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Player ID: 259322
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Volition : 42
Mining : 0
Regeneration : 50
Luck : 0
Energetic immunity : 256
Trade sense : 1
Briskness : 4
Initiative : 0
Defence : 504
Attack : 11
Power : 0
Waterhandling : 0
Herbalism : 0
Cartography : 9
Time Principle = 1
Darkness Principle = 2
Principle of Imagination = 1
Principle of Enthropy = 1
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 190 | Lost: 148
Honor: 4664
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
The future.

My future holds many things, just as yours and whoever else reads this.

I will become a brave and legendary explorer who knows everything about this realm and it's future.

Time is relative, just like our future and past.

I hope you have a wonderful life and future.


Here I am 6 years later. Life is different, life is better. If you read this, my life has had it's ups and downs but I am certainly having the wonderful life now in the future.
Some of my creatures
Reanimated Roots Aramor Assassin Grasan II

Hate is pointless
There is no need for hate, hate allows you to bring forth unnecessary emotions. 
You can go through your whole entire life without hating or loving anyone and still be just fine.
Reject hate for what it is, and accept the emotions of peace.


Page 117 - The Shade Ballance - Alc.
Alche reaches a bridge just before Mount Kelle'tha. A storm is comming so he decied to take shelter and continue his jurney tomorow. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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