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Lady Morwen
Dark Specter




Player ID: 62933
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 326
Energetic immunity : 405
Trade sense : 227
Briskness : 344
Initiative : 262
Defence : 2516
Attack : 3098
Power : 502
Luck : 144
Herbalism : 1
Finesse : 0
Volition : 6
Cartography : 4
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Darkness Principle = 4000
Principle of Enthropy = 4000
Principle of Light = 4000
Principle of Imagination = 4000
Principle of Syntropy = 4000
The Champion of the Moon: a thing of evil turned to the path of love. A servitor, a speaker, and a defender of the soft light that shines in darkness.
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 2585 | Lost: 2580
Honor: 1791
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Lucius Tarquinus Superbus

Moon Knight

╤ Loreroot ╤

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Description: The Champion of the Moon and the military leader of the Children of the Eclipse: a thing of evil turned to the path of love. Speaker for the Sibyl and a defender of the soft light that shines in darkness.

The Knight's Quest has moved to the quest page.


Open Loreroot - As the military leader of the Children of the Eclipse, charged with the defense of Wasp's Totem, Tarquinus can open the Hidden Exit to Loreroot.
Shield of Moonlight - Tarquinus can call upon the power of the Moon to boost the Defense skill of the spell's target.
Spectral Friction - Tarquinus can call upon the power of the Moon to boost the Briskness skill of the spell's target. 

Touch of Moonlight- Tarquinus can transfer some of his own vital energy to others.

Oak Tower - A Loreroot dignitary, Tarquinus can enter the Oak Tower and bring others with him.


Summary of Quests:
Knight's Quest - Complete five combat-related tasks to prove your valor as a knight of the realm.
Priestly Quest - Answer five MagicDuel-related religion questions to prove your worth as a scholar of religion in the MagicDuel Realm.

Upcoming Quests:
The Mark of Shame - identify the cause of, and resolve, the mysterious wound on the Priestess of the Hidden Moon.
The Darkling Bloom - Learn about, obtain specimens of, and determine the strange history of Neuwiedia Noctilumens, the glowing flower that blooms only in darkness. 



Character Summary

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Lucius Tarquinus Superbus found something he neither expected nor sought in this world, and he has been happy and mournful by turns: but he has felt strong emotions for the first time in many centuries. His enemy is the Demiurge, variously called Samael, Yog-Sothoth, and God, but he has accepted the futility of fighting that entity for now; instead, he seeks to help the others who share what he perceives to be a "Purgatory of Light." He thinks of himself as a hanged god, a sacrifice (metaphorically or not) whose pain can benefit those around him. He has been a king of kings, a liche, and a wizard of great power in other worlds; death does not frighten him, and power only interests him in how it is used. He opposes those who go to extremes of any sort, and grants no respect at all to those who seem obsessed, or even much impressed, with themselves.

Having realised his dream of seeing the Moon again, Tarquinus has helped continue the dream of Penelope LightMoon - to form an alliance of Loreroot devoted to the worship of the Moon and the education of people in the realm of MagicDuel about the Moon, about night, and about astrological phenomena in general.

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Physical description:  A big, broad-shouldered man clad only in the scarlet and gold armor of the Sun God. His black hair seems to have been given a recent trim, and his high-boned face bears the marks of many scars. He wears a simple gold hoop in each ear, and observes those around him with an expression of sharp interest.  Noticing your attention, he looks up and locks his dark eyes with yours. "Tell me, stranger," he rumbles, "why do so many seek to serve those who respect only mastery?"


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Lucius Tarquinus (frequently spelled as the Latinised Tarquinius) was the last king of Rome.  The champions of the Republic claimed to have ousted him, but he tells a different story... and he bitterly recounts a very different version of the tale of the alleged rape of the nobly born girl Lucretia by his son.

After he fled from Rome, he headed East to the kingdoms of the Zhou, where he studied sorcery and learnt to walk through different times and universes.  On another world, Bode, he discovered an Ultimate Truth that maddened him, causing him to become...


