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Trade sense : 5
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Defence : 7
Attack : 11
Power : 3
Principle of Imagination = 22
Darkness Principle = 12
Principle of Balance = 15
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Bard's Life - History of Xavierson


I was born off the coast in a small cabin where my father and my mother raised me. My house was high above the sea on the highest reaches of the rocky cliffs. The cliffs seemed so high up, as a child and the dropped seems overwhelmingly longer but being around all the time seemed to have embedded into me a fearlessness of heights where others may cower. My childhood was a simple one though. My dad was a farmer and my mother would work in the house. They lived a happy, uneventful life. They were content and as a child their happiness reflected off onto me. Never did I have a sad day in my early years. Every evening my dad would return home from the fields and we would go outside and play. It was dark and cold outside and on occasion it rained but my father would play regardless. My mother would always call for me to come to dinner and not to get a cold. As any child would I did not really listen to those cautions. I was too happy in the moment. My father and I would come back in either covered in mud, drenched from the rain, or sneezing uncontrollably. My mother would sigh and tell us both off and we would laugh. Those were fun times. Too bad those times ended pretty quickly in my life.

Xavierson stopped writing into his book. He picked up his bag and opened it up. Inside he lifted out a drawing pen and started to draw in his book on one of the pages. He drew a picture of a house on top of a cliff with a single path running down from it. The house looked lonely and lacked the appeal of happiness. Xavierson drew it intending it too reflect the truth behind the words he wrote. The irony of the story he wrote… his story. After the sun had moved past midpoint in the sky he had finished the first drawing and then went back to writing his work. Xavierson thought to himself “it’s a shame my life was filled with the twists and turns that are fate”


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My life was fine until one day when my dad returned home with some people from work. Well that is what I had thought at the time. The men numbered around six people not including my dad. They seemed nice enough at the time each giving me a jolly hello and a pat on the head. They went inside whilst I continued to play outside. After a few minutes I heard the sounds of laughter, mum and dad included. I paid as much attention to what was happening inside as any other nine year old boy would have done. I was too busy playing in my own little world. I was oblivious to what had happened, completely oblivious. I remember crying endlessly that night.

The men who had come had walked out in a quiet, sullen mood. There was no noise from the house. The only sound being the song of the bird playing a sorrowful tune as they went to sleep. I waved at the men as they walked past but none looked me in the eye or even in my direction. They looked guilty. I played for a few more minutes expecting my dad to come out and join me. More than half an hour passed and nothing. My dad had not come out and my mum had not called me to come back inside. I stood up and walked into the house wondering where my parents were. Upon entering the house I saw my mum and dad in the middle of the room. They weren’t moving. I moved over to them and shook them.

 “dad, wake up .”

After awhile I noticed that my dad wasn’t waking up. My shaking became more frantic and I start to repeat the same phrase over and over again

 “Mom, Dad, wake up.”

I started crying after awhile not knowing what was going on. I saw a pool of blood spread across the floor and I ran outside crying so hard I had trouble breathing. My tears covered my face. I sat there and just cried.

I had fallen asleep outside and I woke realising I was still crying. As I came out of my sleepiness and awoke fully I realised that my body was covered in a blanket. I looked around wondering as to who could have placed the blanket upon me. I looked around and saw a man sleeping with his back against a tree. I ran over to him and shook him really hard. He was one of the men last night. He hurt my mum and dad. He awoke as if I wasn’t there, like the shaking was irrelevant. He turned and looked at me and then shook himself out of sleepiness.

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“Oh, boy, you’re awake. I hope the blanket kept you warm out here. “

Spoke the man as he got up. He was easily twice my height at the time and had a long and slender face. He had golden hair that was slightly muddy. He had a long cloak that seemed to wrap around his body. Upon his back I saw he was carrying a violin and a sword. I hated him but had a feeling of admiration or even respect upon looking at him. I dived at him hitting him wherever I could. I had rage and anger solely on my mind.

“I hate you, you evil man, you hurt my mum and my dad.”

The man flinched upon hearing those words. He seemed upset and even maybe guilty. I didn’t care. He had hurt my parents. He looked down at me and patted my head. I stopped hitting him and gazed up.

“Kid, I did not kill your parents. I was here last night I will admit but your parents were my friends. I understand your pain”

He kneeled down and hugged me. I then realised that I had still been crying all this time. I just stood there and cried. I missed my parents.

