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Talren aj Altar
Player ID: 136080
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 12
Luck : 2
Energetic immunity : 19
Trade sense : 14
Briskness : 14
Initiative : 2
Defence : 11
Attack : 22
Power : 11
Volition : 0
Royal Guard
Principle of Syntropy = 24
Principle of Cyclicity = 31
Principle of Imagination = 24
Principle of Light = 24
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 201 | Lost: 164
Honor: -604
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Comments on Self
Comments on self. To tell the truth, I just made this character two days ago, and have finally made it to mind power three. As a being of mind power two, i found it amusing to show different personalities with the different avatars and creatures. The main problem was the lack of players in golemus golemicarum who actually had creatures to fight and so progress in the storyline. I have, however, made my way to mind power three and am editing these notes in the Indexed Room of Memories for whosoever might actually be bored enough to read it. Recently I have aquired the following creatures, two aramors, two barren souls, two heretic archers, and and elemental egg. Any persons who may have suggestions for my magicduel experience are welcome to private message me.

Talren aj Altar, February Twenty-First, Mind Power Three

Comments on self. Today I am having my first experience in the
Some of my creatures
Elemental V Knator War Master Dark Archer III Water Daimon II Aramor Assassin Hollow Warrior

Personal Hate List?
I don't particularly hate anyone at this point in my magicduel career, but you can note my comments on self in my other documents.

Talren aj Altar, February Twenty-First, Mind Power Three

Page 132 - The Shade Ballance - Secret gathering
Deep inside a Necrovion graveyard 4 figures gather to discuss tactical matters. "Great shade, i present you our loyal spy, he successfully infiltrated one of the other alliances and is constantly providing us with valuable knowledge on their moves." , ... "So, human, are your seeking for reward ...or for more...?". The 4 figures continue their secret discussion. Enemy eyes look at the gathering from a distance but they can not identify all of the members. Dark clouds gather above necrovion inner realm as humans step inside it. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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