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Player ID: 187561
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Regeneration : 77
Energetic immunity : 57
Trade sense : 20
Briskness : 85
Initiative : 99
Defence : 264
Attack : 413
Luck : 76
Power : 226
Waterhandling : 0
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Principle of Enthropy = 690
Principle of Cyclicity = 635
Principle of Balance = 474
Time Principle = 503
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 1421 | Lost: 1637
Honor: 4980
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance

Sein oder nicht sein, oder doch nur Schein? 


Role Summary:

About the Woipertinger


 The Woipertinger are related to the kin of the Gestaltwandler (Shapechangers). Grown up we walk manlike, but at little pups we live on our four paws. Normally our visual nature resembles the aspects from various animals. But if we want, we can transform in every known (and unknown) critter. This includes also the so called crown of evolution, the mankind. 

This is a cute baby Woipertinger:

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

Way of live:

Since aeons my race lives in the shadows of the east Bavarian forests. We are the pioneers of the Bavarian way of live: "Lebt a guad, stiarbt'a guad!".

From time to time, some of us goes on the roam
. Leaving our beautiful homeland. Looking behind the horizon. Searching for interesting news, and so on.

I'm one of them. Looking for wisdom!
And searching up and down the whole world for all and nothing.

I walk the dusty roads in the broad daylight and in the darkest nights. Travelling to all the beautiful places in the whole world. And also visiting the direst places in the known and unknown lands. I'm going to hike around the whole world (and if it must be, I will even set a foot on the planks of a ship).

Some of my creatures
Michl geyba Schlachta Irrlichtarl bluadiga Bog\'n Winderwild Padre Young Reindrach Rustgold Drachorn Pimped Grasan

Dear Travelers:
My activities at MP4:

• ???

• 1000 Loyalty on day 119

 • getting near the xp-cap on day 111 

• Combofighter Achievement on day 109

• HC Challenge: fourth place on day 96

• Back to balance on day ~85, fall to negative honor on day 88 (-759 Honor) 

 •  Defeated the Loreroot guardians on day 80 

   •  won the MD-Card-Game on day 74 (First Wishpoint)  

  • Marind Bell - Citizen

 • Solved the Berserker's Way Puzzle 


  My activities at MP3:

  • Sacrificing some little Birds (it's a bad thing, but it's well paid)  

• Working Cutler's What Number Am I? Puzzle Arcade Quest, Solved until now hint 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10 and 12 

 • Sneaked into Loreroot! In the deepest and blackest night, and had one little torch to lighten my way.

• Defeated the Loreroot guardians I and hit exp-cap.

• Defeated the Willow's Shop guards (Smoked the Hubble-bubble)

 • Acquired the Comments on self & Personal Hate List papers.

• Solved the Berserker's Way Puzzle (Second day in roam)

• roamed the MD world.


Es ist Quatsch, dass der Mensch im Grunde ein friedvolles Wesen ist. Friedfertigkeit wäre evolutionsbiologisch völlig widersinnig.
(Bert Hölldobler, Biologe) 

Page 498 - Seeds Of The East
[This adventure is presented with a few days offset to allow it to develop without outside influences and spoiling] After very great efforts to improvise objects out of whatever they could find there, Lib and HandyPockets collect all the tools they needed. They sit down waiting for Akasha to return. The glowing rock floating above the sinister pit heats everything around. Looking without focusing on anything Lib speaks with an unexplainable sad voice "I wonder why it is called the stone of Twisted Souls" ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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