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Player ID: 87352
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Regeneration : 5
Energetic immunity : 4
Trade sense : 7
Briskness : 5
Initiative : 2
Defence : 4
Attack : 9
Power : 3
Luck : 2
Principle of Balance = 9
Darkness Principle = 25
Principle of Imagination = 5
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Battle stats
Won: 46 | Lost: 44
Honor: 2241
MindPower: 3
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Uliarh comes from the secluded monastery, hidden deeply beneath the huge mountain, known as The Huge Mountain. Monastery was dedicated to worshiping the divine creature which they called The Great Cosmic Snail. The legend says that, in eons almost beyond rememberance, The Great Cosmic Snail started his journey across the galaxy in order to reach the other end. As a proof of his journey, The Great Cosmic Snail left a shiny trail which can be seen on a night sky, know to common people as the Milky Way. Monastic order, of course, strongly protested against this popular theory of The Order of the Holy Cow by saying that picture of a cow in space is an absurd. But, to the monks of the Snail, He wasnt only a divinity. He was a symbol of Time itself and its slow but steady pace. They preached contemplation, meditation and patience. Something Uliarh lacked badly. His \"Auuuummmm\" mantras usually ended up with snorring and martial arts that were part of monastic training he turned into a street brawling. It wasnt long before he earned the prestigeous title of \"Oh my God! The Worst Monk Ever! Why the Hell Are We Keeping Him Here!?!?!\" After missing the point of comments like \"Get out of our monastery, you bastard!\", they suggested he should turn to a missionary work and enlightening people in a Way of the Snail so that the holy words from their most sacred tomes might be heard on other continents too. Ever since, he roams barbaric lands, preaching about The Great Cosmic Snail and converting infidels with a calming word or a fist (for a better perspective).
Some of my creatures

Order of the Holy Cow Infidels When his fists bleed from hitting stubborn barbaric heads Watered ale

Page 410 - The Inner Sun - Bo., Nel.
The melody grows louder as the pillars flash in rhythm to the music. The ground shakes, and the pillars blast a beam of light into the sky as the music crescendos. Bootes and Nelya shield their eyes and cover their heads. The two are motionless and bewildered. “Bootes…?” Nelya begins, but stops as he shakes his head. “I Don’t know, Nelya…” ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
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