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Player ID: 46356
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 346
Luck : 112
Energetic immunity : 549
Trade sense : 209
Briskness : 338
Initiative : 185
Defence : 1082
Attack : 1859
Power : 141
Waterhandling : 11
Experimentalism : 0
Herbalism : 0
Woodcutting : 0
Volition : 0
Cartography : 1
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Transposition Principle = 4000
Principle of Cyclicity = 4000
Element Principle = 2786
Principle of Light = 1886
Principle of Enthropy = 2564
A\nsoul with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. A scientist who\nexperiments with the Nature of the Realm to give birth to new things. The zenith of his work is a spell to combine part of a person\'s soul with the Elements into a Golem.
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Battle stats
Won: 1961 | Lost: 2882
Honor: 4591
MindPower: 5
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Udgard --Seeker of Knowledge

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Tags: Realm Scientist, Golem Crafter, Scholar of Nature

Character Description: A Seeker of Knowledge, a Scientist that studies and experiments with the Magical nature of this Realm to understand this world, and in the process, understand himself as a part of this world. Part of his work includes the crafting of Elemental Golems.

Role Description : A wanderer stranded in the and of MagicDuel who chose to walk the path of knowledge. He does various experiments to learn about this realm; the magic, the objects, and the inhabitants and uses his knowledge to create improvements that may benefit the realm. Built a Golem using the Principles to aid him in his quest for knowledge.

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I am Udgard, a spirit bound to the world of MagicDuel, who chose to walk the path of knowledge.

I am a Seeker of Knowledge, and during my quest to satisfy my thirst for knowledge, I fell in love with the Land of Nature, Loreroot. My stay in Loreroot has made me realize that this world, this Realm we are in, is one full of mysteries, where the nature of everything inside it is unique, and most of the time, unchartered. I have chosen to dedicate my researches to understand more about the Nature of this Realm, learn their secrets through the History of its Creation, and ultimately, learn more of myself, which is also a part of this Realm.

A Scientist, a Golem Crafter, an Experimentalist, a Crafter, a Scholar of Nature, a Researcher of the Realm, a Wandering Sage, call me what you like, as I am all of them. A Seeker of Knowledge would probably best describe myself, as my field of work is not bound by normal limits. Anything that gives us better understanding on anything is as good a study as others, and thus, many things I do.

My primary research is about building a Golem using the Principles of this Realm. The research has been successful, and if you prove your worth to me, I might just craft one for you...

From the study of the materials that formed the Magical Scroll, I have learned to forge part of my soul to a book of similar substance. This book, a part of my soul, is the physical manifestation of my memory. In it, the records of all things I have found in my travels and research on this Realm. At times, I will allow certain amount people to view part of this book, but you will first have to prove your worth to me by telling me something worth writing in this book. As One gives, One will receive.. I gather the knowledge on different aspects of this world, and while I might not know everything, I may just have the information you need on your specific field of research. If you ever need my knowledge, do not hesitate to ask..

To know more about me, please check the following papers:
Alliance page : the Researcher Group's Page
Personal page : Introduction
Hate page : my Soul Book --> stories and research notes
Military page : personal informations (coming soon!)

                                                  Udgard, Seeker of Knowledge

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Elemental Golems

Nature is vast..

the Principles are the representative of the laws of our Magical Realm,

how reality is forged by Illusions,

how Light and Darkness twist in Cycles,

how Time hurts every mind and heals every soul,

and how Balance prevails in the neverending end.

Amongst these Principles, one represents the power of Nature in its each unique manifestations,

the Principle of Elements.

Control of the elements has long been sought by mages and wizards, but none has been able to fully master all the elements. Even the Golemus Islands were formed as a result of an experiment to control the elements, but there has been no record of its success.

What I sought when I first entered this Realm if to find a way to control the elements and harness the powerful force of nature. After wandering the Realm for a while, I met two people with similar ideas, Meiche, a Seeker of Enlightenment, and Adept of Ren, who were running errands for the Master Archivist. After discussion, we decided to try building a magical engine that will allow itself to attract the elements around it and control its powers.

To attract the elements, the device needed to contain a large amount of magical powers, which is then bound to a certain element through the use of the Principle of Transposition. Such a device required extremely precise control or it could be disastrous, and thus, I used a part of my own soul and bound it with the device, creating one that corresponds to my own will, as it contains my soul, and thus is linked to me.

The experiment with the device was a success! I bound clay to the device, and the device started drawing nearby clay and dirts, controlling and moving them according to my will. I started moving the clays to make a certain form, only for amusement at first, but then I realized that it could be even more.. I molded the clay's form and crafted myself a familiar, a creature, made through control of the elements. 

A golem was born.

 Unfortunately, the golem was short-lived. The spell I casted to create the magical core became unstable. It was disappointing, but not unpredictable. The power of the Elements are enormous, and it was certainly hard to find a way to stabilize control over it. Several people helped me to find ways to fortify the spell, the Summoners GlorDamar, BlackThorn, and Morrel, and the Creature Tamer Eden. We worked to find combination of Elements that would synergize with  each other and calculated the amount of Magical energy to put into each word of the spell. We were getting very close to make a stable spell, but still.. something was missing. We waited patiently, reworking our calculations, waiting for a breakthrough, waiting for the day when we will find the missing part that would complete the spell.

