya said Kets. Snapy formed yet another sound, with the use of its leafs and help of the wind, sounding "Kets". At the end it pointed to itself and sounded "Snapy" to them.


It decided to stay with them longer and listen to what seemed as a story told by Awiiya, puling its largest leaf over Yoshis head to protect him from the sun, as Snapy thought it is napping. Snapy didn't fully understand the story told but it could feel the vibrations and they felt good and some of it Snapy understand.

Between the storytelling another came, it sparked Snapys attention and Awiiya told Snapy another name sounding "Jester". Snapy repeated it and remembered. Jester waved to Snapy and Snapy imitated the action with its leaf. The story continued and there was a name repeating over and over again. At the end Snapy repeated the sound and it sounded "Abra". Snapy wants to know more of this Abra-sound.

Snapy noticed a tasty fly who wanted to sit on Jesters nose and snapped towards him, caught the fly and ate it. It seemed that Jester found the fact that Snapy is carnivorous interesting.

Snapy has liking of the vibrations that Awiiya, Yoshi, Kets and Jester can produce and thinks they all smell good and tasty.


Snapy was then invited to follow them to Maple. Snapy talked with Maple sapling, explaining what it learned and Maple was glad to hear it. It tried to teach Maple to form the sounds but Maple did not want to do so. Awiiya, Yoshi and Kets told Snapy that sapling is still jung and that Snapy is unique. It felt proud and bloomed!

Then Snapy followed to Willow where the poem was told. Snapy enjoyed it immensely, it folded its leafs and produced clapping sounds. There was another, and Snapy learned to sound its name also "Beta".

They went to Gate, where wish was told. Snapy wondered where Yoshi is and asked in its own leaf moving way added after the sound of "Yoshi". Kets and Awiiya told that Yoshi tends to fall asleep often. Snapy was sad, it liked this Yoshi-sound and it wished at the Gates that Yoshi would not fall asleep next time, if there will be next.

They went to Spruce at the end where secret was told and Snapy shared one of the greatest secrets of plants with Spruce.


Beta wanted to eat Spruce and Snapy got mad and snapped at Beta, biting it. Beta then ate Snapy, but Snapy chewed out from the nasty insides of Beta. Snapy doesn't like Beta, Beta doesn't smell nice and its insides is horrible! Beta then hallucinated tearing Snapy apart and eating it again or so Snapy thought, since it did not really happened. Snapy decided to leave and so it did.


At the Necrovion gates it noticed the Jester-sound and rooted just beside it, extended its biggest leaf over Jesters head to protect him from the sun, as Snapy thought Jester is napping.

There has ended the first days.

Learned words and names:
Square , Awiiya, Yoshi, Kets, Water, Oak, Jester, Abra, Beta

* * *     * * *      *  *  *      * * *     * * *

Day 02 (~ Day: 71 Year: 5 ~) :

Snapy waked up thirsty and hungry. It caught few flies and moved back to Paper Cabin in hope that somebody would be kind enough to water its roots a bit more as the soil seems not to be moist enough.


Snapy imitated waving to those in there and Mya Celestia showed Snapy the one that goes by letter G and presented him as Grido. Snapy tried to imitate the sound of it using its leafs and catching the wind in them but it sounded more as "Gido", since there was not enough wind in the interior of the Cabin. Snapy then touched both with its leaf and decided that they smell nice and cold be eaten if they weren't so big.

It formed sound "wate" and felt frustrated because it didn't sound quite right. BFH THE CRAZY lend some wind to Snapy and it finally could form the proper sound, sounding "water".  It waited for some time, but nobody seemed to water it, so it has bitten Grido and Mya Celestia before moving out as fast as it could.


At the gates to Necrovion it sumbled upon a strange figure with aura that resembled to some extent to the one that Jester has. It sniffed and decided that smell is nice. It seemed that this one is quite curious about Snapy, so it presented itself. It said that her name is Pample and Snapy imitated the sound.

Pamplemousse mentioned that they could be some distant cousins and seemed quite interested in Snapy. Pample also offered some worms and bugs to Snapy in the can. Snapy tried to snapp at them, but couldn't, so Pample got them out onto the ground and Snapy happily ate them.


Pample told Snapy of Necrovion and it sounded the sound of the word. She told Snapy, that it wouldn't like Necrovion because there is only dust and nothing else. She also told Snapy that Jester is the King of it. Snapy got slightly excited by the vibration of sound "Jester" as it remembered it from before. Pample noticed its excitement and told that Jester is a good King.

