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Player ID: 133966
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Regeneration : 13
Energetic immunity : 7
Trade sense : 3
Briskness : 16
Initiative : 8
Defence : 24
Attack : 22
Power : 11
Luck : 3
Principle of Balance = 34
Darkness Principle = 27
Principle of Light = 31
Time Principle = 22
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Battle stats
Won: 431 | Lost: 508
Honor: 4989
MindPower: 4
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New Beginnings

I have been called many things, but my true name is Vladamere; Now and always...

I can not tell you where I am from, for I know not myself. I am not even sure of who I am, for I have many conflicting memories. I live in torment of these memories that are like the shifting sands of the dessert; sometimes firm enough to stand upon, yet the grains slip easily through my fingers when I try to grasp on to them.

I have the sense that I have led many lives before this one. I have done horrible things, and have experienced the joys and profound pleasures of love and family. I have killed many times, yet have also been the savior to many. I have held positions of much respect and adoration, as well as the lowliest of the insignificant.

These many paths that I have trod continue to cross and converge with the road I now follow, as I am the focal point of all of my past and my future. I bear the load of these past lives, and the torment of conflicting lifestyles. My role is to find the balance of my past, and to maintain that equilibrium through the journey I now find myself on. Only in this Balance am I able to maintain my sanity.

I do not know where my path will lead me, but I know that I am prepared for what lies before me, because I have lived it many times over.

It is my hope that I will someday find the road that will lead me back to my original life, so I might be free at last from my never-ending journey. Only then will I truly know where I came from, who I am, and why I have been made to travel this road for so long.

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Because of my past experiences, and the pain I have both felt and caused, I now travel mostly alone. I say mostly, because I have one faithful friend who accompanies me wherever I go. He is a small, black falcon with eyes of piercing blue. I call him Onyx, and he seems to accept that.

Once again Onyx and I have set foot upon a new road; a strange and beautiful world that is exotic and yet vaguely familiar. I know not what adventures lie ahead of us, but I embrace the chance to be moving forward once again... another step closer to finally reaching the beginning. 


As I stand before the great Guardians of Loreroot, I hear a whisper in the wind, "See me for what I am... Know me and know thyself." I feel a strange pulling at my inner soul, a stirring of something inside me. I am drawn to these ancient tree like guardians of old, yet as I approach, I am struck to the ground, where I lay unconscious.

I awake to a gentle, caring touch, and the friendly smile of a woman I have never seen before.

"Be calm" She says, "You were injured by the guards. I have bandaged you up as best I can, but you need to rest for a while."

"I thank you for your kindness, might I have your name?"

"I am SageWoman" She replies."I sense great potential within you, but you are yet young to this world. You must prepare yourself before you attempt to pass this way again. In time, you will grow stronger, and soon realize your true purpose, but for now, be patient. When the time is right you will know it. I must be on my way now but you may call upon me if ever you are in need."

SageWoman picked up her bags of herbs and packed them neatly into her satchel. As she merged with the trees at the edge of the forest, she called back over her shoulder, "We shall meet again, Vladamere. You will see"

Realizing I had not given her my own name, I remained on the cool grass pondering the events of these last few days. As I stood and gathered up my simple wooden staff, a familiar cry came to my ears. A moment later, Onyx dropped through the clouds, circled over head and then landed on my outstretched arm. Once he was settle in his place on my left shoulder, we began our way back to Marble Dale Park to seek the answers and training I would need to enter this great forest that calls to my very soul.


Many days have passed; long days of tireless training and vigilant searching for knowledge. I now find myself once again before the great Tree guards of Loreroot. Closing my eyes, I focus my mind inward...closing out the world around me. Channeling all of my vitality into my creatures, I send them forth into battle.

After the long, hard-fought battle that ensued, the first guardian accepted his defeat. Bolstered by my success, I sent the creature on to face the second Guardian, but alas, he proved to much for them.

Completely exhausted, I knelt on the ground before the great Guardians, supporting myself with my staff as the world spun around me. As my vision cleared and my strength began to return, slowly permeating my body, I once again heard the soft whispering of a voice in the wind...

"You have come far, Brother. But you have much yet to learn." A steady breeze began to stir the long grasses around me, carrying the voice louder to my ears. "I give you a token for your success. A small portion of what was rightly yours, and shall be again. Return to me when you are stronger and have gained mastery of the knowledge you now hold."

As the voice faded, the breeze picked up, swirling around me; growing ever stronger. The smooth wood of my staff grew warm in my hand. As I watched, the staff began to sprout small vine-like tendrils which rapidly grew and wound about to cover its entire length. At the very top of my staff, the vines joined and burst into a single, large blossom; silver petals glinting in the ever-present sunlight. As the warmth slowly drained from the staff, it hardened once again to appear as though the vines were carved from a single piece of wood. The adorning blossom remained silver, the petals hard and sharp as steel.

As the wind settled back to a gentle breeze, I stood, grasping the now ornamented staff, and headed back to Marind's Bell to continue my training. The words of the guardian echoing in my mind...why had he called me Brother? and by what right did I receive the new staff? More questions for which I must seek answers.


Having finally obtained the training and knowledge needed, once again, I approach the Land Guard of Loreroot. Sending forth my creatures, and applying my will to their fight, the guard submits to defeat. At last, the gates to the forest are open to me, and I can answer the call it has upon my soul. as I pass under the bows of the first mighty trees, the now familiar voices whispers through the air, "Enter, Vladamere and welcome home Brother."

As I walk the ancient path through the forest, I am overcome by the many voices tumbling over each other, intertwining as the vines and branches of the trees. Slowly, I become accustomed to them, and begin to hear individual voices within the chorus of the forest. "welcome home." "it has been so long, brother." "welcome, Brother."

A warmth begins to return to the staff in my hand, and a pail glow, as of the waning moon, emits from the silver blossom at its top. From the shadows of the tree tops, Onyx returns, settling comfortably on my shoulder. The churning turmoil inside me begins to abate, and a sense of clam belonging takes its place. I can FEEL the forest; I know it, and it knows me.

From the shadows of the trees tops, Onyx returns to settle lightly on my shoulder. There are so many questions for which I have no answers, but I now know that what I seek...what seeks me... lies within this wondrous forest that I can now call home.


This story will continue in my next set of papers...Light of  The Moon

Some of my creatures
Grasan Huvourer Grasan II

Page 476 - The Traveler
Many weeks pass and people get back to their lives. It seems the angien Egg keeps breeding new Angiens from time to time, beautiful creatures, but easy to enslave. Some say there is something in their eyes to make one think there is more than just a beautiful creature there, but who cares, they are great slaves, great to sacrifice. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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