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Player ID: 169890
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Regeneration : 4
Luck : 3
Energetic immunity : 5
Trade sense : 2
Briskness : 4
Initiative : 0
Defence : 3
Attack : 12
Power : 6
Principle of Imagination = 12
Darkness Principle = 13
Transposition Principle = 19
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Battle stats
Won: 65 | Lost: 237
Honor: 1165
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance

I have tired of the violance of the lands.  I am taking a vow of non-violance, i am putting all my efforts into building a clockwork drachorn so i may have a protector and friend.  Maybe i will be able to make more once i have finished the first, we will see......   

Someone took my bottle of rum!!!!!!

  I am wandering this land looking for the parts I need to build a clockwork drachorn, if you have something i could use then please let me know. 

Possible choices for a soul include-  A drachorn because of the familiarity of the body and how it operates or a new soul that would have time to become familiar with the body with out being confused. A new thought is to split my soul and put a part of it into the Clockwork Drachorn.

People who have agreed to help me-

  • Kyphis
  • Kempcj
  • Sparrhawk
  • Sinister Minister
  • Fawe and alternates Distortion, Agro, AntRamCastle, antramcastle2, MagicDuelist200, KillerGreenAcidThing, Elrohir Calaelen, MarkLoreal, Swordsman Kyle
  • Ladytwin
  • Burns
  • Whitewater
  • Rockistah
  • Udgard- Help with joining the soul to the body
  • Cutler
  • Asryn
  • Awiiya
  • Yrthilian- Help with building the body and combining the soul.
  • Lifeline- In case anything gets out of hand
  • mcvitie
  • ansouinc
  •  Indyra Sirenias
  • MasterB
  • Iskra
  • Freezeblink
  • Peace
  • Handy Pockets

People Opposed

  • Yoshi- Believes that it will end badly for the creature (agony, rage)
  • Asterdai-
  • Godmother- Believes it is a dark art to put a soul into a object.

People who are not sure yet


People who can help me with different aspects of the project, (are unaware or have not agreed to help)

  • Braiton- Offer insight isnto the soul
  • Kragel- Help in building a body
  • Akasha- Carries a Drachorn Bone (not sure if this will help yet)
  • Duhu- Carries a Drachorn Bone (not sure if this will help yet)


Is a Follower of Ladytwin and part of her Non-Allaince of Hell Creatures

Is First member of the Destroyers of Ice Group.  Our leader is tempest episilon 

We keep a sharp eye out for penquins and the trouble they cause. 

Items owned, 

  1. Bundle of Bob's sticks
  2. Rock from Lord Pip (he found under Granos's Robe)
Some of my creatures

Page 87 - Golemus Wizard quest - sim.
He keeps falling and falling like the water he jumped in was an illusion, like nothing was there, nothing.. At some point he stoped feeling the fall, everything was dark and he was like floating into nothingness. The few glims of reason that remained in Simplyzero made him to think about what happend , where he were, what revenge he had in mind for the Golemus wizard .. but those thoughs soon wanished and a sensation of calm took over. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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