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Vorian Atriedes
Player ID: 119705
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 22
Energetic immunity : 23
Trade sense : 14
Briskness : 23
Initiative : 6
Defence : 52
Attack : 128
Luck : 8
Power : 53
Volition : 3
Royal Guard
Principle of Imagination = 126
Principle of Enthropy = 416
Darkness Principle = 46
Element Principle = 405
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Battle stats
Won: 359 | Lost: 335
Honor: 1970
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Vorian spent his early childhood playing pokemon games (sad I know), before later moving onto magic cards which he played for 3 years becoming an expert in the process.  He started off being in awe of a vizardrix and trained orgg, and went onto creating many decks including 1 which beat quarter final world championship decks 60% of the time.  In the process to becoming an expert he experimented with many different combos, some which went disaterously wrong and others were unexpectedly lethal. 
Some of my creatures
Water Daimon I

Page 525 - A Debt Repaid
Azull turns to Syrian. "I have a message I want you to deliver to the 'king' of Marind's Bell." "Yes, my king." Syrian averts her gaze for a moment as Azull's ghostly form shimmers and warps. "All the citizens of that land need to know that Necrovion is not to be played with. They are all guilty of these crimes!" Later, Syrian strides up to Chewett, at his desk, and slaps down a scroll of parchment - marked with the seal of Necrovion - before turning on her heels and leaving as silently as she arrived. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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