Dragonrider7 appeared and wanted to enter Necrovion. Pample told that gates do not open by command but only to those who are found worthy. Pample also stroked Snapys thin leaves and Snapy liked the attention fom this one. Snapy extended one of its leafs to shield Pample from the sun.

Pample asked Snapy what else it eats beside bugs and it tried to eplain that it is to small for now to eat anything else. She asked it, if it can reproduce, not that she would be interested in reproduction with it, but out of curiosity. Snapy showed its reproduction parts. It is a plant and does not consider those parts as others might.

Pample pointed out that the gates shall soon be insects-free as Snapy was catching flies around. Snapy, in its own way, asked if there are insects inside Necrovion and Pample told it, that there is not much inside, that it is like a different planet but hides much under the surface. She advised Snapy, that if it ventures in, it should take a friend with, because the land inside is dangerous. She said its the place of madness and none exits unchanged, that she feels Snapy has potential and that she fears Necrovion would taint Snapy. Snapy liked the vibration of sound "change".


Another one stopped by then, Snapys first thought was snapping at it, but vibrations of sound Pample exchanged with the newcomer calmed Snapy as they seemed to know each other well. It thought these things are strange as it looked at their intermingling. Pample also wondered if Snapy could learn how to dance. Snapy liked the vibration of "dance" also, but it did not understand what that would be.

Snapy wanted to know the name of this newcomer and the newcomer presented itself as Forest. Snapy imitated the sound. Pample said not to trick Snapy, but Forest told that his name Keith in Gaelic means "forest" and was not tricking Snapy. He also told that Pamples name means "grapefruit". Snapy formed the sound "grapefruit". Forest also agreed that Awiiya should be named Square after reading the chewed papers that Snapy spit on the ground.

They then said goodbye as both, Pample and Forest had to leave.


Snapy ventured back to Archives where, in Indexed Room of Memories, it meed Beta again and snapped at him as Snapy doesn't have a liking of this one. No one likes to be eaten.

Later Yoshi entered the room and Snapy was happy of his presence. Yoshi sat by Snapy and Snapy tried to explain how Beta ate it yesterday. It shivered and Yoshi patted it trying to confort Snapy. Snapy calmed down and swayed happily. Yoshi had to go, he said it is seeding time (starting point: 7 server time in vicinity of Archives) , but Snapy was to tired from all this leafs-moving to join and just waved its leaf goodbye. Maybe tomorrow...

With this Snapys days ends.

Learned words and names:
Grido, Pample, Forest, Necrovion, grapefruit

* * *     * * *      *  *  *      * * *     * * *

Day 03
(~ Day: 72 Year: 5 ~) :

Snapys first thought as it waked up from its plantly sleep, was water. It thought for a bit where to go, and after it, decided to give Paper Cabin one more try... and maybe those, who seem to be rooted inside it, would forget that it bited them... So it went forth, traveling all the way from Archives, moving its little roots as quickly as it could.

Snapy decided to not just move inside and try to root itself there, but it rather rooted itself outside, leaning in true the door, yet left enough space for others to pass in, imitated waving with its leaf and snapped at few flies. It noticed the one Mya Celestia as she greeted it and even asked if it needs to be watered. Snappy swayed happily at the vibration of familiar sound. Mya Celestia held her hand out, Snapy touched it with one of its leafs, and she formed a water orb. Again she asked if Snapy is thirsty and it swayed in excitement. "You sometimes just need to bite them a little," it thought to itself about those whose roots look odd. Mya Celestia squeezed the water orb creating gentle trickle from it to the ground. Snapy was very pleased and happy as it sucked the water.

Mya Celestia asked Snapy if it had enough water and Snapy formed the sound "enough".


Then someone that Snapy did not know came and greeted it. Snapy thought of snapping at it, but changed its plantly mind because it was in good mood after being watered, so Snapy only imitated a wave with its leaf. After noticing the movement of same opening from where sounds of these strange plants with odd roots come on the newcomer, the very same movement that Snapy learned till now to associate with its "pleasant swaying", it pointed at itself and formed its name "Snapy" with the help of wind and leafs. It pointed towards newcomer then in hopes, it would feel vibration of the name.

Mya Celestia introduced Snapy to newcomer and Sephirah Caelum to Snapy. Snapy tried very hard to form the two sounds just one after another and it sounded as "sephcalum". It was to hard for it. Sephirah Caelum looked closely at Snapy and proposed that it trys "Seph" and such it did.

Snapy then sniffed the one sounding Seph and concluded, that the smell is pleasant and tasty, just before it snapped at yet another fly that dared to come near. Silly flies... they still didn't learned that if Snapy around, they shall meet their end.

