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White Wizzard
Player ID: 130822
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Regeneration : 6
Energetic immunity : 16
Trade sense : 9
Briskness : 8
Initiative : 16
Defence : 18
Attack : 40
Power : 11
Luck : 4
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Light = 49
Darkness Principle = 30
Principle of Cyclicity = 23
Time Principle = 35
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Battle stats
Won: 264 | Lost: 196
Honor: 1176
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
White Wizzard

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I am a Master Wizzard. I am leader of the Council of Wizzards. I was born two thousand years ago. I study the light and the darkness. My magic is of the most powerful know to man. I am a defender of Loreroot, I will defend Loreroot with my life. I came to this world in search of a very powerfull and dark item that could decide the fate of every living soul. I must fine this item before the wrong person finds it. In the wrong hands this item could do great damage. 
Some of my creatures
Elemental V wizard water Wizzards Hell W Pimp Elite Lorerootian Archer

Page 140 - The Shade Ballance - General
In secret, each faction searches for a uncommon advantage and prepares its strategy on everal plans. Spyes gather info, fighters experiment new rituals, mages research about rare powerfull forces, worshipers try to summon deities, adevnturers try to recover old artefacts, eryone is trying to bring its contributions to the current events. For now, the most important powers that could dramaticaly change the world are: Angiens, Book of Principles and The land defence weapons. However these are not the only things to be called into play. As researchers discover more and more documentations, rumors of other powers are revealed. The future of this world is very uncertain. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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