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Tarquinus does not gladly recount his time as an undead thing, saying merely that he had his reasons.  He knows not how long he spent thus, but estimates it to have been around 3,000 years.  At the end of that period, he was destroyed by the sword Caliburn, plunging him into oblivion before he came to MagicDuel.


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His flesh and mortality seemingly restored, Tarquinus struggled to find his role in this new world.  The dream of moon-priestess Penelope LightMoon inspired him to adopt the title of Moon Knight, and while Penelope lies in enchanted sleep, never to awaken, he has championed her cause and organised an order of knights and priestesses known as the Children of the Eclipse.

As the military leader of the Children of the Eclipse, Lucius Tarquinus trains and directs his knights in the service of the Order's priesthood.  He frequently refers to himself as the "Speaker for the Sibyl", meaning that he enacts the will of Dark Mystic, Sibyl of the Moon.

 The Priestess Aia del Mana

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Aia del Mana, Priestess of Moon's Light, is Tarquinus' wife and true love.  Intelligent, perceptive, and kind, she seemed to be a perfect match for the troubled moon knight... but has now returned to the paradise of her goddess, Mana.

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Aia and Lucius' wedding ring (onyx, moonstone, bloodstone)

Amoran Kalamanira Kol

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Amoran Kalamanira Kol was the first to console Lucius Tarquinus after the departure of Aia, and their friendship soon deepened into love.  Amoran and Tarquinus are strongly bound to each other, and are often found in each other's company.

Dark Mystic

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The Priestess of the Hidden Moon, half-sister to Aia, confessed her love for Lucius Tarquinus and was accepted by Amoran as one of his lovers.  Their relationship is not understood by many, but Tarquinus seems deeply devoted to Mystic, and she to him.  Her closeness to Tarquinus promises to ease her transition to the reins of power as the new Sibyl of the Children of the Eclipse.


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The Third Wife of Khalazdad and mother of his child Rask, Kittiness has mourned and felt somewhat directionless since the Rajj's departure into the deep desert.  Tarquinus, who sojourned for a time on the Counter-Earth where Kittiness was branded with the title kajira, or slave-girl, arranged to purchase Kittiness from the Heiress of Khalazdad and become Kittiness' new master. 

He now calls her by the name Cassiana, and takes pride in her kindness, her commitment to service, and her storytelling ability.  Though the other women in Tarquinus' life have received her with strongly mixed emotions, Kittiness is now part of his circle, for better or for worse.

Summary of Achievements:

  • Preparation and organisation of the Children of the Eclipse, a new guild/alliance.  Spent months of writing, roleplay, and coordination with several individuals.  Special thanks to Amoran/Kalamanira Kol, Bootes, Penelope LightMoon, Karak, Innocence, Mishadowst, and Muratus del Mur; thanks to Calyx of Isis, Logan Marquis, Shadowseeker, BlackThorn, and NelyaSetesh.
  • Co-organisation of Lunar Festival, January, 2009.  Special thanks: Shadowseeker.
  • Authorship of three codes of conduct for the aforementioned guild, as well as research on and writing of several prayers.
  • Training and molding of several other players' characters, including development of character concepts, revision of papers, help with attainment of RPC status, and combat training.
  • Nominated for best roleplayer and best PWR.
  • First place in Heads Contest, MP5 level, December, 2008.
  • Active participation in the Fall 2008 Festival, including many MagicDuel-moon-related discussions.
  • Active participation throughout the Spring 2009 Festival.
  • Worked to improve the rate of player retention, offered player improvement suggestions and new feature suggestions, contributed to RPC and PWR nominations, helped organise and moderate MD chats, promoted MD community building through yahoo and msn messenger. 

