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Wretched Fusrooda
Christon Hoa




Player ID: 163493
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 148
Energetic immunity : 213
Trade sense : 106
Briskness : 111
Initiative : 80
Defence : 454
Attack : 784
Power : 91
Luck : 65
Volition : 455
Cartography : 30
Finesse : 16
Gardening : 15
Waterhandling : 19
Herbalism : 19
Mining : 35
Woodcutting : 66
*excavation : 25
Filtering : 10
*taming : 10
Experimentalism : 10
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Silver Set
Principle of Imagination = 172
Principle of Enthropy = 4000
Time Principle = 4000
Darkness Principle = 4000
Principle of Cyclicity = 91
A friendly and valued artist who has worked hard for MagicDuel to produce artwork transforming concepts into visual representations.
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Battle stats
Won: 1122 | Lost: 1313
Honor: 0
MindPower: 5

Guardians of the Root
The oneness of your housing is at 2 %


(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
The culture of past ages speaks about young, beautiful Enchantress that wanders the forests of known world. Those who meet her tells about her wisdom and strange powers. It is said that she helps people to draw the very best from within them. Be it in form of beauty, strength or more mysterious things, the Enchantress knows how to charm and make waves out of deep waters… Those who befriend her, however, tell about her passion. She owns Sushi Bar & Gallery, the place where her magic comes to life and creatures of her drawings bursts out from the paintings to play with kind hearted people. There are those who tell different story, however. They say she is actually a powerful witch who wields kiseru as her weapon of choice. It is a magical wand made from Lorewood and inscribed with long lost language only those close to the forest can understand. A legacy from past days, legend has it that Sushi inherited the wand when she completed most difficult challenge of all… Shared the wonders of her soul…

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Personal Achievements
 Explored No Mans Land
Explored Marind's Bell
Explored MDA
Explored Underground
Passed through the Labyrinth
Golemus Golemicarum
Joined Loreroot
Visited The Tribunal
Visited Necrovion
Gained access to Gateway Island
Beat Willows Shop Guards
Beat Loreroot Landguards
Solved the Berserker's puzzle
Activated the little box in Community Garden
Spent a day in Broken Pattern Gazebo & solved nothing
Woodcutter's Apprentice
Resource Merchant
MD Artist
Gold Artworks Medal

Basics 6/6 (by Mallos)
Introduction Quests x 3 (by Lintara)
Avatar Coloring Contest (by Blackshade Rider)

Hellhound (by Blackshade Rider)
Improvised Rain Collector (by Mur)
Build your own Drachorn (by Mur)
Chasing Darkness 3/3 (by Lashtal)
Sky Scouters (by Ungod)

The Voice in the Dark (by Nimrodel)
I am Hungry (by MaGoHi)
Scene Redesign Challenge (by Chewett)

Custom made items/ spells
Independent collecting tools
Five-pound bag of gummy bears

Special Thanks
(Listed in no particular order)
Aia del Mana
Bash Chelik

Some of my creatures
Angien Sentinel II The Confessed Ashitaka Hollow Warrior - 13th Annivers Hollow Warrior - 12th Annivers Imperial Aramor Assassin Kanna Day Dreamer

The creation of a magic item is a difficult and time-consuming procedure that is mentally and physically draining, not to mention if it involved with a specific body or place...

Please try to respect others hard work, or just walk a mile in their shoes. 

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

Training but not fighting, trees are my best friends.
Mainly focusing on the impact of the realm instead of dealing damage to others.

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

Page 520 - A Debt Repaid
And so it was. Aelis found Junior on his way to the Archives and executed him. Shortly thereafter, Lashtal found Maebius sleeping. He slipped his killing rope around Maebius's neck and as he slowly strangled him, he whispered "Junior has felt the displeasure of Necrovion...and so must you. Sorry old friend, but debts must be repaid." Lashtal retrieved the assassination contract from the corpse and went to read the list of names to the king... "I have given you names," Azull later told the silent Eon. "You have your bounty." Eon nodded and tucked the purse of coins into his pouch. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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