“Kid, your parents told me that if you were ever alone in the world that I was to look after you. They did enough for me so I’m going to do something for them.”

He picked me up by the waist and slung him over his shoulder. I just hung there crying. Tears falling across my face a dripping down onto the violin that hung below me. I just cried until I fell asleep.

Xavierson placed his pen upon the ground and sat their crying as he remembered the events that happened that say and he thought back to as he was taken away from his house he saw the bodies of his parents still as they had been that previous night. He wiped his tears away and stood up. He picked his violin and stood their humming out a sorrowful tune that ebbed and flowed as if to tell a story of many nights past.


Xavierson sat down against a willow tree in the land of Marind Bell, the tree was by a lake and the morning breeze gave the air a pleasant feel. He dropped his bag onto the ground and sat down. He got out his book and pen and continued writing.

I awoke the next morning with my tears dried across my face. I was lying on the ground facing towards the skies. It was a cloudless morning and the sun was still rising over the hills. In the distance I saw the man who had carried me away playing his violin. He was singing along with it as he went.

Hush, hush, time to be sleeping
Hush, hush, dreams come a-creeping
Dreams of peace and of freedom
So smile in your sleep, bonny baby

Once our valleys were ringing
With songs of our children singing
But now sheep bleat till the evening
And shieldings lie empty and broken

Hush, hush, time to be sleeping
Hush, hush, dreams come a-creeping
Dreams of peace and of freedom
So smile in your sleep, bonny baby

Where is our proud highland mettle
Our troops once so fierce in battle
Now stand, cowed, huddled like cattle
And wait to be shipped o'er the ocean

Hush, hush, time to be sleeping
Hush, hush, dreams come a-creeping
Dreams of peace and of freedom
So smile in your sleep, bonny baby

No use pleading or praying
For gone, gone is all hope of staying
Hush, hush, the anchor's a-weighing
Don't cry in your sleep, bonny baby

He finished the song and placed his violin back across his back. He gave a brief smile and turned slightly shocked to see me standing next to him. I just looked at the violin amazed by its music. I thought to myself that I wished I knew how to play something as wonderful as that. The song brought my mind to ease. I was still thinking about my parents but no longer did I have any feelings of hate or anger. I was calm. He just looked at me and smiled.

“Hey kid, did you like it?”

I just nodded still too amazed to reply with words. That violin fascinated me. Every aspect of it seemed magical and wondrous.

“Do you want a go?”

I stood there unable to say anything. I just smiled. He gave me the violin and I tried to play. The noise I made whilst playing could only be considered as a shriek made by demons themselves. I almost felt like crying again…

“Don’t worry; it took me years to learn how to play the violin this good. I’m sure you will get the hang of it on our travels.”

Then the realisation struck me. I knew nothing about this man. I mean he was one of the people that were with my parents when they died. How am I supposed to trust him? I mean my parents are dead and I’m been carried away on some journey.

“How am I supposed to trust you? I do not even know your name. All I know of you is that you can play the violin!”

I was shouting at the top of my lungs and birds in the nearby tree flew away. The man just looked at me and then got up and walked away. He took a few paces then turned his head and replied.

“Kid, I never asked you to trust me. If I were you I wouldn’t me but I have an obligation to your parents to look after you. You got that you little runt?”

“I’m not going anywhere until you tell me your name!” I screamed.

He moved over to where I was picked me up by the scruff of my neck lifting me off the ground and pulled my head up to his eye level. He drew me close and said.

“My name is Lucas. Now you going to complain anymore or am I going to have to drag you along with a rope…”

His last sentence scared me. I did not know him well enough to tell whether he was serious or not. I did not let my facial expression change but he was scary. Certainly not the man who gave me that blanket yesterday. Apart from the violin playing he seemed slightly on the evil side.

“Fine, no more questions for now but when we get to our next stop you will tell me more or I will hit you again…”

This was the rambling threat of a nine year old that held no real force behind it. I felt like the top dog so he put me down and I started walking. I couldn’t see his face but in hindsight im sure he was smiling as we walked along.

Xavierson smiled as he wrote that final line. Lucas was a nice man and his violin has been my one treasure in life. Xavierson looked upon the violin and patted it gently. He held a pendant that hung from his neck tightly. Inside it were the words Mum and Dad on each side. Xavierson closed the book and closed his eyes. He would continue writing later. For now he wanted to reminisce and dream.


