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The Crescent
Player ID: 138228
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Regeneration : 4
Energetic immunity : 5
Trade sense : 0
Briskness : 4
Initiative : 0
Defence : 7
Attack : 18
Luck : 1
Power : 4
Transposition Principle = 26
Principle of Enthropy = 16
Darkness Principle = 40
Principle of Imagination = 19
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Battle stats
Won: 139 | Lost: 98
Honor: -516
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Swept away by the wind.

Sitting on the edge of the fountain, you watch the ripples surrounding your hand undulate as you dip your bottle deeply into the still water. It is cool and calming and refreshing. The air in the bottle bubbles up to the surface as it is replaced and as soon as the bubbles stop, lifting your hand up carefully, you see the bottle is now full to the brim. Something moves catching your eye and dissapears from view, behind the fountain. Suprised you put the bottle down quickly and stand up. Peering round the side of the fountain curiously, you are shocked to see a tall slender figure sitting serenely in the shade. You start to wonder if he was there when you arrived and if he has been sitting there all along without you realising. It doesnt look like he was the one to have caused the movement either, as he is still, his dark cloaked head hanging almost uncomfortably as is he was asleep. After years of traveling these lands it is not uncommen to see new people, new faces every day, but there was something different about this man. His clothing shadowy and dark seemed to fade away into the ground by his feet and the way he sat there, not moving, almost lifeless was quite unnerving, however there was something calming about him also. He did not move, and you did not feel like disturbing him. Quietly moving yourself back around to pick up the bottle and with time not on your hands, you felt this was a good time to leave.

Some of my creatures
Elemental IV Grasan II

The everlasting sun

Beating down, the suns rays smother the land in heat warmth and light. Its neverending gaze plows through the morning mist and penetrates the cool air, which fights clinging on to the grass tips and the surrounding rocks. Fingers of light creep slowly around the doors and the window frames, casting out the shadowy life which flees for shelter.

The Day of Light has begun.

This Land has been invaded by the light, taken over by the warmth, it is now merely a prisoner of the heat.

Only a fool would think this will last forever.

Page 476 - The Traveler
Many weeks pass and people get back to their lives. It seems the angien Egg keeps breeding new Angiens from time to time, beautiful creatures, but easy to enslave. Some say there is something in their eyes to make one think there is more than just a beautiful creature there, but who cares, they are great slaves, great to sacrifice. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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