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Player ID: 116802
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Regeneration : 7
Energetic immunity : 6
Trade sense : 6
Briskness : 9
Initiative : 6
Defence : 11
Attack : 21
Power : 4
Luck : 2
Principle of Imagination = 58
Principle of Syntropy = 31
Principle of Light = 55
Principle of Enthropy = 20
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Battle stats
Won: 119 | Lost: 181
Honor: 3699
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance

Testimonies to Others Originating from Other Lands

First Log

My inner thoughts are rather loud are speaking, almost yelling, in conjuction that my name is Tavs. I left a girl, I think she was a girl, in a wooden room and have found myself in a carival. So many colors and so much to be seen. I feel wonder as I navigate the booths and streams of color. But the same wonder disapears when I try to play and joke with a clown. I, perhaps, prefer to watch and see the world take place before me. I am not sure what I am to do but I feel a drive to go and leave this place to see the rest of this land. And besides I feel someone is watching me, from where I am not sure, and would like very much to have that feeling leave.



Second Log

I leave the carnival to find a woman named .Ailith. and a Gazebo of Equilibrium. A strange place of converging magic and odd things, I feel the universe and its other beings strongly at the Gazebo. I have met strange characters that day but I have discovered something about myself that is rather strange...I can see fire! That no one else can see! Its not normal, I believe, but none the less I still wish to know why I can see fire that burns so hotly while everyone else cannot...Also, after further inquiry, there are only two bathrooms in this land. If I am to die and this journal is to be released to the public world, I would like to petition the Great Forces (or whatever runs this place) to make another bathroom.


Some of my creatures
Hollow Warrior Grasan Huvourer Elemental V Elemental IV

Professionally, I don't hate. I throughly dislike a person to a significant degree...

Although I do respect the almighty Stephen Colbert and I will fear and be disgusted by what he comandeth me to with a couple of mine...


Thy List of something or others

Bears, Grass, Milk, Robots, Robot Bears, Hedgehogs, Monkeys, Proper Speling, the Brady Bunch, Pirates,Canadian Optometrists, Professional Musicians, NASCAR-themed romance novels, Magic (although Magic Duel that's another story), Fact Huggers, Nudist Cyclists, Gravity, Handcuffs, Spiders, the Sun, Sun Bears, Carmen Sandiego, Trees, Flying Monkeys Flying Flying Carpets, Gravity, Puice Juice, Electric Fences, the Constant Disruptions in the Force, Fancy Glassware, Bears, and BEARS!!1!

Join, fear, or die!

pick two get one free!


Defeated the Willow Shop Guards (MP3 MP4)
Solved Berserker's Way Puzzle (MP3 MP4)

Page 490 - Seeds Of The East
The Postman is silent. He walks slowly always looking at his watch and waiting a few seconds every few steps. From time to time he picks up small packages or leaves letters on the ground, as if an invisible receiver would pick them up just on time. Not a word. Everything seems well planned and the Postman tries to fit in perfectly with his plan. All his letters and packages must be delivered on time, not sooner, not later. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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