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Unch Hjar
Player ID: 181805
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 16
Energetic immunity : 13
Trade sense : 5
Briskness : 9
Initiative : 2
Defence : 32
Attack : 50
Power : 21
Luck : 4
Volition : 1
Cartography : 1
Mining : 0
Herbalism : 0
Finesse : 0
Woodcutting : 0
Principle of Enthropy = 114
Principle of Cyclicity = 95
Principle of Balance = 120
Principle of Syntropy = 41
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 290 | Lost: 259
Honor: -307
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Kitteh Notes
  • drop kittehes with broken legs. Kitteh will not approve and you WILL need rabies shots if you do that.
  • fart in the face of Loreroot guardians. You will be turned into a toad by the Loreroot king.


Puzzle arcade games:
Clue 1. Count Alche's Alley statue base
Clue 2. Spike Fountain Dark Vibrations
Clue 3. Dominoe Marind's Marble Stairs Left Column
Clue 4. CrossNum Wind's Game Brick
Clue 5. Battleship MDA Study Room notes
Clue 6. Outside Clash of Ages Book
Clue 7. Numbers House of the Heretic
Clue 8. Arrow Marind's Private Bathroom Cabinet
Clue 9. BlackNum Marind's Roundabout Fish
Clue 10. Great/Less Paper Cabin attic cord
Clue 11. Snake Marind's Marble Stairs Right Column
Clue 12. Four Summ Labarynth entrance sign

Some of my creatures
Chibritel Bonsai M&M Cherry Pasarila Brimstone Slaninuta

Page 18 - Golemus Wizard quest - Big. Om.
BigC steps throu the Gates of Ages and returns to Noman's Land ...a strangly familiar metal taste floods his mouth, the blood runs out of him as the sky becomes dark and all things fade away. Who was that? Ome..why..why you... In his last moments of pain he sees how his body is dragged by the House of Liquid Dust...towards the Hawling Gates. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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