Xavierson awakes and notices his violin is missing. He searches and sees it by the river a mysterious figure playing it. The same song he heard for the first time when he met Lucas. The figure did not have a solid body. He was a spirit. Xavierson just sat there listening to the music is friend and protector played. He just listened until it no longer played and he was alone again. He placed the violin back next to him.

Lucas and I strode into town with myself exhaustedly trying to keep up. We had easily covered half the lands of any country. My feet were sore and my head felt heavy. Despite this I kept marching forward alongside him. We reached the centre of the town where a festival was going on. Lucas stopped and went over to the fountain in the centre of the square. He sat down and placed a cap turned over on the ground. He got out his violin and began playing. It was beautiful music and as I sat next to him I noticed a crowd formed. It grew larger and larger. The crowd kept growing as he played his music.

Under yonder oaken tree,
Whose branches oft me shaded;
Elves and fairies dance with glee,
When day's last beam hath faded:
Then while the stars shine brightly,
So airy, gay and sprightly,
'Till Chanticleer tell dawn is near,
They trip it, trip it lightly.

Yet no trace of them is seen,
When morning rays are glancing,
Not one footprint on the green
Shows where the elves were dancing:
Oh! Where are they abiding?
In what lone valley hiding?
Come next with me and we will see
The fairies homewards gliding.

I watched as Lucas attracted more and more people and more of those people placed money into the cap in front of him. They kept placing money in till he stopped. Immediately the crowd dispersed and had vanished without a trace. It was like the crowd didn’t even realise they were listening. Lucas turned to me and said.

“Kid, do you remember me playing the violin just now.” His voice trailed off as he went about picking up the cap and placing the money inside his pouch.

“What do you mean ‘do you remember’? Of course I remember. Why what was so special about it...” I was looking at him as if he were crazy. He returned the look with a look of astonishment.

“Kid, you are a special one! Ha-ha!” he was smiling again.

“Kid, do you want to learn the violin?” I looked at him and just nodded my head.

“That would be awesome. I want to play like that!” I made a motion of playing the violin with my arm outstretched and my hand moving backwards and forwards across it.

“Ha-ha kid, I’ll teach you how to play the violin. Within five years I’m more than positive you will be a greater player than me!”

We both walked off and that night I had my first violin lesson as well as my first ale. I was very drunk that night... more than any nine year old should be. For the next three years Lucas taught me the wonders of the violin and day by day I grew better and better. My free time was consumed by the violin. By the age of twelve I had almost become as good a player as Lucas. He was a nice man and always seemed to smile when around his violin. It was fun. We travelled from town to town encapsulating audiences. More Lucas than me but I tried. We led this simple life and made many friends along the way. Then we reached the town that would soon become the grave site of my dear companion...

Lucas and I sat down near the town centre as per normal upon entering the square. The town seemed to be one of the rougher places we had visited in our time. There was very little to sell and what was there was of bad quality. Pickpockets could be seen around every corner. Lucas placed the cap upon the floor and began playing as he always would. The same crowd gathered and after he had finished they dispersed as they always would apart from one still standing there. He stood there as if repulsed by what he had just heard. He drew a knife upon us and we immediately withdrew from him. He spoke one sentence before charging at us.

“The Music of the Dead should never be palyed! Demon!”

I was unaware of what he spoke about but I was frightened anyway. I glanced at Lucas and he had a sorrowful face filled with anger and anguish. It was a face filled with dark memories. Lucas just stood there as the man got closer and closer. The man dived at Lucas at struck his heart with the knife. Blood trickled down his skin and his clothes soon became stained. He stood there as his life began to slowly leave him.

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I stood there in horror. My mind went cloudy and my eyes turned red I ran towards the man and smashed into him making him fall to the floor. The next few minutes in this time were scary for me. I do not really remember what happened. It was all a blur but I know that when I came out of it Lucas was on his knees and the man was beneath me bloody and dead. I ran over to Lucas and laid him upon the ground. I removed the knife from his chest and tended to the wound. He grabbed my hand and lifted his head.

“Boy, do not help me. I am a man that rightfully deserves to die.”

I gazed at him not understanding what he meant.