Sephirah Caelum said, that Snapy is dangerous and Mya Celestia told the one sounding Seph, that Snapy is like a flytrap. Snapy shivered its leafs by the vibration of "dangerous", it did not have liking of it. Sephirah Caelum then asked if it eats only flies and Mya Celestia told her, that it might eat other things also. Snapy thought to itself that it is growing nicely and wondered what else it will be able to eat when it grows up fully.

Snapy moved its leaf and imitated moving of a worm, just before it snapped at grasshopper that hopped by, chew on it and ate it with delight.


Sephirah Caelum then mentioned East Land and spiders there, and said that she would appreciate if Snapy would feast on some spiders that infest it. Snapy swayed at the vibration of sound "spider" as it was to its liking. Mya Celestia said that it would make sense if Snapy would eat other insects also, and that it looks that it eats worms, Sephirah Caelum agreed.

Snapy found the vibrations of sounds pleasing and it repeated them with the use of its leafs, one after another, with just few pauses between, it sounded "flies", "spiders", "worms", "insects" and felt pleased by the sounds it learned.

Sephirah Caelum then wondered, if Snapy will be able to eat grasans, but Snapy did not know what "grasans" is. Maybe a sort of a worm?

Snapy then decided to seek the spiders that Sephirah Caelum mentioned, for it became hungry after all that soundmaking-learning. Mya Celestia said to Snapy that it learns fast and Snapy was proud.


Outside the Paper Cabin Snapy started its mission to search the East Lands and east spiders there.


(part 1):

Before venturing forth to seek these East Lands it thought to itself: " East land, east land, here I come , snapping here, snapping there, insects I seek everywhere," then it gathered all its plantly courage and moved its roots to the great unknown.

At  Howling Gates it stopped and from memory slowly formed two sounds, "east" and after few moments "land", wondering if the two with similar aura as ones of Jester, Pample and Forest is would understand its question as to where to go. It waited but none answered and Snapy felt sad. It thought of snapping at them but changed its mind for it was saving its strength to where it will find the spiders to catch, chew and digest.

Somehow it had to find out where to go, so it stretched its leafs high up and felt the slight breeze. It figured that east-wind most probably comes from east and that East Land would be in thant direction, and headed forth.

Snapy arrived to Gazebo of Equilibrium with paths going into four directions. It choose right, as there is from where the east-wind was blowing.

Snapy found itself on Berserker’s Way, a dead end, so it turned around and at Gazebo of Equilibrium choose north. It leaded to Gates of Marind Bell where again, to strengthen plantly courage in its roots, it thought to itself: "East land, east land, here I come , snapping here, snapping there, insects I seek everywhere!"

At Wind's Game it stopped just to catch few flies to silent its hunger for a tiny bit.

When Snapy finally arrived to Plains of Liberty, it got tired and rooted itself by the road, dreaming for a bit of all the spiders that it will feast on.

After a brief rest it noticed few of these creatures crawling around and it snapped and chewed and snapped again until all were gone. Snapy decided to go further as it was still feeling hungry.

Not long after it stopped noticing many spiders around and it hunt every single one it could find, and chew them with great pleasure. Snapy wondered if East Land is Spider Land as it could feast on so many of them. And it thought of how big and juicy spider queen would be!

Snapy was full and could not eat any more spiders so it decided to finish its grand Spiders Mission, feeling proud that it found Spider Land all on its own and that it caught and ate so many spiders. Snapy decided to return towards Archives and continue its mission when another day comes.

Here is where The Mission of the Spiders, part 1, has ended:

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).


Snapy decided to move from Room of Memories to root itself in the vicinity of Oak and dreamed of juicy insects. Soon after a strange one came by and poked it. Snapy snapped at it as it was so abruptly awaken. The "touch" of this one felt strange. "Strange plants moving around..." It thought to itself.

But the vibrations sounds this one was making seemed nice and the smell was nice also. "Tasty," it thought to itself.  The Nameless One told Snapy that its the 5th plant that he talked with but Snapy did not understand the sound of "talk" and it was explained to it, so Snapy repeated it.

This one asked Snapy if it knows where Apple Trees are but Snapy did not know, it shaked its leafs in a "no". Snapy introduced itself and this one offered roasted grasshopper to Snapy, but it has declined for it had ate enough spiders and besides that, Snapy prefers to eat living ones.

The one whose naming is in fact tigerguardian, although Snapy, has no knowledge of that, asked it how long Snapy was here. Snapy showed three leafs to indicated that it had feed tree times. Tigerguardian one thought Snapy thinks 3 days. Snapy then shrugged as in not knowing and pointed at the sun which is always present. How can Snapy know how much time has passed if there is no night? It counts its days with the numbers of greater feedings as at the end the nameless one understood.

