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Dark Arson
Mist and Shadows




Player ID: 39202
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 16
Energetic immunity : 14
Trade sense : 11
Briskness : 24
Initiative : 15
Defence : 26
Attack : 38
Luck : 7
Power : 16
Transposition Principle = 30
Principle of Syntropy = 74
Element Principle = 34
Principle of Balance = 80
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 242 | Lost: 252
Honor: 1019
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Spreading like -


I am many.

A child running, a wolf hoping, a maze.

I am she-who-hopes-after-the-sparkles-in-glee. I am the young warrior, at the top of his strength. The son of Meduselde and the daughter of Light, I am stark, waiting for winter, beloving the fall. I am living on margins, uncertain on sharp edges.

Don’t ask me who I am because I am many.

A child craving, a wolf hunting, a maze spinning.

I am curling in a corner, licking my wounds in loneliness. I am laughing with my friends near a warm fire. I am calling out for answers. I am the lady-who-asks-a-very-many-questions: one elephant child.

I am the cat that walked by himself, I am one of the pack.

I breathe I hop I am.

I’m lonely and my pack is gone.

I am the child craving for attention, I am the lover safe in your arms.

I am the hunter thirsty for blood.

I am learned, I am wild.

I am the ice and fire and the ocean wide.

I am the monk embracing the whole in one mind.

I am focused, I am wide:

I am spreading like ***



*** Rescue of the Fair Lady… ***


I lazily opened an eye. I had been hunting in the low forested hills of the North and took a nap in a hollow tree, by my favourite clearing. For a moment, I couldn’t tell where I was. The moment lasted… fully awake, I began to feel a thrill of fear. Where was I? I had changed form in my sleep and was no more the wild werewolf I favoured. My human form was weaker and I began to feel the cold. I was surrounded by high hedges. I was sure I never set foot (or paw) in this Labyrinth.

Even as a human, my nose was sharper than most but I still couldn’t make out if I had come from one way or the other. I vaguely remembered a nightmare about a little girl… that seemed a long-- time ago… was the girl a memory of myself? Everything was clouded in dark shades and I pushed aside the thought to focus on my immediate issues: first, find a way out from here – wherever “here” might be, second, find some cloth to put on. I began to walk the maze, carefully marking my way. I tried to morph back to the werewolf and failed as I half expected. I had probably been bewitched but that didn’t not seem to be a threat right now  so I concentrated on my best scouting skills and soon found a signpost reading: “this is the way out of the Labyrinth. Beware it might put you into more trouble, step out at your own risks.”

I didn’t care to acknowledge the warning. It is said that curiosity kills the cat; well it almost killed a werewolf too…

 I suddenly found myself on a cliff weathered by huge waves. As I explored the surroundings I found it was a deserted and desolate island, populated by ghost-like characters that seemed unable to hear or see me – for which I was glad since I was still naked….

 I entered haunted dwellings where I finally found some clothes. As I wandered by, I discovered a strange gazebo. It felt thick with magic and I was sure this was my way out (for the only ship I came by during my exploration was a wreck). I made a fool of myself running around it, touching its pillars, moon walking through it but was completely unable to trigger its magic.

 Feeling desperate, I finally sat on a lonely beach, staring blindly to the horizon, hoping to catch glimpse of a sail but knowing I was close to my end. I had found nothing edible on the island and two days had already come and gone since I woke in the maze.

 I lied down on the sand, listening to a mocking bird singing his song in a nearby bush. I decided it was a nice music to die and I tried to answer the bird. My whistle was not very convincing but the bird came closer, looking at me curiously. We echoed each other a few times then it suddenly took flight. I watched it until my eyes were full of unshed tears, hoping I could follow it and spread my wings above the ocean. And I so fell asleep on the cold sand, sure that I had seen light for the last time.


To be continued  on Wildfires' blog

More of my adventures are available there...

 *** Lost in a crowd ***

 Special request of *Princ Rhaegar*, translated from french. This text is part of a wider project and is not related to Magic Duel World. Unless you want to make it so…


She was lost in the crowd.

 Being lost, she was used to it and was not afraid of it. She knew she could find her way back. But that thousand-faced monster oppressed her, suffocated her. A swirl in the flow would have crushed her like she was nothing. She was carefully staying on edge of it, walking the broad streets of the market without being part of the crowd, focused on not letting anyone even touch her. The broad colourful stands fascinated her. The Duke had convened numerous craftsmen from all over the world and each had brought exotic goods. Despite a grey sky, colours seemed vivid to her and smells put her on edge.


 Her father was looking for her. His voice held a touch of impatience she had learnt to recognise: he had called her before and she had not heard him.

 She headed blindly towards the voice. Soon, she caught a glimpse of his figure. He was in the middle of the alley, forcing people to walk around him, growling while looking in every direction to try to find her.

 She took a deep breath, gathered all her courage and began to push away people to get to her father. She was scowled at, pushed, crushed, then a last swirl throw her along him.

 -Where were you again? We looked for you everywhere! Come on, there's gonna be a show, you'll like it I'm sure.

 She probably didn't look quite enthusiastic because he pressed her shoulder and added "come on". She pulled her shoulder free and followed as slowly as she dared, dragging her feet.

Some of my creatures
Soul of Fire E Grasan II Hollow Warrior Mist ForvalaKa

I deeply dislike intruders who keep peering in our personnal 
rooms when I meet with Rhaegar ! 

I can't bear stupid and selfish people lie Sir Noobalot

I hate people who keep popping up when I meet my love !

As for the rest... Live (and let die !) 

I'm a werewolf and that's all there is to say...


Page 230 - A Freezing Firestarter
The flames grow hotter and engulf phrog's body completely. Those standing near him and trying to drag him back from the fire had to step back in horror as the flames totally incinerate his body, and turn it to little more than dust and some lumpy shapes. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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