“I was killed by my own hand. Your father tried to stop me all those years ago. I tampered with something no one should ever have tampered with. Kid, I learnt the Song of the Dead. It is a cursed song that will control the minds of people around you. Your father told me not to use its powers but I was overcome with greed.”

“What are you saying...” I replied.

“It was my fault your father died.” Lucas said. He was speaking more incoherently as his time amongst the living grew shorter.

“He told me not to play that song. The night he died, I came over and played it to him with a few friends. The others seemed to lose their minds and went mad. By the time I had realised what had happened and stopped playing it was too late... Your parents were dead. I told the guys to leave the house in anger. I enacted revenge on them on the way back. It was my duty to......protect.........you.”

Lucas stopped speaking as the last words died in his mouth and his soul left his body. His hands grew cold and the blood stopped bleeding onto his clothes. I sat there hugging him. The rain began to fall. The townspeople went inside oblivious to what had happened. My clothes became drenched and the blood upon the ground washed away as if it was never there. I picked up his stuff. I placed the violin across my back. I bent down and picked Lucas up. He was a heavy man. I carried him to the edge of town and placed his body under a tree. All the while my tears mixed with rain and blood upon Lucas’ clothes. I sat next to his body and took out the violin. I adjusted its position and began playing.

Hush, hush, time to be sleeping
Hush, hush, dreams come a-creeping
Dreams of peace and of freedom
So smile in your sleep, bonny baby

Once our valleys were ringing
With songs of our children singing
But now sheep bleat till the evening
And shieldings lie empty and broken

Hush, hush, time to be sleeping
Hush, hush, dreams come a-creeping
Dreams of peace and of freedom....... 

I stopped playing tears streaming down my eyes. The one song I would never play again. I patted Lucas on the shoulder and hugged in once more. At the age of twelve I departed company from the man named Lucas and for seven more years I would continue to practice and play my violin.

That sad day when Lucas departed from me and I played the song he once sang I did not notice but my eyes turned red and all the animals near came to listen to my song. I did not notice but they sat intently and when the song was done they cried. The tree Lucas rested upon bent his branches and covered his body from the rain and let his body return to the earth. He would in the afterlife go and apologise to my parents. The Song of the Dead lived....

Xavierson closed the book once more. He patted his violin. He said a prayer and made off. His destination was one told in the beginning of this story. He went home.


I am around 5ft 9inches but I hope to grow some more. My hair is a golden brown and my eyes are also brown but do turn red sometimes. I have a sleek build and not much muscles but I am skilled in playing the violin. I know how to fight with a sword and a bow but there are many out there that would be able to best me in a fight. I love high places due to my childhood. I hate killing and will avoid it where all possible however if you hurt someone that is dear to me I will bring upon you all the fury I possess. It may not be much but I stand up for what I value. On the flip side if you are someone that is not close to me I will happily leave you unaided in whatever situation or predicament you may be in. I will avoid fighting with people but whether you love or hate me I do not mind. I love my violin and it is my most precious thing in the world. The pendant I carry around my neck is the second most precious thing I have. If someone tries to harm either of these things you will wish you had never met me. Despite not knowing so I have a condition which causes my eyes to turn a fiery red. This only happens when my emotions go out of control and when it happens I usually do not realise they have changed. I take life with a pinch of salt and live every day without a care. I am friendly to all and will offer a song to anyone who cares to listen. I will be playing in the Wind and Rain Pub every weekend until such time that I wish to move on in life. I wish to live a simple life without much occuring but past events have shown that my life is filled with misfortune. I am slightly shy at times not wishing to get close to others. I do not want anyone else to get hurt.

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Recurring Nightmare

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After travelling to my home I decided to travel the lands once more on my own. The last thing I recall is walknig along a road to the paper cabin when I awoke in a room with four walls and no apparent exits. My eyes were blindfolded and no of my valubles were on me. I was missing my jacket and shirt and my shoes had somewhat disappeared. It was a very scary moment for me. I had lost my violin. Lucas would descend upon me with all his fury for not looking after his valuble possession.

I fell back to sleep almost immediately and it felt like I had been asleep for a very long time. when I awoke once more the blindfold was gone that the room I seemed to have been trapped in had disappeared replaced by a festival of some sorts. This was more like my kind of place. everywhere I looked there were people dancing and having fun. Music was playing from all directions. It truly was brilliant. I suddenly noticed a single girl walked up to me. She told me her name was Marind. My mind flashed and raced as my memories came back to me. Marind...Marind where had I heard that before. It clicked all to suddenly. Marind Bell, the land named after its queen.