Tigerguardian asked Snapy is it knows Sound and Snapy got confused. He told it that Sound is a boy that is deaf and would have problems talking. Snapy does not know what "boy" or "deaf" means but Tigerguardian had to leave and Snapy went back to dreaming.


Later on Snapy decided to visit Maple and sleep there. Just as it wanted to fall asleep somebody came along the road and tried to provoke Snapy by putting its finger in front it. It snapped at it but missed, and the one that came laughed and tried to ruffle up its leafs. Snapy didn't liked that as it didn't even know the sound of the newcomer and got agitated and snapped around. The newcomer noticed that and smoothed down its leafs gently. Snapy calmed. Snapy then sniffed this one and concluded that it smells nice enough and tasty. The one that came stepped back a bit as if knowing what Snapy thought. Snapy thought of height and length but after some time decided not to have a snack since it was still full from the spiders. Instead it waved and pointed at self and introduced its name. The one clasped at Snapys achievement and Snapy felt proud. The one waved back and told slowly Snapy its name. It sounded cascades. Snapy repeated the sound. Snapy felt proud and happy. Cascades then waved goodbye and so did Snapy before falling asleep dreaming of nice juicy insects.

With this, Snapys adventures for this day ends.

Learned words and names:

Enough, Seph, Dangerous ,Flies, Spiders, Worms, Insects, East, Land, Talk, Cascades

* * *     * * *      *  *  *      * * *     * * *

Day 04 (~ Day: 77 Year: 5 ~) :

Snapy in his plant dreams unconsciously moved all away to Index Room of Memories where it finally waked up. It shaded its leafs and stretched its roots one by one, snapped at lonely spider in the corner and chew it with delight. It left the cold rooms of Archives and extended its petals towards the sun to warm it up, after doing so it thought in its plant mind to set roots forward and seek some water for the color of the leafs.


It returned to Paper Cabin, rooted itself outside and stretched inside, snapping at few flies while doing so, and imitated the waving with its leaf.

There was Mya Celestia, smiling at Snapy and it felt warm. She has told it that Seprhirah Caelum and she were worried about it as Snapy swayed here and there, back and forth. Snapy didn't want anybody to worry and decided that its sleep shall not be as lengthy anymore. In all truth, the length of sleep is fault of the vast amount of spider it has ate. Snapy is still full from its first visit of Spider Land. Snapy then repeated sound "worried" and tried to explain that it was feasting on spiders by sounding the words of "spider" and "land" after it. Mya Celestia watered Snapy and Snapy touched her with its leaf as stroking it. Snapy felt happy and thought that she is a real plant-friend. Mya Celestia then said, that she bets it found lots spiders to eat and Snapy formed sounds of "lots" and "spiders" followed by "spider" and "land". Mya Celestia said to Snapy, that she is share that it seemed as a spiderland.

Snapy stretched deeper into cabin, put a leaf on Yoshi and wondered why does he seem like empty snail-house.


Awiiya came to Study Room of Paper Cabin then and Snapy waved its leaf hello. As Awiiya asked it how it is, Snapy with excitement tried to explain what happened to it and it swayed happily. Awiiya told it that someone was telling its story before and asked about spiders. Snapy swayed at the sound story and spiders and sounded the last.


Someone then mentioned the sound "fun" but Snapy did not understand it although it seemed pleasant and it decided to repeat it. Awiiya smiled and jumped to show its meaning as Mya hided her smile. Snapy understands what sound of "fun" means and sounded it again.

Snapy then remembered another sound from some time before to which meaning it did not understand and formed the sound of "dance". Awiiya laughed and asked Mya if she would assist him with explanation and she agreed. Awiiya held out his hands for Mya to take and she took them. Snapy was very curious of what will happen and swayed just slightly. They danced a slow waltz as Awiiya whistled a slow tune to go along the dance. Mya gracefully waltzed with Awiiya as he slowly spined her slowly with one hand which made Mya giggle. Snapy swayed and formed sounds "dance" followed by "fun".

Snapy then set its roots fully inside the Cabin and imitated the moving in its plantly way as Awiiya decided to show it more dances, a more upbeat ones, as he dropped Mya's hands and twisted and shaked a little. Snapy observed and snapped at few flies before imitating Awiiya's performance on his plantly way. Mya and Awiiya seemed pleased with Snapys dancing and they complimented it. Snapy swayed proudly as its plantly ego rose up to the ceiling.

