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Player ID: 155506
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Regeneration : 0
Energetic immunity : 0
Trade sense : 1
Briskness : -1
Initiative : -1
Defence : 1
Attack : 5
Power : 1
Luck : 0
Darkness Principle = 11
Principle of Cyclicity = 6
Principle of Imagination = 11
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Battle stats
Won: 66 | Lost: 32
Honor: -178
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Unbelievable unforgivable

Unbelievable lived a desert life a tribal life his parents died when he was young the tribe lost two good hunters that day... he was saddened but only as much as the others for the loss of good hunters...  he was trained to hunt trained to kill to conserve energy to cherish water to seek shade in the fullness of the sunlight.. he grew strong he grew into a man worthy of the tribe both in hunting and in shaman skills untill one day out hunting unbelievable  went into a canyon alone at the mouth of the canyon a bolder fell and struck him.. he survived the strike but was traped in pain under the boulder eventually the heat and the pain became too much his eyes blurry fluttered shut... when they opened he felt stronger than ever he looked around to be in this realm in a paper cabin unknown to him...


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Some of my creatures

Page 517 - A Debt Repaid
Eon hefted his coin pouch, pleased at its weight. He repeated to himself the names of the Tainted Warriors to die. Familiar chatter surrounded the Gazebo of Equilibrium. Nobody saw him slit the throat of the sleeping Fire Starter, but Vicious Chaossword discovered the dead man slumped over in a pool of his own blood. She looked at the others arrayed around the gazebo and noticed a smirk on Maebius's face."This is your doing," she said, and Maebius gave a small nod. "But why?" She demanded. "Why is not for the public record," he replied. "It had to be done. Now it is done." A week later Syrian looked around frantically as a spellgate dropped her in front of the gazebo. She spied the flash of Eon's dagger descending on her just in time to take a glancing blow just below the collar. She jumped through a gate to King Azull, who was writing in his office in the Accursed Growth. "Eon came for me!" she gasped, breathless and bloody. The king met her eyes. "We're being hunted," he said. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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