She cannot be the surely be the queen I thought to myself.

"I am the queen." she smiled at me. I sat there astonished.

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"Follow me" She said with a smile as she walked off. I got up and followed her my curiosity had peeked. She led me to an area where a celebration was taking place. I noticed i was sverely underdressed for the occasion. A man came out of the crowd and gave me a violin. the man disappeared almost immediately back into the crowd.

The crowd started chanting. "Play, Play. Play"

I looked back at Marind. This was all to sudden. I did not know what was going on. My mind raced faster and faster as the atmosphere of the festival drew me in. My vision grew short. It was just my violin and me now. The outside world seemed to be covered in a mysterious red mist. I could not see anything apart now except my violin. I began playing. My hand moving on its own. My mind balcked out once more.

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I woke up and I was under the tree I had once buried Lucas under. so many years ago. I felt something grabbing at me from beneath the ground. I lifted my back and turned to see what it was. A skeletal hand rose out from beneath the surface. It grabbed the grass and pulled itself out. The head rose from the dirt. It's decaying features catching on the mud ripping parts off. I looked frightened. I knew who it was. It was Lucas. His eyes were glowing a deep red and he spoke a single word.


He pointed at me. I was once again holding my violin. I began playing once more. The same song that I had played at that  festival I began playing again. A mysterious smoke enveloped me. Lucas was suddenly gone. I was alone playing my violin. It was dark. I was alone. I looked up. I saw a skull three times the size of my body launch itself at me. It closed it's teeth with me inside. All that remained was the darkness. 

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I woke up with a jolt. I was screaming and sweat wass pouring off me. I was inside the capital in one of the many inns. I shuddered as I recalled the dream. The same dream over and over again. No matter how hard I tried. It haunted me. What did I do to deserve so many nightmares. "I missed Lucas" I thought to myself. I held my violin close to my chest and waited for morning to come too fearful to return to the dreaming world.

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Some of my creatures
Aramor Assassin


When someone defines the word hate I think only of my violin. Whenever I feel upset or angry about something my violin will always bring me happiness. The wonderful life and memories I have had with my violin. I and it have travelled all across the lands playing our tunes to anyone who cares to listen. So to sum it up I hate no one at this time. Hate should be taken the same as love. The thing that you should really feel upset about is when someone is indifferent. A certain quote sums it all up and what my views are.

"The opposite of Love is not Hate, it is Indifference."

To love, to hate,
People are misled,
These are the same,
Yet Different,
To love, to hate,
To show emotion,
Better than nothing,
Indifference or hate,
I know which I would choose,

I through many years of training have become skilled in the art of the violin
I have gained access to Willow's Shop
I have completed the Berserker's Puzzle
I am knowledgable in the art of sword fighting
"Paper Shaper Contest Winner October 2009"

I wish to become as skilled as my mentor in the ways of the violin
Gain access to the mysterious realms of Loreroot
Learn the truth about vampires and complete the task given from *burns*

Song of the Dead - A song hidden in a song. If played the listener will lose track of reality and their mind will begin to break. Once the song has stopped of cannot be heard anymore then the listener reverts back to normal with no recollection of what occuered.
The Fiddler's Focus - A short burst of notes that if played correctly and in the correct amount of time set about increasing the traits of the user. The user will gain increased strength, speed and stamina.
"Dark Road Home" - A song with a very complicated verse. If the verse is sung correctly then the user will become encompassed by a dark mist. Once the mist clears so to does the user. If the song is sung incorrectly then the user will end up in a random location in alot of pain.
Illusionist's Screech - A short screech that hypnotises anyone listening. Their snese of reality is reversed and they lose their sense of direction. Where a path may once of existed will no longer be seen. Results vary on each individual as people's concept of reality varies.

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Page 386 - The Inner Sun - Noo.
No one contemplates a moment. He thinks about how his torment has abated for the short time he was helping. For that time, he feels as though the light within him was set free and the shadows were conquered... but not for long, as the shadows have since resumed their brutal assault against his psyche. No One sighs darkly, feelings of desperation returning. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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