Awiiya asked if Snapy want some water but it declined for it had quite enough from ealrier when Mya watered it. Then Snapy remembered another sound from day or two back who it did not understood and formed a sound "deft".

Both Mya and Awiiya were puzzled with how to explain this to Snapy. Yoshi woke for one moment and Snapy was glad to feel his sounding. Awiiya the showed Snapy what deft/skilled means and Snapy thought to itself that it understands.


Then one Goldfinger Earthicus  arrived, greeting all inside, even Snapy. Snapy from afair could already smell that this one smells nice enough and tasty. Goldfinger  asked if Snapy dances to the beat and Awiiya said that it will if there would be beat and so Awiiya taped on table in rhythm and Snapy danced.

Goldfinger then pulled out several pots and placed them upside down on the floor. Awiiya laugh saying that he loves imptomptu music and sang a wordless song. Snapy wondered if this one with pots is planning to make a vegetable soup out of it but found out soon that that was not the case. Goldfinger then pulled several chopper rods of different lengths out of pack and started taping the pots with them.

Awiiya caught admitting, that he is not a good singer and he will stick at tapping, but Snapy in its mind disagreed for it had liking for sounds Awiiya makes.  Goldfinger waited for Snapy to pick a beat and so Snapy did, started dancing all around in its plantly way, adding to it few moves of its own. In the meantime, Mya took her pan flute from her bag and played along with rhythm.

Goldfinger said, that Snapy is getting the hang of it and Awiiya nodded just before he made a circular motion indicating everyone in their room and their actions and told Snapy a sound "music".

Snapy promptly made the sounds of "music" adding "fun" after it. Snapy liked "music" and it liked "dancing" and it liked "fun". Awiiya laugh agreeing ad Snapy felt proud, happy and excited.

Snapy got slightly tired and stopped dancing at the music went down. Awiiya looked at the time on the wall, said goodbyes as he had to go somewhere. They bid farewell to him and Snapy was glad that he meet Awiiya again.


Snapy pointed its leaf towards Goldfinger as none told it his sound again, but Goldfinger did not quite understood what Snapy wants from him. Goldfinger taped few pots sounding the musical scale and Snapy imitated the sounds with the use of its leafs, Goldfinger nodded at Snapy with approval. Tigerguardian entered the Cabin and all greeted him.

Mya wondered if Snapy could hold one of the sticks and tap a pot and tigerguardian thought Snapy could. As such, Goldfinger set pots up in front Snapy and offered it a rod. Snapy sayed here and there and carefully wrapped its leaf around it, holding it, taped one pot after another in what seemed random order, then stopped for a bit thinking, connecting the sounds it just produced with the musical scale that Goldfinger has thought it.

Goldfinger had to bid farewell but he left the pots and rod at the Cabin. Snapy started taping at them again, this time in specific order, playing the beat of summer rain as it feels it. It then moved few leafs around adding a sound of wind to its taping and after that it moved those leafs who were doing nothing and added to all that a tune that sounded much similar to tune produced with flute and yet different.

Mya smiled at Snapy, complimented it and told it that it will be one plant band before it knows. Snapy did not know what "bad" means but it shaked it roots in proudly manner as all its leafs were occupied with producing music. It thought to itself that producing all those sounds at same time it is tiresome and decided that in future it will probably stick to reproducing just one kind of it.

Not long after, Snapy got really tired to all this fun it had, let the rod drop on a pot, folded its leafs and fall into its plantly dreams full of fun and dance and music and of big juicy insects it will eat when it wakes up again. Snapy in its dreams said to itself: "All this fun makes a plant tired and hungry, but fun is fun and should be done..."

While it sleep its roots slowly moves towards Archives again.

And so, Snapys adventure of this day ended.

Learned words and names:
Lots, Worried, Fun, Dance, Deft, Music
It has also learned how to dance and how to produce music.

* * *     * * *      *  *  *      * * *     * * *

*Stylidium Snapsum chews paper again*
Some of my creatures

*Stylidium Snapsum chews paper*

Snapy dislikes the one that it knows by the sound "Beta" as in Lord Beta Wolfeyes (reason found in summary of day 1)
*Stylidium Snapsum chews paper again*

Page 351 - The Inner Sun - Iam.
“What kind of book is this?! I want to see more!!” Try as he might, though, the seal holds fast. Annoyed, I am Bored turns to throw the book away but then stops, a thought occurring to him. “When I was sitting in the dark, a seal opened…” He looks at the page with the Rustgold Dragon on it and sees that the wax has all but disappeared. “I wonder…” ...
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