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dreklord the wisen
Adonis TROY
Master ChatGarou
Swordmaster Darwin
skrow perturbado
Rhuan Spike




Player ID: 73476
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 53
Energetic immunity : -4
Trade sense : -5
Briskness : -6
Initiative : -10
Defence : 134
Attack : 478
Power : 285
Luck : 19
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Cyclicity = 4000
Principle of Imagination = 408
Darkness Principle = 803
Transposition Principle = 4000
Element Principle = 3044
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Battle stats
Won: 2131 | Lost: 3330
Honor: 4669
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Treehill - Everflowing Nature
   I am The King of The Treehill,once was know as a crazy guy that no one knew about, after learning my ways in our world, I started to see things changing,some people disapeared others made themselves a name,I even participated on a  marriage with my friend Queen Ailith Bull and King Bull, solved problems and made up theories about the misteries of this land,in the long run met some friends and wise people like the founder of the dojo and the academy,worked for her sometime in the first days of the dojo and now im currently aplying for the academy,though have already made a work for her by transcribing a class text,I am also know by some as a great rhimer and writer, the ones written here are the most recently(usually write when im sad...trying to change that),while searching for ways to cure .Phrog.
I found out really exquisites rituals and learned how to copy and destroy them making me one of a kind soul in those wasted lands,my dream is to one day be able make the souls of those ancient
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trees be heard by everyone since for quite sometime they've been crying over and over,whispering through the wind words of
a terrific future unseen even by the greatest souls in our age.
I've been meeting more and more people on the long run and having my share of experience I started searching for entities that lived on the forest from beetle to wolfs and bears,and some there cant be seen easily like gnomes and sylphs,earth and wind children capable of great deeds,while searching for them I got lost in Loreroot, chasing a rather playful Sylph,now I wonder if she wasn't guiding me,stumbling,
 I feel right at the feet of the world tree The Root, where a gnome was sitting by laughing at me,
snorting when i got up he gave me a branch from the tree,not knowing how this was going to affect me through time.
Since that I've found myself more and more akin to all living things,at first It was just admiring feeling and fondness,but as time passed I started to feel them,their worries and needs,since then it apears that the branch is assimilating to me,what once were carried in my pockets now is inside my leg spreading Its roots,changing me,only noticing when it was too late,now I'm capable to infuse their properties in others and giving them the powers from the spirits of the forest; The Owl,Wolf,Panther,Snake,Eagle,Stag and Bear.

Things I Own:

Evergreen Tree Branch
Leather Jacket
Green shirt
Dark Green Jeans
Green Silk Tunic
Steve,My Shinny White Stag

Note:The Christmass Tree is where i reside!

Active Days: 200+
Afiliated to Loreroot



Ent's Arise: Summon an army of trees to defend unable to do any other ritual until undone the spell.

Nature Whisper: Able to "hear" everything that happened in that place,only possible if there is a tree.

Tree Walk: Teleport to any tree in the world.

Soothing Leaves: Heal minor wonds over time.

Embrace Spirit: Let me have 7 Illusions accordingly to the spirits in my role.And infuse in others helping them.(the last part do what you think possible,though i really like to help people.)

Side wish: Someone be given an saphire,onyx,topaz,crystal(large shard) and wild flowers,want to collect them to make my own staff with the help of Kragel.

Description: Always know by his love for nature,it turned out on accident he found a branch from the mythic tree from Loreroot called, The Root,where all spirits come and returns to it,resonating to his soul the Evergreen Branch changed him,giving powers and needs, improving his research for ways to assimilate Earthly spirits into others souls and objects.



MP4 and MP5 entrance to Loreroot.

MP5 Got into Loreroot Alliance.

Solved Bootes Quest Doc

Solved Ailith Quest Part 1(first that made the quest)

Solved Labirinth Puzzle (Reward 5k Ve,10k Vp)

A gather of the root!
Anyone who is reading this please help Loreroot city grow!Im using it to channel more people to enter the game too!Here is the link(no worry its safe and clean)


Music that i usually listen:


1.What do you steal that can only be given?

Some of my creatures
Puck The Trickster Goldie Jack Sethet Rakz The Deformed Santa III Ethel Clotho Lohm The White Lachesis Czak The Ruler

Thin line between joking and disrepectfulness:
I can stand almost everything and probably will take everything as a joke,but still there are some people that think just cause Im always messing aroung and joking doesnt mean I can only do that,for those I just have pity taking so seriously a game,not to say the people that know me pretty much would say Im quite serious when need to be and very caring about others,had my share of researching theories about everything here and outside yet would brag about it neither dissaminate knowledge is something that must be attained through hardship and work, like a fellow wise player I know, though not really spoke directly,Khalazdad,beware though he is wise he is a snake,and others like Calyx,Im very found of her,cause we are very similar in some aspects.

I am always willing to forgive and help,not to mention to make friends. XD

They are hot...they are smart....they are charming....THEY PLAY MD!!!


1-Treehill ( Stripper/Singer/Bartender)
2- Telperion (Stripper/Bartender)

Page 162 - The Shade Ballance - Ren. Kn.
A big powerfull creature storms Renavoid's office door. The power of the creature can be observed both by its body but also by its eyes. "Oh, its you, next time please knock, look what you've done, now i need a new door!" Ren goes upset back to his desk, picks some papers and gives them back to the huge creature. "Here there are, please return them to Loreroot command, this is all i can do for you, now leave. ... and please try not to ruin the building on your way out!" ... With a furious look the creature replies "You are lucky my mission is not to kill insolent humans". "Come one, don't forget who i am, try to controll your beastly insincts, please, now leave." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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