Some of my creatures
Scarlet Wil Hector Atar Fela Tethys Apuleius Samael Lya Michael Barabbas Jevaris Simon Magus

Quest Rewards: Satisfactory completion of either the Knight's Quest or the Priestly Quest will be rewarded with five silver coins, perhaps more as I acquire it.  The upcoming limited-participation roleplaying quests, The Mark of Shame and The Darkling Bloom, will be rewarded by a wish point or a small number of MD Shop credits (quester's option).

The Knight's Quest

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To complete the Knight's Quest, fulfill at least five of the tasks listed below.  I shall require proof of your accomplishments in the form of memories (screenshots), battle reports, and so on.  Note: as any won fight result is a victory (sword balance) for MP3 warriors, some elements of this quest may change for MP3 players.  I will recognise success on a case-by-case basis, and may increase the difficulty for MP3 knights.

  1. Knight Errant. Attain victory (Sword Balance) against members of ten separate guilds or alliances within a single day (24-hour period).
  2. Slay the Dragon.  Kill three fully mature drachorns in battle.  You may slay the same drachorn more than once.
  3. Hunt the Black Knight.  Defeat (attain sword balance against) a personal enemy or a well-known villain five times in combat.  If you choose to defeat a personal enemy, you must be prepared to provide extensive documentation of your grievance against this person and the battle prowess of the opponent; the “enemy” cannot be a friend helping you for this purpose.
  4. Host a Tournament.  Organise a battle circle of at least five un-allied players, or ten players from no fewer than five separate alliances.  Conduct sparring/training exercises for at least one hour.  This event must not take place in a dojo.
  5. Enforce Justice.  Find a wrong in MagicDuel and right it appropriately.  Do not punish dojo violations with attacks of your own in the dojo; pursuit and attack of dojo violators is left to your discretion, and the way you handle this matter will be used to form a judgement of your personal fitness as a justiciar.
  6. Champion’s Might.  Accumulate 50 wins for a combat (damage-inflicting) ritual. 
  7. Alms to the Poor.  Perform an act of significant charity, such as granting more than twenty victories to a weaker player who is using a combat (damage-inflicting) ritual, or leaving an alliance to help another player (not from the same guild or alliance) train.
  8. Sword of the Chosen.  Explain which weapon is your favourite in MagicDuel and why, even if you do not yet possess it.  Suggest a reason why, for example, the mighty Cless uses the Medusa long sword rather than the Lyzard’s Tail axe.
  9. Mark of Honour.  Defeat five foes worth 400 honor each.
  10. Hero’s Last Stand.  Pick a spot with only one exit. Fight fifty duels in that location with the same combat (damage-inflicting) ritual without healing by means of potions or spells (bursts are acceptable), and without leaving the area.  You need not win every fight, but you should win a simple majority of the duels. This feat should take no longer than three hours, server time.

Warriors who have completed this quest: MRV, dst, King Bull, Shadowseeker, eigger, Unbelievable , Willem RedBeard, .MRD.

Priestly Quest

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To complete the priestly quest, fulfill at least five of the tasks listed below.

  1. Identify the four organised religions in MagicDuel.  If the sect has a clear leader, identify the leader; if the sect has a holy text, identify the text.
  2. Write a prayer or hymn for a MagicDuel religious order.  The order need not exist yet - it is permissible to write for an order you wish existed.  There is no minimum requirement for the length of the prayer or hymn, but use common sense.  A very short prayer will not be acceptable unless it is very moving or superbly written.
  3. Name four sacrificial altars (places where creatures can be sacrificed) in MagicDuel and identify roughly where they are located. Special recognition will be awarded to those who name all five.
  4. Name two sanctuaries in each of No Man’s Land, Marind’s Bell, and Loreroot.
  5. Name a “ritual space,” or sacred place, other than an altar, in each of the lands of MagicDuel.  Though I have specific locations in mind, and thus “correct answers,” I am open to well-argued alternatives.
  6. Name the three goddesses invoked by Lucius Tarquinus upon knighting a warrior.  Explain which aspect of the moon each represents.
  7. At least three people with the title “Priestess” in their names inhabit this realm.  Talk to three of them and get them to write in your Personal Log. (Note: if you cannot find anyone with the title priestess in her name, you may instead use the word of another priestess, such as Peace, LunarGoddess, Dark Mystic, meru chi, Amoran, or Calyx of Isis).
  8. Sacrifice something of great value to you.  Remember, a sacrifice has a purpose - a meaning - and a recipient (usually, but not always, a spirit or god).  The thing sacrificed must be valuable: a majestic winderwild is a significant sacrifice, whereas an aramor is not.  If the thing sacrificed is not something you can offer at an altar in the MagicDuel realm, you must show that it was important to you and how the loss of it has changed your behaviour.  In all cases, you must prove that the sacrifice was made.
  9. Identify the entities encountered by Khalazdad in Inner Necrovion, and explain the significance of each.  This question does not refer to the guards in the Tunnel of War.
  10. Identify at least one point in the story mode when meditating for the maximum allowable length of time is not a good idea.  Explain why.

