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Player ID: 94225
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Regeneration : 9
Energetic immunity : 15
Trade sense : 8
Briskness : 13
Initiative : 7
Defence : 27
Attack : 53
Power : 19
Luck : 9
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Time Principle = 50
Principle of Light = 71
Transposition Principle = 73
Principle of Imagination = 26
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Battle stats
Won: 158 | Lost: 238
Honor: 4995
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
I come from a land known by few, revered by fewer. Across the sea, past the deserts of light and into the forests of pure darkness. I was born into a world of night where my very existence relied on my use of shadows and my surroundings. My nature is to keep no allies and stalk my enemies, yet I have found a home within Loreroot, although a brighter and happier place than my birthplace, it is the only place I will call home. I have no quarrels with any, including the Necrovion, yet many will find I have few reservations and will pursue any and all who I choose to stalk as my prey. I walk freely in the realm, anywhere i choose and out in the open, helping many and hindering few, choosing my battles only when I believe I may help a potential friend in need or teach someoe a lesson if need be. However, within my home of Loreroot I am a ghost, keeping to the shadows and stalking through the trees. If you see me within my element it will only be because I have allowed you to, in which case beware, check and double check your rituals for I will strike, then disappear as swiftly as I came. [More information} I am always moving, only resting within the sanctuary areas in loreroot, or guarding bob while my creatures rest. You will only see me to attack me when you are most velnerable, and by then, you have already been attacked. Do not take me lightly, i travel with nothing, catching all that I need, and I strike faster than all who appreach me. If you wish me or my allies of Loreroot harm, beware, I am nothing to be trifled with.
Some of my creatures
Dark Archer III Grasan Huvourer Elite Lorerootian Archer

Given my nature, I dispise all who would destroy for personal gain. I also will fight any and all who oppose the way of nature. [And a little side note] I hate anyone who attacks in the dojo while knowing the rules. If you attack me or my allies in the dojo I will personally makes sure you\'re reported, put on the forums, and attacked at every available opportunity.

Page 450 - The Traveler
After many people clamored to enter the cemetery, they started complaining that the scenery there was horrible and grotesque. So, the pilot got irritated and took them all back. He flew over Golemus, sucked up the guard and Sentinel again, plopped them back in the cemetery with the new guard, and flew off. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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