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Summer breeze
Player ID: 248235
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Regeneration : 10
Energetic immunity : 44
Trade sense : 17
Briskness : 18
Initiative : 41
Defence : 96
Attack : 145
Power : 17
Luck : 32
Finesse : 1
Herbalism : 1
Volition : 134
Woodcutting : 1
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Royal Guard
Time Principle = 79
Principle of Enthropy = 39
Transposition Principle = 72
Element Principle = 48
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 256 | Lost: 583
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

This is me. My father is the Summer and my mother is a dryad. Although I look more like my mother, I have a human form too, in which I am a little more mobile than in my dryad form. In my human form I remember people of summer.

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

I came to this realm for educational purposes. My parents said it would be good for me to see the not so nice side of life. Maybe it will come later, but till now I don't know what they were talking about. Everybody is giving me presents and I made some really good friends.

Day 260, Year 8

I have a job! Windy made me the manager of her Wind and Rain pub when she is not around. I am so happy! I am sure my parents will be proud of me. 

Same day

I beat the first Loreroot guard! 

Same day

Beat the second one too! I can now go into Loreroot.

Day 298, Year 8

I became a Lorerootian citizen today!

Day 13, Year 9

I would love to have a tag, The Tree Whisperer. This is my wish for this year.
Some of my creatures
Elite Lorerootian Archer Elite Knator Animated Tree III Unholy Priest II Water Daimon I Full-grown Winderwild Aramor Assassin Hollow Warrior

I don't hate anybody. I do hate violence and injustice though.

Page 157 - The Shade Ballance - Nel.
Lady NelyaSetesh’s mind is racing, worrying about the Commander. While relaxing at Ravens Peace, staring at the water Nelya sees a silhouette rising up from the below the surface. “I am an ancient nymph, i know what happend with the Knator Commander”. “Without your leader you’re too weak to defend this land. We never interfere, but can bestow a gift” Placing its hands on Nelya’s head. She feels an new energy stirring within her. Unnerved by the experience, she rushes to talk to her alliance. Returning through the forest, she notices a wounded animal. Sensing the animals pain, deeper than ever before, she places her hand on the animal’s wound. A warm light appears beneath her palm, and Nelya is shocked to see the blood slowly abate. As the creature runs into the woodland, Nelya stands up and smiles….”so this is my gift..”. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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