Seekers who have completed this quest: MRV*, Innocence*, Shadowseeker*, Quendalon*, *Awiiya*, Kyphis*, Esmaralda*

*Completed the quest with special recognition

Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris? Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.

The Priestly Quest has moved to the quest page.

People and Things That Annoy Sebastian (player)

  • Those who are intentionally discourteous. This is a game; please play it in a mature and sportsmanlike fashion, so we may all enjoy it.
  • Those who judge appearances and words over actions. Look more closely.
  • Those who view roleplay with nothing but contempt, and focus exclusively on dueling.
  • Those who view dueling with nothing more than passing interest, and focus exclusively on "roleplaying". 
  • Those who think roleplay gives them carte blanche to invent by free association.  If you like to roleplay, consider that what a character cannot do is as significant as, if not more significant than, what she can do.  NB also - this is a game about, among many other things, gaining magical power.  Merely inventing your own magic powers and ignoring the systemic ones defeats the purpose of the game.
  • Demo Account. That @^#%#*#$^&#$ has crossed me for the last @#^@&#$%& time.

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Enemies of Lucius Tarquinus Superbus

Rotted gods cannot be trusted: their servants even less. Beware those who lust for power without considering the consequences, for they endanger themselves and all those around them.

It is kindness to bring death to those who love nothing.

Strike silently, swiftly.

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Nineteen battles in twenty are decided long before they are fought.

  1. Know your foe.  Never be surprised by what you encounter.  If you must, lose a trivial fight to test the enemy's defence.
  2. Know yourself.  Understand what your forces can and cannot do.  Never be surprised by your own forces' limitations.
  3. Never fight unless it is on your terms.  Keep small, disposable defences ready at all times until you are ready to fight.
  4. When you do fight, understand the odds.  Risk much only when there is much to gain.
  5. Strength and intellect may win battles, but patience wins wars.  Wear the enemy down where he is strong, and hit him hard where he is weak.  Retreat where you cannot win and fight the enemy where he cannot.
Horatius at the Bridge

Then out spake brave Horatius,
The Captain of the gate:
"To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his Gods,

"And for the tender mother
Who dandled him to rest,
And for the wife who nurses
His baby at her breast,
And for the holy maidens
Who feed the eternal flame,
To save them from false Sextus
That wrought the deed of shame?
"Hew down the bridge, Sir Consul,
With all the speed ye may;
I, with two more to help me,
Will hold the foe in play.
In yon strait path a thousand
May well be stopped by three.
Now who will stand on either hand,
And keep the bridge with me?"
--Thomas Babington Macaulay

Page 349 - The Inner Sun - Bo., Tar.
The two men walk around the Archives and speak at length. Finally, after a brief silence Bootes says, “I See. I am saddened to Hear such News.” “Thank you, but let us dwell on it no longer. I am here to ensure her vision is realized.” “Then we should Return to the Study and get Started, Tarquinus.” “Lead the way, my friend. Let us see what we can discover.” ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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