Regeneration : |
22 |
Energetic immunity : |
40 |
Trade sense : |
19 |
Briskness : |
23 |
Initiative : |
41 |
Defence : |
46 |
Attack : |
116 |
Power : |
31 |
Luck : |
50 |
Waterhandling : |
0 |
Volition : |
48 |
Herbalism : |
0 |
Principle of Balance |
= 51 |
Principle of Imagination |
= 51 |
Principle of Light |
= 117 |
Element Principle |
= 114 |
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I am now a proud citizen of Marind Bell
Old and set in my ways, Stubborn yet with reason
Looking upon me you see i am sitting amidst a clutter of papers, almost constantly i scribble on scraps of paper, tossing one aside i begin a new one as if i cannot stop the outpouring of information or thoughts flooding forth... If you glance at a few you will see what lies below in no particular order...
Around myself i've built these walls, whether to keep others out or myself within i cannot tell knock upon the door and ask your questions quick, lest my ramblings mesmerize you as if a spell
Excitedly i searched for some papers, having begun my first big quest foolishly rushing i found myself hopelessly lost, within the woods forming a maze crying out in vain to those who were not there, i soon had to rest coming to my aid were guides feeling much pity, to my saviors i send eternal praise
As i stood in Awe i wondered, or was it began to dream?..., the Winds carried me to places as yet unseen, my mind slow to comprehend yet quickly seeing changes, a sense of ease enrapt me as my fears mounted, what will my next step hold in store for me?...
Speaking of Winds... I recently stood at the edge of the Great Swamp scanning the horizon of Decay, the acrid aroma creating a haze of obscurity and assaulting my senses to the point of near confusion, just as i was nearing unconsciousness i heard a noise to my left, it sounded as if someone had stepped on a duck, this shook me from my daze but when i looked i only saw rikstar walking away with a chuckle... I pondered this event until the noxious Swamp Gas swirled about me more potent than ever before, tears streaming down my face i gasped for air and wondered what it all meant... I had to flee for my own safety but vowed to learn more, was this a natural occurance? another mystery to unravel and decode? or was it merely mischief of an impish denizen...
Within this lands inky murk, i wonder what dark secrets do lurk... Within these tower of brown and green, i search for answers and what they mean... From rocky crest to craggy tor, i research this lands legends and lore... High above me the air doth howl, in this land adventurers first do prowl... Within these four lands where they meet as one, i shall not sleep til my quests be done
Within these lands there be much to know, Venture forth with me as we learn and grow
Impish pyres burning brightly,the flames dancing wildly this ritual occurs thrice nightly, darkness set to flee those who dare to join, must first pay a price a rare metallic coin, lest they be touched by fingers of ice knowledge can be gained, of benefit to all thoughts be not pained, when heeding the wind's silent call
Falling through my dreams i soared to new heights the lower i went more seemed so clear no longer fearing the impending sleepless nights the beginning of my journey is near traveling the land seeing endless sights trudging forward i conquer my fear gazing upward i spy the dancing lights on to adventure i hold so dear
From this HUB of activity i stand and look at all there is to see Radiating out left right and more like spokes on a wheel From every land and even none do all travelers here come For rest speech and even a lucky few a gifted meal Search high and low yet here you shall return regardless of power Gaining ones bearings or to join expeditions launched on the hour [ What am I? ]
Since times Ancient i've stood open to passersby, none as yet has dared ask me why Shelter i do provide from Elements most foul and refuge from the Wind's constant howl Pillars carved by both old and new, read them for clues of what next to do Echoes of gatherings long since past my Dome will collect until the last Listen carefully, learn something new... this be a gift from me to you
Upon worn stone wearily i tread, today's quest find the land of the Dead Winding paths lead me through unending Dark, i grope for answers and the fabled "~N~" mark Echoes and dreams they do fill my mind, obscuring the knowledge i soon hope to find As day breaks over distant still Plains, i am eager to decipher what of my sanity remains T'would be ever so helpful even a brief spark of Light to roll back the veil of this accursed eternal Night
An oddity i did find, a Guardian of sorts or an Omen perhaps... I examined it for hours trying to make some sense of it, this silent denizen its Gnarled roots grasping in seeming futility at the parched ground in search of something, its trunk thin and seemingly frail despite its obvious, yet even in the severest of winds it wavers not one bit, likewise even its tiniest of limbs none can break... Steadfast and Solitary it stands overlooking these Desolate lands, i know there be some meaning here but as yet it escapes me... I shall return of that i am sure, to this lone figure... this Deceitful tree
One shaky step forward places me three steps back, in my journey to glean the knowledge i lack Of Trees, Stone, Shadows Dark and more i must learn, before skills, treasures and fame i do earn Clues and more they do lie well hidden, providing me entry to what once was forbidden Guided both by helpful stranger and by friend, every path i shall follow even to obscured lands end
While traveling here all seems to be the same, taking the first of each such a common name combining them you will clearly see, the direction most if not all long to be wander or explore or even flee if you must, seek out your answers from one you can trust all travels eventually shall end, only upon your wits can you truly depend
I awoke from a much needed sleep within the spires of Wind's Sanctuary to a new sound, looking around i saw no one stirring yet giggles echoed all around me, at first this was an endearing occurance but as each moment passed the giggles increased in volume, soon a cacophony of sound began to envelop me, an icy hand of fear gripped my very soul as i stumbled outside to collapse upon the ground feeling drained, dazed i pondered whether to explore this further or flee... could this be some sort of planned attack or merely a convergence of several things that when combined create something quite unexpected?... Once i regained my senses i set out in search of the "Little One" to discuss this further, if i learn anything new i shall relay it to all who will listen lest they too experience the grip of Fear so deep within...
running out of Coffee and AP's
Grrr, having a quest requiring research and no place to find "current" data... Oh yes i LOVE walking in circles, makes meh feel funny
Constantly being attacked when NOT idle by idiots who have no comprehension... made even worse when win/loss counter is not in effect, lovely way to burn up points for no reason whatsoever...
Spending more time recovering from above than actually exploring the Realm
Discovering new things, which of course don't work like most of the old things... **sighs** |
Page 337 - The Inner Sun - Bo. |
Bootes has some difficulty with the locks, unsure of the best way to use the key. He knows what he sees, but somehow it’s just not all coming together. Eventually, however, the first lock releases. He continues and manages to open all the locks on the door. He breathes a sigh of relief and smiles. ... |
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the could become part of it |
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