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SwoardMaster Trey
Player ID: 113779
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Regeneration : 10
Energetic immunity : 16
Trade sense : 10
Briskness : 8
Initiative : 0
Defence : 17
Attack : 41
Power : 6
Luck : 3
Volition : 2
Cartography : 4
Element Principle = 104
Principle of Light = 92
Principle of Enthropy = 95
Principle of Cyclicity = 113
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Battle stats
Won: 248 | Lost: 280
Honor: 5187
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
All about me

Im Trey and this is my story: I Awoke with a imense hunger that dulled my senses with no memory of what had happened the night before to my recolection i came home from a party and my apartment door was ajar i quietly creeped in and a dark figure lunged at me then mit went blank, my hearin is sharpined and as i past people i could hear there plus wihich made me hungier so i thought of the stories my mom used to tell me about her old friend Sage who lived in the mystical land of magicduel who would help travlers and give them imformation or a place to sleep as my hunger grew i try to eat but it is unsatifing i think about my mothers stories once more considering truth or fiction as people pass me i start to salavate and decid to find the Sage imedatly , it was a long hard journey but i had finally made it to magicduel its a beautiful land with amazing people and the sage has hlped me alot i am now aware that i am a daywalker with great powers and great possabiliaties allthough there are great trails to overcome such as my blood lust but with the great people and my two newfound pets a ferret Xoe and a tiny bluebird Rodger i do believe i can make it through                                 


i can control wind fire water and earth

i have extreme regenrative powers (limbs and cuts and scares)

i can control human minds  (only in erasing memories)

i can run at hi-speeds

                                                                MY BACKPACK

Fruit for Xoe and Rodger, a bunch of sketch books ,pencils ,crayons ,pens , a pencil sharpener , two silver daggers

Vials of animal blood ,


one Free heal toke - .Gargant.

Endless Cookie Tin - .Gargant.




































































































































































Some of my creatures
Elemental V Elite Knator Aramor Assassin Hollow Warrior

the club's info


Page 446 - The Traveler
Sniffing through all the corners of Necrovion, the Sentinel is looking for him, the one whos name he does not know yet. "Whhhat is this gathering....so many souls...so many thoughts..." The shade starts to define its shape and become stronger, never had it seen so many "alive" people in a cemetery. "They are gathering ...bones...hmmm...and laughing...is this a human celebration of some sort? HERE? IN THE GRAVEYARD?" ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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