Until, that fateful day.

A  lady with long hairs, almost like a cloak, came to me, and handed me a cube.  At first, I thought it was just an ordinary cube. But when I looked at her eyes, I realized that I missed a detail.. I have seen something similar to the cube somewhere before... I remember! It was similar to the cube that was given to me by the enigmatic being on the House of Liquid Dust! But.. what was it actually? As if she could read my mind, she said

" Do not worry, I will quench your curiousity. Now, listen VERY carefully..."

What I learned that day led to the breakthrough we needed. The cube contained the secrets of ancient Golemus and their elemental control technique. Finally, the search came to an answer, and the Golem of Elements was born.

The lady left, saying that she is searching for potential individuals who could prove their worth to her, and she asks me to share my knowledge of the Golems with them, to help them on whatever their quest in this Realm is.

Are you one of them?

Some of my creatures
Blood Elemental Draconic Golem Tamed Reindrach Water Medusae Rustgold Combat Drachorn Angien Sentinel Nightmare Drachorn Chaos Archer Unholy Priest II Day Dreamer
The Scientist's Quests

So, do you have an item you wish to be crafted?
Then you have come to the right place.

So, how actually do you request items you ask? Here's a little guide to the steps you'll need to do to have an item created.

1. Get a wishpoint
If you remember, when we first entered this realm, we didn't even have a physical body. However, little by little we gained a corporeal form and became bound to the physical realm. The power of a wishpoint is required to give shape to the item that you wish to be created.

2. Gather the ingredients
In order to make an item, you will need to bring us the ingredients that compose that item. There are items whose purpose seem solely waiting to be used to craft another item. Example of such an item can be found here. You can also use other custom items as an ingredient to make a new item. Do note that if they are used to create another item, they will be part of that item and thus cease to exist (disappear).

3. Get a Mark of Creation
You can get a Mark of Creation by item request quests set up by the Crafter's guild. Some RPC quests might also have a Mark of Creation as a reward. The Mark of Creation is basically a symbol that you have done a quest, and as a reward, you may ask for an item to be made. You can use the Mark of Creation right away, or wait until you have a new item in mind; as long as you have a Mark of Creation, you can request one item at anytime.

4. Request your item
Get to a member of the Crafters to get your item made. Note that you will have to bear in mind that each Crafter has different specialties. You can't, for example, ask me to make a metal armor. For that, ask Kragel.
The crafter will analyze your request, and determine whether the item is creatable and if you have enough ingredient to make it. If the item cannot be made, you will NOT lose your Mark of Creation. You can use it for another request as many times as it takes until you actually get an item made.

More here.

As for what items I can make... I am a scientist; so think what items a scientist usually meddles with. As I learn biology and creature physiology as part of my research, I can make figurines from wood/animal parts, and to an extent, simple objects made from the same materials. Do not expect me to carve you, say, an epic bow though, my skill is nowhere near there. It might be possible for me to carve a bow, but it will be nothing more than a simple, maybe even primitive, bow. Other things I can create would be potions/chemical compounds of the like, research logs.. Just imagine what a scientist will meddle with and you'll get what I can make.

For metal items and jewelries, ask Kragel.

Research Log - The Book of Memories


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A book hovers above the palm of the man standing in front of you. "All my knowledge is written in this book, and in this book lies all my memory. Knowledge is part of my life, and my life exists to add to the world's knowledge, Just like knowledge is part of my life,this book is a part of me, a piece of my soul forged to a physical form, the manifestation of my memory.' Inside is my memory, my mental notes on the various subjects I have encountered in this world. Those interested in knowledge and worthy of it may gain access to what is stored inside. But then again.. my mind is not so stable, so sometimes it will show only some info, sometimes it will not show anything at all. So, what page do you see open right now?

For Sale : Spaceship Jet Engine, made from designs of Ren's spaceship. That said.. u still must bring me some metal strong enough to withstands the heat as well as some fuel to make it.. Learning the design doesn't necessarily allow me to replicate it >.<

 The 3 strange symbols

While searching through ancient records, I found the description of a strange book, somekind of crest, and three strange symbols that seem to point to an ancient civilization, probably those during Wind's period.

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  The three symbols seem to represent a different faction on that time, possibly the shades, the Berserkers, and Golemus. Or it could've been from another period, i still don't know. On another search, I seem to find the same symbol on a helm called Ossis Mane, part of the Silver Armor set, made from the skull of a creature big enough that its skull can cover any human skull, with horns on its head, and the third emblem on its forehead. I am going to research more on this matter, soon...


Circle of Flames

Spirit of Air, I summon thee
Swiftly to my enemies, a raging breeze!
Spirit of Water, heed my call
Drain my enemy, let them fall!

Spirit of Fire, lend me thy strength
Purge my enemies with a burning wrath!
Spirit of Earth, grant my will
Bring Three as One, like time stood still!
Ring of Purgatory, harmony of elements
Come forth, Circle of Flames!

Page 347 - The Inner Sun - Noo.
In the direction of Marind Bell, there is another light. It seems odd and surrounds the land. Before No One has a chance to analyze what he sees, the moon fades, the stars disappear, and the sky lightens again. He then hears an odd thumping. Looking at the source, he sees the puppy ramming against the bubble. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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