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Fionn McCuail




Wodin Ullr
Player ID: 4128
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Luck : 104
Defence : 1901
Attack : 3139
Briskness : 308
Trade sense : 86
Initiative : 144
*skilldamage : 102
Regeneration : 113
Energetic immunity : 103
Power : 74
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Syntropy = 189
Transposition Principle = 1054
Principle of Balance = 401
Principle of Light = 565
Element Principle = 299
A legendary warrior summoned by the great Golemus Wizard that gave his life to complete his summoning. Hes destiny is bound to fight the shades forever. Summoned by gathering all the seal fragments.
Battle stats
Won: 493 | Lost: 670
Honor: 2562
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Teachings of Wodin
Honesty is a virtue that must be upheld in every situation Treat others with the respect they deserve (some people deserve none, so show them none) If u have knowledge of a subject and someone asks a question on it, share that knowledge. Withholding that information due to laziness or any other reason is a bad thing to do There is always someone stronger than you, but more importantly, there is always a way of beating that person Have pride in thyself, and seek perfection in body and in mind. For the law has said, "How can thou honor another unless thou give honor to thyself first?"
Some of my creatures
BloodPact Chaos Archer Elemental V Chaos Archer Walking Tree Angien Angien Egg
Beat me

This is a very simple quest, with no rewards whatsoever.

My defence consists of 2 Elementals and one Angien.

Watch out, though, skill damage is being applied, think before you strike!


All rituals must have at least 301 Vital Energy in them otherwise a random ritual is selected.

Your stats are distributed evenly among the number of creatures in your ritual.
If u have 6 creatures in your ritual then all your stats are divided by 6 and each creature is given the same amount of each stat.

Different ritual types:

Healing Ritual For Mp3 players the most important ritual is probably the healing ritual. This is a ritual where each side creates a ritual that only includes creatures that do no damage to the opposing side, eg. Heretic archers on weaken defence and Barren Souls on heal. This way both sides get some of their creatures fully healed. Be careful not to put attackers into these rituals though if you agree to do a healing ritual. Always do these rituals in a secluded place as you could very easily get attacked while u have it out and be sure to unbind this ritual immediately after using it as you do not want all those creatures destroyed straight away!

2 Creature Rituals

These are often good against large 6 creature rituals that target multiple creatures when u reach mp5 and your stats are starting to grow. When your stats start to grow they will affect the battles as much as the creatures being leveled up. The multi targeting ability targets a random figure between 2 and 4 creatures BUT if it tries to target 3 creatures and there is only 2 available it will miss with that attack! A good 2 creature ritual will often be an elemental and an Elite Lorerootian Archer.

1 creature rituals

With high stats these can be deadly, For example with an attack stat of 400 and a Chaos Archer u will deal over 80 damage to each creature on the opposing team, ignore all creatures that attack multiple creatures and give u a defence boost equal to your stats.

Rituals that give u a better chance of achieving victories

Certain rituals will give u a better chance of achieving victories, these are rituals that do damage to u as well as the opponent. The creatures that will achieve this for u are the ones that cast Martarism, like the Animated tree or the Water Guardian. This is only useful once u have entered mp4 and mp5 when u need to achieve victories, not just wins. If u have a low power stat i would suggest using more than 1 of these creatures. If u can think of more information on rituals that might be useful feel free to PM me, it would be very much appreciated :)

Game Restrictions

Main things that can get you banned:

* Chat flood * Spam links in chat or repeated spam in PM *

You are allowed to talk about other games but obsessively advertising something or flooding the chat with link to a site will get you banned without warning

* Spoiling quests or posting puzzle solutions / walkthrus on the forum is not allowed. You can help individual players but don\'t hand them the solution, just give them all the clues they need and let them figure it out..you can even give them more clues than they need , just do not make it a boring click to advance type of game by spoiling it. Posting story spoilers / story structure / walkthrus on the forum or anywhere else will get you a warning, refusing to delete them will have your account permanently closed.

* Impersonating an other player pretending you are him or using very similar player name to do that * Using player names like MagicDuel or a creature name or combinations that could cause confusion *

Any attempt to cheat the system by directly altering page variables and such gets you permanent ip ban as well. Proxy use might not always help you.

* Any repeated complain from multiple unique users will get some kind of unwanted action on you, try not to offend people, or to cause a mess in general *

Keeping multiple browsers with multiple game accounts open at the same time will trigger a firewall rule that will get you banned from accessing the site, you better don\'t try that. You should be especially careful if you are in a network that exits on same IP with many others.

Uncommon things that you CAN do *

You can have multiple accounts, to try out story, to experience new ways of play etc ...,

however if you are detected that you are using them just to help one of your main accounts , all of them including the main will get banned. *

You can talk dirty things on chat, only if you are on a remote location on the map and not a public place, and if none of the players reading your crap will complain about it.

* You can use rituals that other consider unfair, all rituals are allowed. *

All methods to lose fights are allowed, including spam attacks to get lost fights, anything at all, ...

however if more players complain about your actions you should stop or target other players or you will get on the \'black list\' *

You are free to do anything in the game that is technically allowed. If you consider that you discovered some sort of exploit or a bug, report it to a moderator.

You are allowed to use any exploit you discover, until it gets fixed, as long as you report it in time.

Page 107 - Golemus Wizard quest - Alc.
Alche is approaching Gates of Ages, searching for akasha and looking to try his luck with the mysterious floating pyramid to find the Book of Principles. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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