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Player ID: 195826
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 25
Energetic immunity : 31
Trade sense : 16
Briskness : 35
Initiative : 13
Defence : 33
Attack : 73
Power : 14
Luck : 9
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Imagination = 41
Time Principle = 28
Principle of Cyclicity = 46
Principle of Light = 41
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 277 | Lost: 288
Honor: 1468
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Hi, my name is Virgo, a girl who lived in the Netherlands till she woke up one day in the lands of Magic Duel. I was very confused, but fortunately I found some friendly people who welcomed me in this new strange land.

The following questions (and more, but I didn't wrote all of them here) have now been answered kindly by Princ Rhaegar and Amoran K Kol ^^
  • That round thing at the middle of the screen of Berserker's Way, what do you need to do with it? That's the famous Berserker Puzzle!

  • And why do those letters near the signpost at Marble Dale Park change every day? They explain common rules for mindpower 3 and 4, and also some other rules for the fighting club ;)

  • How many creatures are there in the world of Magic Duel? An exact number is not given, but you get an idea by checking the ID numbers of your creatures ^^
Some questions will stay at this page however, just for the fun of it and to remind myself in the future of how such a newbie I was at the beginning lol :P

Thank you for reading, I might add more questions in the future :-)

"Achievements" and other nice things I experienced in Magic Duel:


* 30 Juni 2010 (Year 5) - I joined Magic Duel
* Made my first friends in game
* 7 July 2010 - I became an adept of Princ Rhaegar
* Beaten the dark slime at Fenth's Press / Meeting of the roads
* Beaten the Willow shop guards
* Solved the Berserker Way puzzle


* Beaten the dark slime at Fenth's Press / Meeting of the roads
* Beaten the Willow shop guards
* Solved the Berserker Way puzzle
* Found my way through the Labyrinth of Doom and managed to reach Golemus Golemicarum, although when I came there...there was nothing to do yet for me, aaah! >.<
* Beaten the Loreloot guards and gained access to the land of Loreroot

Current activities:
1: trying to find out how to beat those Loreroot guards ^^ (Done!)
2: training some of my creatures
3: making more friends to enjoy the game together!

Some of my creatures
Chaos Archer Elemental V Grasan Huvourer Hollow Warrior Elemental IV Full-grown Winderwild

Page 147 - The Shade Ballance - Nel. Kn.
Concerned by the recent missing of the Knator Commander, Nelya summons the coincil. "Fellow Lorerootians we must take action. Yesterday i saw a dark beem shooting to the sky from deep inside necrovion. I don't know what it is but its defenetly not good. It seems our spies where unable to find any info on this so far. Our Commander is nowhere to be found, i heard terrible rumors that he got even more involved in his music rehearsals. I respect him a lot but i fear his ..advanced age.. hinders him from seeing the dangerous situation clearly. I dont know if that music stuff of his is simply a way to escape reality or has a plan behind it, but so far it seems useless. We must mentain a strategic advantage, be it brute force, or secret knowledge." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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