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Player ID: 237382
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 33
Luck : 139
Energetic immunity : 85
Trade sense : 26
Briskness : 55
Initiative : 0
Defence : 125
Attack : 232
Power : 33
Herbalism : 3
Volition : 137
Cartography : 15
Mining : 9
Waterhandling : 0
Woodcutting : 0
Royal Guard
Element Principle = 1537
Principle of Light = 1105
Darkness Principle = 110
Time Principle = 96
Transposition Principle = 3458
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 1369 | Lost: 1237
Honor: 3664
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Vici's Memoir
Things I've Witnessed in Seven Years of Magicduel
The Blooming of Bob.
The First Winged Shoe.
The Return of Pickles.
The GoE Roof Destroyed.
Being a Santa.

Those I've Had The Pleasure of Knowing

Magistra (I miss you.)
Keida (I miss you.)
VertuHonagan (I miss you.)
Zleiphneir (I miss you.)
Tipu (I miss you.)
Ant King (I miss you.)
Windy (I miss you.)
Dante Lionheart (I miss you.)
Some of my creatures
Inferno Knature Forestblade Cursed Soul Twisting Shadows Elven Archer Majestic Wind Soul Ancient Soul

Wish List
My Wishes:
A Role.
A shot at MP7.
To meet friends old and new.

At this point, I'd love a role. I hope to carve this out for myself, but thought that it would be best to state my desire here, so that others know that I am willing to move forward and carve my own path out, place my stake in this realm.

After hearing of it, I thought that MP7 sounds like a fascinating way to make an impact on the community, to bring people together, to make something.

The friends we make are why we come here. Everything wonderful about this realm aside, it would be hollow for me to explore these lands without the wonderful people that I've met by my side. I hope to meet my old friends, and to spark up relationships with new people arriving here.

Page 248 - The Shade Ballance - Ren., Sm.
Renavoid pauses in his writings to look up when the conspirators begin passing through his office from the private balcony out into the rest of the Archives. SmartAlekRJ pauses next to the Master Archivist. "It is time. We ride now. I trust your pen shall account the events?" A smirk, "I trust your drachorns won't fail to make the events accountable?" RJ snorts and runs from the room. "CHAARRGGE!" ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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